
My Spring Days Episodes 15 and 16 Recap — 38 Comments

  1. *Crying quietly*
    Thanks for this beautiful recap Koala!
    It was a painful but also hopeful ending, providing food for thought and emotional catharsis.

  2. Thanks so much Jomo for this beautiful labor of love.
    Firstly, I’m so sorry for your Real Life issues. We all need an escape in drama land to make us feel better
    Reading your recap made me feel a better but I am still cut up about the ending.
    It was however one of the best dramas I have seen in so far.

    And I also feel your quibble, we need more passion in ajeossi romances. It’s unfair the way it’s handled

  3. Thank you for the recap. I love this show. I love their relationship on screen. Like you my only beef is the lack of passionate kissing. I don’t know whose idea it was to have them kiss like they were in 2nd grade, but it did a disservice to the actors and of course the viewers.

    Dong ha got more mouth action in the first episode than he did the other 15. Remember that Scene he gave bom yi mouth to mouth after he rescued her. That is the closet he ever got to have her mouth open. That is a shame because their love was true love and it deserved to be a passionate one too.

    If I am lucky I will get a reunion of those two actors sooyoung and woosung soon, and they will have 5 bed scenes to make up for how we were cheated of seing their in screen chemistry make our monitors go supernova.

    My spring day is a keeper.

    • u know even that m/mouth scene may not be real if u recall we only saw full portion of his head bending down so he may not even touched her lips! i agree it did a disservice to us viewers coz come on she’s not a 16 yr old actress, she’s in her mid 20s right? it won’t hurt to have a passionate kiss & i myself was baffled with that why the direc did not go with that, we can only assume SY was not keen on that coz KWS is half her age but listen SY you’re bound to be kissed in other dramas even if the actor is your age, that’s one thing missing in this drama, it wasn’t realistic for them to just kissed as u said like they’re in 2nd grade :))

      • “assume SY was not keen on that coz KWS is half her age” – since she’s 24, that would make him 12, so I’m going to assume you mean twice her age. He’s not quite, but closer to twice her age than half.

    • I will watch that drama and all of the bed scenes!

      Kissing like a 2nd grader, indeed. What a waste of lips. Bad drama kisses make me angrier that evil second leads do.

      I forgot to point out that BY started wearing one of DH’s big wool sweaters. It prolly smelled really good, too!
      If anyone finds one like it, let me know. I will definitely buy one, making sure it is just about KWS’s size.

      • @jomo thanks for taking one for the team. Like others, I couldn’t watch the end. It was too painful and like you, it seems that in our every day life, we encounter stories of loss, illness and great pain. We (I) want happy endings in my dramas. Love, passion all of the stuff that helps me escape the vagaries of life. So, its often with trepidation that I open up and play roulette (gamble) with good dramas to see if they have outcomes that make me smile instead of cause me to blow snot bubbles and wear sunglasses the next day to work. I was a fan of this couple and wanted a happy ending. I appreciate your insight into Asian Culture in regards to views on death. It has always puzzled me, that when we most want a happy ending for our beloved characters, they meet with unfortunate circumstances. Sad endings don’t necessarily make me see my life in a better light. They just dim and shadow what could be a more beautiful and happy day filled with hopefulness. Anyway, my comment regarding the kissing. SY is practically engaged to Jung Kyung Ho….does anyone remember his hot scene in Heartless City. I don’t think 2nd Grade kissing is his style and further more…I thought that KWS was a pretty hot guy!

    • I watched the last scene from Sooyoung’s Dating Agency Cyrano which Minyoung, who is already in a relationship with SeoByung, kisses him lightly (like they were in 2nd grade) and smiled shyly to stop him from talking before the guy pulled her back to give her a real passionate kiss-a kiss from a long time loving couple.

      I think in this sense perhaps there is a cultural difference in it. The long ‘peek’ (standard) kiss is viewed as a kiss full with politeness and softness from each other without any sexual/lust intention from both. Usually, you’ll get to see this in Asian dramas in their first time kissing (depending on the guy’s character, the younger impatient ones tends to give a deep kiss right away even on their first meet). This is very different from people in Western World where these type of kisses are sometimes given to a close friends with no feelings attached.

      I have to point out about the scene. The ‘wedding ceremony’ that Bomyi created herself in her hospital room was a surprise for him because she wanted to be his wife as soon as possible. She made her vows, said to him ‘now you may kiss the bride’ and he followed. In Asian countries where kissing in public isn’t considered as appropriate, it’ll appear a bit unsuitable to kiss ‘way too much’ in front of their relative and friends (but some families nowadays doesn’t care much about this). Dongha’s standard kissing Bomyi is the type of kiss you’ll get in a wedding from very strict traditional families. And there’s probably another reason why the director decided that way is because Bomyi is a sick patient who is depress with her health state, and Dongha himself doesn’t really favor her impromptu wedding although he completely understands her reasons. His emotion was full with sorrow and weakness knowing that he couldn’t do anything to get her health back to normal when she vows in front of him. He loves her dearly but the moment caught him off guard and he ends up crying so bad alone outside the room before coming in again to check on Bomyi. In this sense, Dongha kissing her passionately doesn’t seems right.

      • I agree with your take on the wedding scene.
        But what about later? They were alone often in private.

  4. [Spoiler]

    While I understand that they couldn’t have just made a miraculous mechanical heart transplant to save Bom-yi, I was heartbroken that after spending so much time making the viewers feel complacent that Bom-yi was actually okay they suddenly brought up hints of heart rejection and colds and what not in the last 4 episodes. I was filled with a sense of foreboding soon after I read Kam Woo-sung’s letter to the viewers. To tell you the truth, I didn’t watch episode 16. I couldn’t.

    Totally agree with how Dong Ha was emasculated towards the end. The kiss was just…why even bother making a drama about a couple with an age-gap then!!!! People are physical beings! Of course Bom-yi and Dong-ha were physically attracted to each other, so show it!

    I understand that after already being through one heart transplant and all the pain that entailed, Bom-yi would well not want to go through another one. But! I don’t watch dramas to remind me of reality. I know how hard reality is and that life is a struggle. I feel like I’ve been burned for watching a melodrama with so many realistic touches. The finale just depressed me and I railed against death in my head. I won’t ever be okay with how this series ended and will choose to remember the earlier episodes rather than the latter half. I won’t ever be watching a melodrama again.

  5. thnx,u shed some light on how they showed fr epis 1 & last epis about the boy guiding her blind mother, so that answered my question on what the significance of those 2 scenes….wow she was an amazing young woman! i also agree with you that in the last scenes DH was more calmer than when his wife died, i can only assume that he was more prepared this time for BY since it gave him more time to reflect on what ifs than when soo jeong died it was very sudden & of course too shocking for him! likewise i cried too but reading a lot of comments as to why they came to accept this ‘unique’ ending as Mr Kam said so i guess one of the reasons would be that she died with dignity, it was not in vain! DH was at peace bc he knows BY won’t be suffering anymore than she should! i luv their story, a short time together but it seemed to have lasted as if she was still around bc of the memories she left behind, she was a very sweet unselfish young woman who only knew how to love unconditionally! she cld’ve fallen for a man her age but she was v blessed to have fallen for Dong ha!

  6. Awwww Jomo you made me go all emotional read this recap!!! I would probably be an emotional wreck if I had watched this drama, like the whole ugly-crying thing I did during Stairway to Heaven.

  7. Dear Jomo,

    You being MIA after the broadcast hinted at some type of devastation. After all had you not written in your previous recap: “If Poo-reun ain’t happy, ain’t no Jomo happy”?

    Somehow my inner urge to soothe your pain and grief has yielded to your mention of the Psalm 23 which says it all and points to the Comforter as the fittest Person to mend your heart.

    • Thanks for your soothing. It’s working.
      I am still so sad, but at least I’m not angry anymore.

      PR will grow up to be fabu, I am sure. She has her awesome father, and Pretty Grandmother and My Grandmother, not to mention Uncle Dong-wook’s Girlfriend to surround and love her. Her memories of BY were sweet, I really do believe that no Poo-reuns were harmed in the ending of this drama.
      Now that I have run this through my CPU, I can’t imagine an ending where BY lives.

  8. Thank you, jomo, for putting closure on this drama. I’m still devasted, but your explanation of the ending has helped. I probably would not have watched this drama if I had known how it would end, but there were so many clues from the start that I should have been prepared. The leads are separated even in the drama poster. Truly a beautiful drama, but heartbreaking. Thanks again, thanks for enduring the pain in order to write the recap. Hugs to all…

  9. You are my hero, Jomo! Three days later and I’m still a mess. I ‘get’ the ending and all, but I really, really, really like stories that tie up nicely at the end with everyone happy and healthy. It didn’t click for me that this was a melodrama for quite a few episodes, and by that time I was hooked (on KWS) and didn’t want to leave it half way through. Trust me, if I wasn’t happily married for 31 years, I’d ‘volunteer for the job’ too! 😉 This drama stands out among the very best. Beautifully written, beautifully acted, beautifully directed. Like the rest of you, I wanted a real kiss, for him to just lay one on her. He hardly even touched her. could he not have wrapped her in an embrace?!?! I know she was sick, but really? She didn’t want to kiss him? I know I’m rambling, but I feel like I need hours of therapy, and lots and lots of hugs. It’s so hard to say goodbye…

  10. Reading your recap makes me cry all over again, this drama is definitely a keeper and I am so so glad to have spent 16 hours of my life watching this masterpiece. The ending to me was peaceful and beautiful. This drama has taught me to cherish my everyday life, to live life to the fullest with no regret and meaning of true love. Well, it also introduced me to the ever hot Ahjuicy, KWS why didn’t I know you earlier? Please come back to our Tv or movie screen sooner. THanks Jomo for your wonderful recap , I have enjoyed reading them .

  11. Dear Jomo, thank you so much for the recaps. I’m glad you did both 15 & 16 together. I saw 15 and 16 again back to back and the journey was as heartbreaking but not as desolate as watching it singularly.

    I too thought that Bom Yi had passed away peacefully in Dong Ha’s arms. I agree that the OT scene was symbolic – in that Bom Yi was moving on and blessing others and Dong Ha was able to let her go knowing that Bom Yi was at peace. It only made sense that Bom Yi being blessed by a donor would herself want to be a donor.

    I also think that the ending was inevitable. Bom Yi was a heart transplant patient and rejection is a reality and can strike anytime. It is a constant battle for the host body not to reject the donor heart.
    I guess we all just hoped that Bom Yi and Dong Ha would be able to have a little more time together than what they had. I mean we have all watched enough kdramas which had a “what the heck just happened” ending and some implausible contortions of logic to serve the whims and fancies of netizens kinds of ending – But, I’m glad MSD did not go there but instead ended more ‘uniquely’.

    Personally, this drama has stayed in my heart and mind longer than most – when usually I brush off a drama and move on to the next. I think for me, this is because Bom Yi and Dong Ha became so real to me while watching them that their hopes and dreams and love and loss became mine. And so I grieve at the loss but I am heartened by the love and healing and hope.

    Kudos to Soo Young and Kam Woo Sung. The man is a tour de force!!

    • One more thing – about the wedding and all – my take is that Bom Yi had the wedding in this manner as she felt time was running out. Although Dong Ha had told her to recover and they’d have a wedding – I think Bom Yi knew she had very little time left. Thus it was a poignant moment and I bet Dong Ha could barely keep it together much less think of kissing her more passionately. That he should break down completely after kinda indicates how much self control he had to exercise during the wedding.

      Also later, we are not shown, but Dong Ha had mentioned to Dong Wook how often Bom Yi was collapsing and how much weaker she seemed to be as the days go by. So I think everyday was a battle to keep her alive and every breath needed to be fought for. I guess this might dampen ardor. I like that we got Dong Ha sitting or lying on the bed with Bom Yi, snuggling and such – especially after the wedding when he has more ‘licence’ to do so. And I think Bom Yi drew strength merely from his presence and nearness.

      oh my, I’m gonna cry again.

    • Yes, I did 15/16 together thanks to your brilliant suggestion to combine them!

      There weren’t a lot of events all told in both. It is much more interesting this way.
      Plus it would have been impossible not to hint at the end while writing 15 only.

      At first I thought that his helping her to the top of the windy hills was about him helping her find the will to survive. Later I realized it was to help her do whatever she decided she wanted to to. Whether it was live or die well. His encouragement got her through all the preparations, the saying good-bye, and getting her parents’ permission to move on.
      I worry about DH being able to face a world without BY and he only knew her months. The gaping hole she will leave with her parents is ten times larger. Having PR and BD will help them immensely.

  12. Hi jomo. Firstly, I am so sorry for your real life pain and loss. I have been quietly following this drama and your recaps all this time. I am not as enamoured with bom yi as you are but I do love the two men in this show and of course, poh reum.

    I love that you pointed out the difference in how Asians and westerners view death. I think there are fundamental differences in some deep issues that would be difficult for the western mind to grasp. I really hope that doesn’t come across condescending!

    As always, your recaps were able to capture the tone and soul of the drama perfectly. Thank you for your time and effort.

  13. Jomo, thank you for recaps. I don’t think DH was a saint but more of a father to BY during the last episodes. At least that was the vibe I got. She was trying to be a woman to him but his look told a different story; he was sorry for her and wanted to take care of the sick girl he loved. There was not much meat in the last episodes – mostly flashbacks and sorrys and good byes.

    I honestly cringed when he asked her to walk uphill – the dying heart patient on a brink of a fatal heart problem! But this is a drama, whatever. As someone pointed in soompi thread, with the heart and lung failure, the vital organs lose oxygenation and fail as well, becoming unsuitable for donation. Again, the drama is not grounded in the reality but wants to teach lessons.

    I am thankful that it’s finally over, the kids and grandmother were reunited, the little brother was disabused from the notion that a woman he loved left him because he was worthless, and BY’s parents stopped forcing their child to endure more suffering, instead they respected her wishes to let go. There was no villain identified, maybe TIME itself. If the time was measured in days or years, it was too short, if the time was measured in the depth of feelings and experiences, it was endless.

    I am with you on waiting for more project for KWS.

    • As far as the Windy Hills climb, I am quoting what Klnoona wrote on twitter because it made me laugh out loud when I was sobbing. “that honeymoon sucked, lol. There was one point on the hill where I thought he was actually trying to hurry up her demise.”

      KWS stayed awesome when the story went mushy. That is not easy to do.

  14. Thank you. Thank you, Jomo, for your end thoughts have alleviated somewhat, my heart break at the end of this beautiful show. Coming from ep 15, I had high expectations that the lovely BomHa couple will have a happy ending, TOGETHER. Bom Yoi’s conquest of Windy Hills at the end of ep 15 to me, was a metaphor of her overcoming her illness. Yes, illness makes her life difficult, it’s a struggle, but with the help and support (lots) of her man-lover Dong Ha, it can be overcome, to be rewarded with a life more beautiful than the scenic beauty from atop the hill, hinted at by their loving happy photos together, recorded by Gil Dong and screen-capped by you. GAAAAHH! Neither happy ending nor hot passionate kisses, did we get for this lovely couple. 🙁

    It felt like I had been strung along by writer nim, that ep 15 end. Until one consider the blind woman scene at finale’s end is the same scene at opening of the show – writer nim had the ending planned from the word go, confirming what others have posted before, that this is well-written, thoroughly thought-out show. Only I was too much the romantic optimist to ignore the ending hints.

    I have loved Bom Yi and Dong Ha, individually and together, and yes, I love Poo Reun too – that cool, level-headed, mature-for-her-age young girl and smart to boot, and I love the actors giving life to these characters. All the show’s characters and actors, in fact. Until 15, I’ve watched each episode at least 3 times, if not 4 or 5, so much did I love it. The Finale twice, the first impatiently RAW, leaving me dumbfounded and second, subbed, confirming my misery. After your recap, I may steel myself for a third viewing, coloured now by your perspective.

    And that last ‘Anyeong’ – the saddest goodbye EVER; simple, fuss free and oh, so heart-wrenching!

    Thanks again Jomo, for your recaps and the commentators, for sharing your views throughout the series.

    Am hoping that you feel well soon. Keep your chin up! Time heals.

    P.S. – Tying the shoes together, is it a Korean thing? 😀

  15. “Let SK lose their minds over the age difference for once. Take a chance, network execs! Secret Love Affair did”

    No it didn’t, not really. In the current K Drama environment, there’s a HUGE difference between a Drama about a woman in her 40s pairing up with a man in his 20s (wish fulfilment for every ahjumma watching) to the other way round. Those same ahjummas really don’t like the idea of men the same age as their husbands getting to be paired off romantically with hot young things in their 20s

    I actually think this Drama did a really good job of fighting that resistance to the extent it was able. Yes, I would have liked to see more, but given the reaction to PMAI, when a similar age gap was so widely resisted that the writers caved in and destroyed the Drama by bringing back the dead wife and killing the romcom, this Drama did show us them falling in love, and “marrying” A brave first step, perhaps, to shifting audience perception of ajeossi romance.

  16. Thank you very much for your beautiful recap, I was reading the recaps from your page and other pages too , I enjoyed them all and I learned alot from you. Some people may say this kind of love doesn’t exist?! Well, actually I think it is very rare but it does exist . My cousin struggled for 9 years facing all bad circumstances just to save his very sick wife , he prayed day and night for a miracle to happen , They have four children , I always said that this should be called true love doing what you can do for the person you love and share your life with , although my cousin’ wife died early this year He feels a little peace because he done his best to help her…
     I loved Dong-Ha and Bom-Yi for their pure love and that they chose to live together as husband and wife even if it was for one day … I will miss them so much and I will pray to find that kind of true love in my life someday wish it will be soon .. 
    Thank you 고맙습니다

  17. thanks jomo for the wonderful recap. I have not gotten to watch this show but come back weekly for your take on it. let me say that I cried ugly sobbing tears reading your heartfelt take on the story. it is so heartwrenching, this story and now i’ll go and marathon it.

    thanks for your labour of love in this!

  18. Thank you once again for your excellent recaps. I will admit it seemed like Bom Yi was wheeled into surgery for organ harvesting. The ending completely freaked me out, leaving me alternately stunned and horrified for days. I had no business watching this drama. My son’s close friend in grade school had a heart transplant at birth…it bought him 14 years before it failed. He survived a second transplant, only to be sickened by the anti-rejection drugs and he passed away 6 months later. My son lost all faith in God, it’s never returned.
    I do want to thank you for the article on Asian vs. Western views on death. It certainly explains why there is such diverse reaction to the ending of MSD. The real miracle was that BY’s death ended up bringing the families together. In my experience with a recent death in my own family, I believe the opposite is usually the case; a death further fractures and divides an already difficult family situation.

    • I am sorry about that boy. I can’t imagine the pain losing him after all that hope.
      I hope your son can find peace somehow. Poor baby.
      Thanks for your comment.

  19. Loved this drama! How did I miss it when it was airing? I would have voted it for melo of the year award! One of those dramas that stays with you. The chemistry between the two leads was wonderful and believable; I had never seen either before. Sooyoung was adorable. Kam Woo-Sung…well, wow and then wow! Restores my faith that Korean men can look good past their 30s. Hope to see more of him.

  20. Thank you Jomo for your excellent recaps.I´m still trying to get over to the sad ending. I’m still watching this drama over and over. I think is a kind of addiction to this couple… I even wrote a second part with a happy ending to
    overcome the sadness.Annyeong!

  21. I know this is very late but I’m watching MSD again(this time with my mother who guessed correctly that Bom Yi will die) and I can’t help but to feel sad again for BomHa.???. At least for the second time around, I can accept the ending with more peaceful mind than last year ? (I cried watching the ending ????) Just like Dong Ha. ahaha.

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