
Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi Still Going Strong with Rumors of Impending Marriage and/or Baby — 12 Comments

  1. I really happy to read your post on any relation of LONGSHI. I personally fave this couple out of a lot of other C-couples. I don’t know but something about them that are very endearing and warmth. Now thinking about it, that 16 age different is merely a gap. They look as compatible as any couple with only 3-6 years different. Thank you forever youthful Nicky and I bless you with many many kids with this lady love of yours. LONGSHI is just that precious!!

  2. They got married yesterday! 20 Jan in Beijing!! They only registered their marriage without any fuss, but they got married!! Now I want to know what she wore and how he proposed…(credit news to Linggluu)

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