
My Spring Days Episode 2 Recap — 6 Comments

  1. Thanks jomo for recapping from the beginning 😀
    This was the episode that cemented my love for the se3ries. Everything worked, from their banter on Udo island, to the kids and neighbours delight, to the various names she gave him……………. Everything

    I have seen this particular episode about 5ce and i love it more with each watch.
    Thanks so much once again Jomo

  2. Thank you so much for all those recaps. You are amazing 🙂

    I really loved that episode. As you said, it’s like a perfect romcom’s episode. The bickering scenes of Bom Yi and Dong Ha are gold and you can tell he has already fallen for her when he was smiling sweetly at her during dinner, was disappointed when she left and hoped for more during the phonecall. This is the where I knew I would be #TeamDongha, haha. For real, Kam Woo Sung is doing such a wonderful job with his character. And I am really proud that Sooyoung is holding her own too 🙂 I really like Bom Yi’s personality. Like taking her dress off because he said so. Talking back because she doesnt want to lose to him. If I was a man, I would fall for her too. Plus the woman is gorgeous even with the most simple clothes haha. For real, I reallu like it when she has her hair down. The bright browned hairstyle really compliments her lovely and rounded face ! And yeah, I think this is the Sooyoungster inside me talking :P.
    OMO, I almost forget the kids. I really love them and how they interact with their father. I know they are going to make an awesome family with BY and I really cant wait for it to happen 😀

    • I have watched this one the most, I think, because it really sparkles.

      As much as I praise the actors who brought this dialog to life, I have to credit the writer(s), too. They managed to make it funny without trying to hit us over the head with the humor. If you listen to the background music of her going into her “I’m too attractive” speech, it isn’t cartoon-punch-line’s-a-comin’, but supports the ruse that what she is saying is about some sad health issue. It stops abruptly just as the table realizes she’s totally joking. There’s a pause, and Dong-ha: “Well, then, suit yourself” drops in the punchline perfectly.

      And the talk at the rock? It’s all there.
      Whatever happens in all of the other 16 episodes, that conversation and the emotions they shared with each other will be what binds them. I marvel at how easy the two actors make it look. It helps that they seem to genuinely get a kick out of the other. Also, I give Kam a lot of credit for being such a generous co-star. He can be pretty damn powerful and could overwhelm her, but she has all the space she needs to shine.

  3. A big YES to everything in this recap jomo.
    This episode really is a standout.
    All the parts you highlighted were delightful, I remember a scene with Poo Reum glaring at DH trying to force him to say Thank You for the seaweed soup. That scene was funny and yet so natural and lovely cos. I really love the kids in this drama. They have characters and are 3 dimensional also. Beautiful

  4. Hi there, Jomo! What a great recap 🙂 Thank goodness for your completist tendencies because we get to read more of your great writing.^^

    I come late to this drama because Viki and DramaFever don’t have it. I watched episode one yesterday on but then had to impatiently wait while it was down and re-emerged as soompi.TV

    I am enjoying all aspects of this drama even though the premise seemed old, right down to the title, but the authenticity and sincerity of the acting (LOVE Kam Woo Sung) of all the characters make it my current favourite drama. And I have a backlog of 6 episode to still enjoy.^^

    Thanks again for your recap 🙂

    • You are very sweet to say that – I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and give us your thoughts.

      I am jealous that you can enjoy the other six all fresh and new. I am feverishly working to do 3 and 4 this week. Oddly, I don’t mind the grind since rewatching the eps is part of my “duty.”

      KWS, sigh. He is a man, isn’t he? I love how at the end this episode, we see how he “pretties” himself up for her – hair gel and all – but still looks rumpled. We haven’t had a romantic lead like him in a while to swoon over. What haven’t I said already? Genuine and so capable of loving.

      Maybe the positive reactions from the viewers will attract DF or viki’s attention so it’ll be more easily accessed. I think this series is a gem. Not a high budget, high profile one, but a very sweet and satisfying tale.

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