
You’re All Surrounded Episode 6 Recap — 7 Comments

  1. definitely the most touching episode in a lot of ways. I felt for the victim kid, I felt for panseok’s kid who never got to experience life, I felt for the reality of detective life where it’s mostly sleepless nights of cluelessness and wanting to help victims, of having to abide by the law despite the unfairness of the real world.

    really touching episode. more awww to the driver who wanted surgery for his sister and the sister going, “I’d rather die than you becoming a bad person because of me.”

  2. Next plots make me excited for waiting. Kiss ..or ah .. For shut her mouth but still it ‘s kiss . Haha.

  3. oh gosh and when panseok was watching a video of his son and his son said, “dad you’ve been shot you have to die” and panseok tries to act as if he’s getting shot she watching the video. Gaaahhhhh that was so freakng sad.

  4. My heart skipped a bit when I watched the unexpected kiss. Now I can feel them. Bring on the romance AND the bromace.

    Ps. I looove seeing Seung Gi in glasses.

  5. love this episodes, relief the ratings is increasing and feel relief too with Ms Kaola intro and “thoughts of mine”, its a good one…another 7 days waiting

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  7. This ep 6 is definitely a step up from ep 3-5, which is a relief as I really do not want to drop any of Seung Gi’s drama.

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