
Kyou wa Kaisha Yasumimasu Episode 5 Recap — 28 Comments

  1. I’m loving this drama so much. It’s making me wish it aired twice a week, it’s Korean counterparts but where is the fun in it.

    The subbing has been slow and but I’m reading the recaps and waiting patiently, even if by reading the recaps I’m spoiling the story for myself.

    I just wish dramas like these were watched by a lot more people so that there is more interest and subs would be quicker.

    Keep it up subbers and Koala. We really appreciate your work.

  2. I miss Yu…..(pun intended)
    He could be the second male lead for this and I’d still root for him till the final episode.
    Yu challenges Hanae in a lot of things that makes her a changed woman..even when they always argue the moment they met.
    But when she argues with Yuto,all she does is mope around…until she met Yu.
    So,to not root for Yu & Hanae is just impossible for me.
    Even if Yuto is a cute young man.

    Thanks for the recap too!

  3. Thanks Koala for the update.

    So conflicted after this episode. While I loved sexy as hell Yu,I really felt Yuto was the better match for Hanae temperament wise. But now seeing Yu and Hanae being mature but still playful with each other and not too mention looking absolutely perfect together … But looks like Hanae’s heart is still set on Yuto and if that’s what she wants, can’t fault her. But,but, but isn’t it best to be with the person, you can be the most yourself with … Urghh, so confusing.

    • Hanae’s Mamoru – hahahaha..

      God, that dog has such character. His expressions are class. And just love the way he nails himself flat refusing to walk if pushed.

      And one thing that peeves me is that Yuto never calls Hanae first if they have a misunderstanding. She is the one to make the first move and he goes all understanding mush on her after. I felt it in the crunchie episode and in this ep he coolly goes off to meet his friends and again it is she who makes the first move to make up.

  4. Gawd, Tamaki Hiroshi <3 Rawrrrrr! Thank you again for the lovely screencaps of Yu!

    I loved Yu and Hanae's interactions in this episode. I feel she's so much more at ease being herself when she's with him. The factory scene got me giggling like anything and I love his teasing her, it was so Yu, and so Hanae to get ruffled and huffy. They definitely have a little of that old married couple vibe.

    Love that Yu is back to his smiley, relaxed self, and glad for that quiet moment by the beach. It was just so beautiful, two of them sitting there watching the sunset. I think (and hope) Hanae is beginning to realise that Yu can be vulnerable too. I'm so glad she helped him at the factory, she was totally adorable being his "wife". Just a bit worried about the keys part…

    I understand Yuto's point (for once!) about Hirono, but I think if he claimed to know Hanae well, he would have understood where she was coming from as well. But this just proves once again he doesn't really understand her and hasn't really tried hard enough.

  5. My goodness, I think Tamaki Horishi is literally glowing in this show. I mean, my heart stopped at the sunset screencap because I am pretty sure I initially saw a halo around his head, which does not make ANY sense since he is far from being an angel–and I don’t want him to be. Still, he is just pouring with lusciousness that I almost feel sorry for the guy playing Yuto even if he is supposed to be the end game.

  6. OMG thanks so much for the recap. I’ve been loving this show, but the slowness of subs, either in english or chinese kinda sucks. I’ve read the manga, and somehow I feel that the drama added a whole new layer of depth to the characters. That’s so rare! 🙂 Tamaki Hiroshi is totally killing it as Yu!

  7. This episode was the best so far. I do like the interaction between Yu and Hanae but I want Hanae to make up and I want Yuto to make the first move. Yu and Hanae seem like old friends rather than lovers though. Tamaki is so manly and handsome in those scenes. I hope the lost keys will make Yuto fight for Hanae more.

  8. Thank you so much for the recap! I know I am hooked on a show when I constantly refresh for the recap, watch the raw when it comes out, and then watch it again when it is subbed. I really appreciate your efforts Koala because no one else is covering this lovely show.

    • Oh, how I understand you. I’ve been refreshing Koala’s website all morning and even watched raw. This show is such a joy and Koala’s insightful recap makes it even more enjoyable.

  9. Koala-saaaaann… what is going oooonnnnnnnnnnnnn kkkkkkkkk
    i’ll be back to read your recap properly, this time i jumped right to the end.. because just like you wrote, the Yu-Hanae scene is just SSSUUGGOOOIIII…kkk waaa.. doshiyooooo… can next Thursday mornin come sooner…kkkk
    thanks again for your recaps …and Screencaps…kkkkk :DDDD

  10. THANK you SO much for this recap ~

    I thought I was going to go crazy not knowing what Yuto said to her when she left the apartment after their talk!

    I’m mad at her for not nipping the girl-crush in the bud because now it’s a full blown “thing”, but still, I remember how she empathized with hurt for the girl he dumped on the phone in epi 1.

    This is seriously an amazing dorama!

  11. At first, I was rooting for Yuto and Hanae but I think Yu suits Hanae more now. She is normal and assertive towards Yu but submissive towards Yuto. I feel that Yuto is somewhat selfish and only thinks of himself, he never takes the initiative to solve their misunderstandings but the girl has to apologize first and they’re happy again. I wonder if Yuto is really the end game or would they change it up and make her with Yu? I think I’ll be happier if it’s with Yu.

  12. On second thought….
    dear J-dorama lord….please just lose the keys forever and ever!
    Even better if the place would have zero cellphone signal.

  13. It’s Hanae-Yu for me even if I will have to be disappointed at the final episode. So far, with Yuta, she is so careful as she thinks that Yuta is doing her a favour to be her boyfriend. With Yu, she is herself and she can say what she feels with no restraint. I would really love to have her feel something for Yu and take time to consider him as a possible lover.

  14. Thanks Koalas for all five wonderful recaps….you’re amazingly patient and kind to do all this.
    Episode 5 is meant to test how Hanae and Yuto resolve the unwanted interruptions in their ongoing relationship. Both Hitomi and Yu serve as an acid proof to make Hanae and Yuto realize and crystalize how much they need and miss each other. It will be dangerous for Yuto and Hanae to continue the relationship without having a shot of each other temperament (not the dark side as such but the unseen side of each). The episode began with an easygoing sweet time showing Hanae trying to cook for her man and even drinking from the same beer can. But a hint came Yuto showed his concern about Yu’s pursuance on Hanae. Since Yuto truly has no interest whatsoever with Hitomi therefore he ended up to be the one who told Hitomi about his relationship with Hanae. It is understood that he has been brought to the stage of sadness when what Hanae always did to him is leaving him alone with no further discussion (remember the pink scrunchie episode).
    As ichika also pointed out that Hanae should not hide her Yuto relationship from Hitomi and suggested perhaps, not only Yuto need time to think, Hanae also need to figure out exactly whom she likes.
    A final thought for Yu… How can he did such a thing like tactically asking Hanae to be his fake oksan… Their is no reason nor business etiquette in Japan to bring one’s wife to the business front. Even worse, how can he lost the car key so easily so that he can say to a single and helpless woman that you may have to spend the night in the strange place with me…in some states this may be considered sexual harassment or planned abduction because Hanae left her house without informing anyone of her whereabout. no wonder if a man can lose a CEO job, then losing a car key is minimal.
    From the preview of next Wednesday (19/11), a heartwarming scene when Hanae is seen drying Yuto’s hair…. Hope that both have learned an important lesson… Not to ever lose sight of each other again and do not let “some small pushy people” bugging in their precious relationship…

    • Oh, I agree. Yuto needs time to think because the way she handled the situation was frustrating and really did hurt him; at one point during the talk in his apartment he had tears in his eyes. Men feel insecure sometimes too, and he has had to fend off comments from a serious competitor, and even her dad. In epi 1 he asked her point blank in the elevator, “am I not good enough for you?”

      Yuto likes Hanae so very much, but is rightly confused if she feels the same. Instead of honestly declaring their dating status she hid it and ended up pushing him away. Her growth will have to address this and hopefully soon~

  15. Just out of curiosity, do you know how the manga ends? I am so invested in the relationship between Hanae/Yu, but have a feeling that’s not how it’ll end. I almost wish it’d end with personal growth on Hanae’s part without the romantic storylines, but I am sure there will be one person she chooses.

  16. Okay, so I have finally broken down and watched the episode raw still while coming back to the recap for things that I couldn’t figure out just by watching.
    1.Ryusei is really cute, and Hitomi could do worse that trying a guy that would clearly work very hard and take care of her and respects her and knows her (and her “I need to marry well” plan) and still loves her. I think I may be routing as hard for Ryusei to grow and get what he wants and deserves (maybe not Hitomi) as I am for Hanae.
    2.I am still smitten with Yu, but Yuto really turned some things around for me in this episode. Yu has a way of sucking all the oxygen out of a scene when he is in it and makes people forget other things that are going on, but I recognized really how Hanae glows when she is around him, but more importantly I really respected how he was all “I’ll tell Hitomi that I’m not interested in her and that I am dating you right now” and he would have. He is not interested in playing games, and he is nervous about Yu’s interest in Hanae.
    3.The story has not given us enough of why he likes her, putting him at a disadvantage with viewers since we have gotten a whole back story practically about why Yu likes her. It makes us nervous like Hanae is, so I think we are all ready to go with what we know (especially wrapped in a smexy Tamaki package).
    4.I think, too, that Yu is much more like the stereotypical drama lead and Yuto is the like the stereotypical second lead: the first provides sparkling electricity even if it is negative and the other provides adorable comfort. This may be also why so many of us are falling for Tamaki (okay, some of this is because it’s Tamaki playing Yu), but I remembered in this episode why I often like the second male lead better–he ALWAYS treats the heroine better than the the pushy, self-centered, Byronic hero CEO/chaebol/genius doctor male lead with a secret past (hmm Yu?). Yuto makes Hanae feel good while Yu just makes her feel crazed. AS sexy as Yu is, I want someone who makes me feel good.

    • Yes yes and yes!

      For number 3, I wonder if they both just like her because she is subtly different from other women they’ve met, like when Yu commented at the restaurant when he first met her that she had no manicure, and it seemed rare to him to find someone in the modern office world without that vanity.

      So excited for Thursday ~ it’s hard to believe a former CEO would loose his keys…

  17. Not sure if this is right to ask here but am not able to find Ep 6 online. I usually go to and it still has got it. Where do you’ll watch it online, even raw version is fine.

  18. Tamaki Hiroshi is just too mesmerizing.I’d have to say his airtime is too little. If you guys understand Chinese, watch this drama on bilibili where there’s running comments from other viewers as you stream. There’s always a huge burst of lovestruck comments whenever CEO appears.

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