
Nam Sang Mi Confirmed to Romance Lee Jun Ki in Joseon Gunman — 33 Comments

  1. Thank god for the female lead. I’m ok with any actress with potential unless It’s not Park shin hye who would come ruin every drama that I anticipate. Not here fortunately.
    Now I can’t wait to watch this show.
    Lee Jun ki <3

  2. Love her! I was scared it was going to be Park Shinhye. Sorry, but she just never fails to bore me and I’ve watched THREE of her dramas.

    • Drama gods blessed this show already.
      Say no to Park Shin hye LOL….just the sight of her makes me lose interest in anything I try to watch with her in it.

    • Y the hell did u watch 3 of her dramas if she bores u so much .there are plenty of dramas to watch . U waste ur time . Or is it that haters r ur biggest admirers is true for u ?

      • I watched the dramas she starred in because either I liked her co-stars or the plot/drama itself.
        I’m not the type to pass on a drama JUST because I don’t like so and so actor/actress. I care about plot FIRST, cast SECOND.

        Clearly in this case I was interested in the plot FIRST, so I was hoping the cast would also interest me as well.

        Haters are my biggest admirers? What. LOL. I know you’re butthurt, but I can express my opinion freely unless @ockoala finds it offensive as it’s her site.

  3. Relieved to see this casting decision.

    Airing in June? That’s great, because right now, next to Secret Love Affair, I’m unable to watch any of the ongoing shows. Stopped Empress Ki after ep 39, Bride of the Century paled in comparison and I ff-ed most of the last eps, stopped In A Good Way in the middle of 21, stopped God’s Gift after ep 9 (although I LOVE Jo Seung Woo) etc. etc. etc. SLA what did you do to me?!

  4. yep… Lee junki-nam sangmi
    lee dong wook – lee da hae
    jang hyuk – jang nara

    I dont know whats happening in kdrama. but the pair up the couples ones again in new drama. is that a forbidden thing to pair up the couple of a drama to another.

    but no matter what the reason I’m looking forward their new drama.

  5. Great news!
    I am probably one of two people who couldn’t finish Princess Man – the start was great but everything later was just too too too too unfair, I didn’t want to watch all that suffering and crying.

    The switch to modern clothes is a bonus. LJK in sageuk garb is nice, but LJK in suits is heaven.

  6. OMG YESSSSSSSSSS !!!!!! This is my fave OTP a few years back. They did an absolutely great job in TBDAW and directly mad it one of my top drama lists. I hope this one can be awesome as well <333

  7. Yippeeee! Man I was totally worried that they were gonna cast someone bad and then I wouldnt be able to watch Lee Jun Ki in allnhis glory. I loved TBDAW and since its in the hands of the The Princess Man PD I am not worried too much. I want to be as awesome or even better than Jejoongwon which is still one of my top 5 dramas. Fighting!

  8. Thank you dramagw gods! I’m so excited!
    Can we just skip May?! Cant wait for June!
    I’m hoping that this kdrama will receive much love 🙂

  9. Thank you drama gods! I’m so excited!
    Can we just skip May?! Cant wait for June!
    I’m hoping that this kdrama will receive much love 🙂

  10. I was still having my hope up that it will not be NSM…sigh!! Everyone seem so happy with this news except me!! Please let it be less romance then. =P

  11. sageuk to modern ?
    so….hw about a sageuk kiss then later a very hot kissess ala TBDAW ?
    haiiish…….makes me itchy to watch…
    lets skip May altogether

    • The Princess Man had some pretty hot kisses. Hopefully this one will as well. It’s hard remembering TPM because of the main actor now. Sadly.

  12. I’m so happy for the news. Nam SangMi is far too better than any one that’s been rumored for the leading actress role. I can’t explain how much I can’t wait to see Lee Joon Gi again on my screen!! Fighting for the most anticipated Sageuk of this year!!!

  13. dont thin PSH would work out for this dreama. so glad she drop out.
    hope this time atound they will have a happy ending. still piss that they did not end up together in TBDAW.

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