
You’re All Surrounded Episode 5 Recap — 21 Comments

  1. Urgh that prosecuter is annoying! He is also overon angel eyes wrecking havoc so I really dont like him!

    Thank you for your speedy recap! I dont have time to watch this drama since I have exams so im relying on recaps to keep me going. Hopefully it will get better, maybe the writer will get the hint?

  2. I decided to give up on this series 2 weeks ago. A lot of the slapstick comedy always seems forced and it’s rather tiring to watch at times.

  3. Thank for recap. More many time to want give up but however i’m alway check it’s updated. Thank to all casts make own stories to more better. I maybe keep time for it again.I’m feel more next better episode. Seriousely, i’m suprise how writer to write part of kiss chest . How feel of them? Ara- seunggi, haha..

  4. I want to see more bonding of P4 and romance between Dae Gu and Soo Sun. Writer-nim, if you want to make Soo Sun Dae Gu’s roommate, you better do it sooner.
    And Seung Gi in the shower scene is<3
    It's rival his buble bath in TK2H. 🙂

  5. I’m STILL intrigued by the depth and ferocity of your condemnation of YAAS’s lapses of credibility while you heap praises on the far more ludicrous Doctor Stranger. This is not a criticism, as I’m loving both shows, I’m just genuinely curious why one gets a vicious tongue-lashing and the other not only gets no criticism but instead gets showered with praise. It’s an enigma that fascinates me, since in terms of the possible and the credible YAAS at its worst is almost pure documentary compared to Doctor Stranger at its best.

    • I don’t find doctor stranger more entertaining than this but that doesn’t mean koala has to as well. It really comes down to personal likes.

      • Oh, I agree. I’m not criticising her choices, or implying she has no right to make them, I’m just trying to understand them. Last week her posts about this Drama were some of the angriest I’ve ever read on this site, yet at the same time, she was praising the far more ridiculous Doctor Stranger. It may well be a purely visceral and entirely subjective reaction, but the contrast fascinates and intrigues me.

    • From the get-go, Dr Stranger had a unreal NK premise and some genius doctor who can diagnose expertly by simple touch and viewers who can buy into such ludicrious plot from the get-go would not have question the impossibilities as the episodes progress.

      YAAS is a cop drama with a tragedy as a backstory that could happen in real life. So viewers naturally watch it with a sense of realism and do not expect it to be out of the world.

      What I can’t understand is why you persist to question Koala’s on her opinions. Koala does not compare the 2 dramas the way you seemed to.want her to and I don’t see why she needs to justify her likes and dislikes for each drama. Your persistent line of questioning while you like to claim is with pure curiosity and objectivity, comes across as the exact opposite.

    • LET IT GO, my goodness. It’s not that freaking serious. Do you go around all the time trying to figure out so hard why someone thinks in a way or has an opinion you don’t understand and agree with? Is this a sort of way to live? If it bothers you THAT much, just skip her YAAS recaps.

      Even if she did explain anything to you, you probably still wouldn’t agree or understand and probably noone’s opinion would change. You’re making it such a big deal.

    • Dear Stuart,
      I share your curiosity. Bloggers can say whatever, but we readers can also ask questions, can’t we? I don’t expect a rational answer, however, as there is hardly any when taste is involved.

    • I’m not purposely skirting your query, @Stuart. I honestly don’t have the time to lay out my differing critiques about YAAS v. DS, especially since I didn’t compare them alongside each other and made contradictory statements. My substantiated views on each in the recaps explain why I think a certain way and really that’s that. It’s easy to ask why I like drama A but not B if you think the reasoning behind it appears contradictory, but I don’t believe it is, so I don’t find the need to explain myself on this particular question especially due to my time constraints when it is better served elsewhere. I guess it boils down to I don’t think the comparison you raised is an enigma to begin with.

      • Thank you. I am just a nosey old man, and when something catches my interest, I like to find an answer. That said, I did not expect an answer, and sincerely appreciate your courtesy in giving me one. If it sounded like I was pestering you for one, I apologise. It really was nothing but idle, if intense curiosity, and I’m please that it irritated you much less than it did some of your other readers

      • I’m not irritated at all. ^^ I wish I had more time chatting with commenters and being way more active in threads the way it was when I was merely a drama watcher and not a blogger.

  6. I love both Cha Seung Won and Lee Seung Gi but unless they change a lot this was my last episode. I can’t stand it, I don’t know how to defend it anymore. Horrible acting, the level of stupidity on those 3 rookies is unforgivable. I am a fan of cop shows, Hawaii five O, Criminal Minds, NCIS, this guys are not even on a parody level close to those shows I get it drama not TV Show, Korea the US but after watching good cop shows this makes me mad. I get the prosecutor (whom I believe is the one working with DG his name starts with S and the way he looked at him maybe) but this poor leader has so many people yelling at him from all over even his ex wife who can’t make a line between personal and professional life. It is a train wreck with a predictable ending. I love predictable and dumb if it doesn’t get me so upset, as this does. I can’t stand any of the characters. Not even a shower scene can distract me from the horror.

    • I think I’ve watched too many crime shows because the way they butcher crime scenes and gather evidence makes me cringe. I might drop it after this week. The crime stories are kinda boring and I’m just not feeling the male/female leads either.

  7. I gave this a try and just can’t get into it. CSW is one of my favorites but I might have to let it go. Guess I can watch City Hall again to get my CSW fix.

  8. excuse me but ur wrong at some points,.. dont know wat u have against Soo sun but she has quite a strong, cute character, she makes u adore her eventually! its the best going on drama so far in my opinion, so FAR better than Doctor Stranger, im Loving it n many ppl also will agree with me, It has a thrill dat hooks u eventually.. someone here said dat just stop reading the recaps here, but i think the recaps shudnt be given if they are to be this ridiculous.. Please provide a recap not a hate speech.. well here’s a readers opinion .

  9. If someone can help me to find the sound in ep 5 in the background when CSW and Prosecutor Han talk ^^’

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