Repeated Shade Thrown at Kill Me Heal Me Lands More Negative Press for Hyde, Jekyll, Me
Turns out the drama Hyde, Jekyll, Me is nothing like the story of the webtoon Dr. Jekyll Is Mr. Hyde even though it was licensed from that work. Begs the question of why bother, or if it was just to license the concept only without running afoul of copyright laws, then who in their right mind at SBS gave the HJM screenwriter free reign to make up her own story. Residing in the ratings crapper is a disappointment for the cast and crew of HJM but it’s even sadder to see further negative attention placed on the production aside from the drama not being very good.
The webtoon writer Lee Choong Ho launched the first salvo three weeks ago – after HJM’s less than stellar first episode, he suddenly voiced an opinion that rival same time slot drama Kill Me Heal Me was plagiarized off his webtoon. The timing was so self-pandering it backfired on him and the netizens piled on for his timed attack on a competition drama that is getting better ratings and reviews. I have to agree, KMHM was in the works for months and even aired four episodes prior to HJM’s premiere. If Lee Choong Ho was certain the drama plagiarized him then he could have spoken out anytime prior to trying to get attention for HJM. Unfortunately the foot in mouth disease continues further along with the ratings slide for HJM.
The latest brouhaha came when the publisher of the original webtoon Dr. Jekyll Is Mr. Hyde placed an ad online that read “Kill Me Heal Me and Hyde, Jekyll, Me, neither is as entertaining as original webtoon Dr. Jekyll Is Mr. Hyde.” Understandably audience response to the ad has been overwhelmingly negative and the writer is coming under fire for yet again trying to attack KMHM while promoting his own work. The publishing company immediately took down the ad and explained that the ad was the work of its marketing department and unrelated to the webtoon writer, nor was the ad intended as an attack on KMHM.
The publishing company claims the reference to KMHM was because of the similar subject matter to the webtoon hence there was just a comparison ad and not one that was shading KMHM. Whatever the reason or intent, the result has been more negative press for the HJM webtoon and drama. Speaking of which, apparently the terrible ratings have SBS scrambling to save a sinking ship by doing what amounts to trying to scoop water out with a tinny teacup. The scripts for episodes 7 and 8 were massively rewritten and the cast has been filming nearly 24/7 to do the newly written scenes to make it for this week’s airing of those two episodes.
With all the prior casting woes that KMHM had, I would have thought it would be the ratings wreck rather than HJM. ESP since HB actually passed on KMHM to sign on HJM. Who would have thought….
Anyway way to go Jisung and HJE! You guys r freaking fantastic!
Infuriating isn’t it. Considering HB chose HJM, over KMHM. The thing is HB has always had a good team, considering how masterfully they planned his enlistment – huge project before leaving, continued releases in his absence, going to the marines and careful picture release of him in combat gear, all to get him such positive ratings, so much so that upon his release, he was even more popular than when he enlisted. So to see them bungle his comeback drama is head scratching.
What did they see in HJM that made them choose the drama. First of all, they should have realized that just by airing second, it already put them at a disadvantage, especially with such a closely related theme. And then the stations inexplicable decision to air the dramas in the same time slot, they must have felt HJM with its star power, would crush KMHM, but that decision has now backfired.
KMHM is a acting highlight reel for Ji Sung and he is hitting it out of the park, his eye acting alone shows he is one of the best actors in Korea, he is so underrated and I’m glad he has his time to shine bright. He has definitely made me a fan of his work.
I think HB’s team know it is not easy to nail 7 different alters, 2 is fine but more than that?, it takes a high acting skill and I don’t think HB has it yet. He is pretty decent in his acting but I never ‘wow’ed by his acting skills (his dimple might be).
So, I think the team behind KMHM is very smart of bringing JS and HJE who have proven their chemistry and the story itself though sometimes a bit over the top, in general it is pretty captivating.
Such a bad judgments you all have passed about Hyun Bin amd Han Ji Min.. can’t you see how much beautifully he can act.. he took responsibility and take the whole drama on his shoulders. You all only know to write bad comments about him… do you have courage and to handle the pressure in the difficult he faced.. all you see the success of BORING KMHM. … such a boring show with boring male lead.. i cant even stand him in the first episode… Hyun bin atleast showed courage to act in a difficult time… how many of you can stand his shoes.. he is a great actor. I watched HJM five times and never get bored once.. nd KMHM i wont ever watch because of the make lead. Rather than saying foul thibg about hyun bin and other actors.. you people can’t praise the cast who worked 24/7 … does every drama should come with a label of success.. are you all evrn human being.. we all get fail at times… can’t he even allow to fail once. You people think that actors are like machine… whay will you command .. they will do… such a low thinking you all have. if you can’t appreaciate the drama.. than don’t watch it simple.. why to pass tormenting comments to cast… put yourself in his shoes and try to act 24/7.. im sure none of you can do. KMHM is highly bore drama.
Lesson learned. Star power doesn’t prove that they can surely bring the total succes if the drama is a messed.
I totally agree with you , look at Yoon Eun Hye (Marry Him If You Dare), Moon Geun Young (Goddess Of Fire) ,and still I pass as it , It’s talented actors who fell with hideous scripts duh !!
Marry him if you dare is unforgivable. Such waste of talent for both lee dong gun and yeh.
Well Since it has been an upward track since ep4, (not ratings wise obviously but in terms of storyline and enjoyment) I’m cautiously optimistic.
Then again that’s me. I’m just watching hyun bin do his thing. Seojin is the only character with some emotional arc worth watching, robin..well at least he IS cute and hot. The rest can be killed off for all I care.
At 6 eps/20, the best they can do is to avoid sinking lower, forget about increasing the ratings. The actors must feel terrible (lesson learned the hard way: Good writer matters! Not like they are newbies in the Drama Ent. >.>).
I’m so angry at SBS right now.
I almost feel bad for the webtoon author. He probably thought he would hit it big, but now his work is totally trashed and associated (rightfully or wrongly) with a massive flop/badly reviewed drama. Doesn’t excuse his behavior though.
SBS can try to salvage something these next two episodes. It will be difficult though. Once people dump dramas They rarely go back and nobody was that interested in this in the first place. Though I really think what kills HJM is airing against something with a similar theme that is seen as much better. There’s just not saving it.
Even in tha first puc ji sung is slaying!!! The man just OWNS this part… This should teach a lesson to everyone that hsd made up their opinion and judged something beforehand…
i don’t know why, but from start my thought telling me that HJM is gonna be one of overrated drama this year with so much anticipating at beginning but then went meh :-/
The actors in Hyde Jekyll must be beyond exhausted and if it shows in the new episodes it won’t help anything.
I tried to watch it. I watched episode 5 and 6 because some people were saying they were the best so far and I was bored to tears. If that is the best than the writer needs to be replaced.
But Hyun bin is out of practice and it shows on this drama. His acting feels flat. This robin character reminds me of billy bob’s movie sling blade. The supporting cast is also weak.
I hope they fix whatever is wrong so this would get better.
Such a bad judgments you all have passed about Hyun Bin amd Han Ji Min.. can’t you see how much beautifully he can act.. he took responsibility and take the whole drama on his shoulders. You all only know to write bad comments about him… do you have courage and to handle the pressure in the difficult he faced.. all you see the success of BORING KMHM. … such a boring show with boring male lead.. i cant even stand him in the first episode… Hyun bin atleast showed courage to act in a difficult time… how many of you can stand his shoes.. he is a great actor. I watched HJM five times and never get bored once.. nd KMHM i wont ever watch because of the make lead. Rather than saying foul thing about hyun bin and other actors.. you people can’t praise the cast who worked 24/7 … does every drama should come with a label of success.. are you all evrn human being.. we all get fail at times… can’t he even allow to fail once. You people think that actors are like machine… whay will you command .. they will do… such a low thinking you all have. if you can’t appreaciate the drama.. than don’t watch it simple.. why to pass tormenting comments to cast… put yourself in his shoes and try to act 24/7.. im sure none of you can do. KMHM is highly bore drama.
In order of importance:
Kill Me, Heal Me / What Happens to My Family?
Hogu’s Love / Ouroboros (jdrama)
Heart to Heart / Persevere Gu Hae-ra
Healer / Hyde, Jekyll, Me / Shine or Go Crazy
I’m behind on the last 5 dramas and would probably catch up on Healer first (haven’t watched the last 6 eps) since it ended finally
As to KMHM, I like HJE’s over the top acting because she’s able to deliver on the serious scenes. She’s funny and she looks like she’s having fun as opposed to HJM in HJM (heh). Ji Sung is awesome. Plus the other side characters in KMHM is more interesting however hateful they might be.
For me it’s shine or go crazy/kill me heal me
Hogu’s love/ heart to heart
Hyde, jeckyl, and me? Nope… I’m giving up even if the charming hyunbin is in it
Wow this is my exact list.
You are watching the same dramas as me. I haven’t watched several weeks of WHTMF, because I just got bored with it. Its okay, it is a family drama and all, but it just lacks something, after the father’s reveal.
Healer, I watch because of the hype, and I find it tolerable, just don’t know why I am not enamored with it. It’s like Pinocchio, another drama I just couldn’t get past the first 3 or so episodes.
Watching Shine or Go Crazy, I really need HJ to tone his acting down, his comedy bits are way too exaggerated, and Honey Lee is a terrible actress or maybe she just can’t play the villain role. Overall, I want to like the drama, because I miss watching sageuks and it is not the worst sageuk that has come out in recent years, so meh.
I love JH to bits, but his comedic acting is terrible, both in FTLY and SOGC. He needs to stick to dramatic roles where he shines the bext.
Poor Hyun Bin… I love him but HJM doesn’t have THAT thing that makes you want hooked and keep watching. And Ji Sung just hits the right spots all the time!
That thing is called Chemistry.
I have seen worse dramas but you’ll watch it for the OTP. Usually you blame the actors but here it’s the writer. Haven’t seen a female lead written so bland. She’s no candy neither is she a heroine. Even my life is more interesting than her lines. AND yet she gets to romance 2 hyun bins. Yeah right…Like that will connect to the viewers.
When the trailer was first released. It wasn’t that impressive and didn’t really make want to watch it. Too bad for Hyun Bin.
my thoughts exactly. I wasn’t impressed with the promotional trailers and even though the earlier episodes were bad i forced myself to give the drama a chance but to me it gets weaker as it goes…what a letdown. Other than it has a nice visual quality the rest is just a mess i just could not bring myself to finish it despite enjoying the lead actor i find it hard to connect with empty characters.
I’m just sad for the cast and crew, who will have to work themselves sick to cope with all these changes. Plus, I doubt the writer will suddenly get better when pressured even further. We’ve seen live-shoot writing and it ain’t pretty.
As cruel as it is, I do hope this move fails so as to prove to this industry, yet again, that there just is no recipe for success and trying to change things to salvage them does not change what is already done. Maybe we’ll see the dawn of pre-produced shows, when they finally realize neither method is a guaranteed hit. But at least the latter will allow for better working conditions and time to make quality works.
As for the webtoon creator and the company, they’re just pathetic and if there was actual plagiarism involved, they’d have known and sued long ago. If you’re going to be petty and desperate, at least have a case that *seems* strong on your side.
I feel bad for Hyun Bin that he chose such a dud after his army comeback. He just can’t save this although he’s the best thing in the drama. Plus Han Ji Min is so bland with zero chemistry with Binnie.
Han Ji Min was dull back in 2005’s Rebirth, still has NOT improved…
Can’t stand HJE. Seriously lately can’t stand anymore kdrama heroine
I feel sad for HB. Hopefully this won’t make him stay away from making dramas.
I’m actually happy that “Hyde, Jekyll and Me” is failing.
Even before it aired, I already had the feeling that the drama would bet everything on Hyun Bin, without worrying about the drama itself. The reasoning “People will watch anything as long as Hyun Bin is in it. Hyun Bin = big ratings no matter what” was a big mistake.
I do like Hyun Bin. But no matter how talented he is, he can’t carry an entire drama on his shoulders. All his successful dramas were hits because of several factors (plot, co-stars, etc), it wasn’t solely thanks to him.
Hyun bin also have flop dramas though, he is not a king rating.
his star power becomes strong after secret garden, and this drama is his comeback project after military, that’s why people are interested in this drama before airing,,and bammm it fails miserably just like my lovely girl. SBS in such a big trouble, fortunately they still have punch
Yeahh, Punch is so damn good and got higher rating in korea. Just not so popular internationally. But as long as i’m enjoying it, who cares about the hype..
Watch your words before saying anything about Hyun Bin. Such a bad judgments you all have passed about Hyun Bin amd Han Ji Min.. can’t you see how much beautifully he can act.. he took responsibility and take the whole drama on his shoulders. You all only know to write bad comments about him… do you have courage and to handle the pressure in the difficult he faced.. all you see the success of BORING KMHM. … such a boring show with boring male lead.. i cant even stand him in the first episode… Hyun bin atleast showed courage to act in a difficult time… how many of you can stand his shoes.. he is a great actor. I watched HJM five times and never get bored once.. nd KMHM i wont ever watch because of the make lead. Rather than saying foul thing about hyun bin and other actors.. you people can’t praise the cast who worked 24/7 … does every drama should come with a label of success.. are you all evrn human being.. we all get fail at times… can’t he even allow to fail once. You people think that actors are like machine… what will you command .. they will do… such a low thinking you all have. if you can’t appreaciate the drama.. than don’t watch it simple.. why to pass tormenting comments to cast… put yourself in his shoes and try to act 24/7.. im sure none of you can do. KMHM is highly bore drama.
KMHM deserves all this success.. The story and the acting id beyond amazing!! Feel kinda bad for hjm cause all the production must work hard for a bad drama…then again all the productions for all dramas are working equally hard… In hjm forum people are actually praying for the writing, ratings and directing to get better.. Wow! Just wow.. When people are resorting to praying for a drama to get watchable then u know that u r in a pickle!!!
So true jianni367. I like Hyun Bin and hope to see more of him so I am among those praying that HJM will get better. But it’s now on ep 7 and it’s still flat. I feel sorry for HB that he’s at the centre of this train wreck (everything in this drama is failing him. I for one think he’s doing a good job trying to make it work. He’s the only one doing a good job in that sinking ship, but that’s not even noticeable because the rival drama’s lead is so good every competition will look mediocre). And it doesn’t help that it now looks like its a bad decision for HB to have turned it KMHM down, which is currently doing very well on both reviews and ratings. Hopefully it won’t affect the demand for him in future.
Watch your words before saying anything about Hyun Bin. Such a bad judgments you all have passed about Hyun Bin amd Han Ji Min.. can’t you see how much beautifully he can act.. he took responsibility and take the whole drama on his shoulders. You all only know to write bad comments about him… do you have courage and to handle the pressure in the difficult he faced.. all you see the success of BORING KMHM. … such a boring show with boring male lead.. i cant even stand him in the first episode… Hyun bin atleast showed courage to act in a difficult time… how many of you can stand his shoes.. he is a great actor. I watched HJM five times and never get bored once.. nd KMHM i wont ever watch because of the male lead. Rather than saying foul thing about hyun bin and other actors.. you people can’t praise the cast who worked 24/7 … does every drama should come with a label of success.. are you all even human being.. we all get fail at times… can’t he even allow to fail once. You people think that actors are like machine… what will you command .. they will do… such a low thinking you all have. if you can’t appreaciate the drama.. than don’t watch it simple.. why to pass tormenting comments to cast… put yourself in his shoes and try to act 24/7.. im sure none of you can do. KMHM is highly bore drama.
I hate the thought of massively rewritten scripts. What did they do? If it’s to pander to ratings it’s always a failure and to the detriment of the drama. You have tired actors and shoddy directing. Then choppy editing.
Ms.Koala san, it’s quite confusing if you use HJM For Hyde Jekyll and me. The leading actress’s name is Han Ji Min, remember?
LOL I bet Hyun Bin is kicking himself for passing on KMHM all well better luck next time! I wonder how much is he gonna get paid less for this now as I heard if ratings fail they get less sponsors so they dont get enough money as opposed to what was paid before..
Hmm, I wonder what Anthony would do for HJM at this point??
Han Ji Min is flat and unnatural in everything i’ve watched her in. and she has no screen presence as well. she’s just a pretty face with minimum acting skill.
OTOH, Hwang Jung Eum is good except for the overacting part. she is very natural when acting and is very committed to her characters. and most of the time in dramas, i see her characters, not the actress.
for actors, i dont follow Ji Sung because i’m not a fan but he totally kills it in KMHM. Cant imagine other actor in this role. and im not watching HJM, so no idea how HB is faring with his acting skill.
You know I have been reading that a lot – Hwang Jung Eum’s acting being over the top and what not. Personally, if I had to choose, I would always pick someone overacting instead of underacting.
Sometimes characters being over the top make them that much memorable and often so in a positive way in my viewing experience. At least when the drama ends, I’ll probably think back to the times she overacted and chuckle at the memory of her character.
I mean Jung Eum’s chemistry with Ji Sung is so accordant, her “overacting” doesn’t phase me at all.
Anways, you are right – Ji Sung is beyond killin’ it.
To elaborate on the overacting vs underacting – I would pick Lee Da Hae’s character in my girl over Kim Hyun Joong’s in BOF any day. I just couldn’t with his acting in that.
What is up with this hwang jung eum overacting thing?? She is all her expressions and reactions in kmhm.
Lol! No I was commenting on how I have read people mentioning that she’s been overacting in KMHM. I think she’s doing a great job so far. and even if people were to think she was “overdoing” it- then so be it, it’s just right for me that’s all.
I think her “overacting” is done as a stylized choice for comedic purpose rather than the lack of ability. If you watch BTS videos, you can see that the director specifically asked her to exaggerate her screams and reactions. Girl has proved that she could do subtle acting just as well in her previous works. Anyway, I agree with you that HJE is doing a great job atm, I really adore her character.
I love HJE and her “overacting” as u like to call it.. the character is written just as that, and I think she nailed it! Wonder what everyone is comparing with, if u want a normal person, maybe u won’t find it with KMHM.. =.=
It’s mind boggling the fact that hyun bin passed kmhm for hjm…what dui he see in it? Either kmhm’s script was totally different before it went to ji sung that it made hyun bin to reject it or he just admitted to himself that the role was beyond his limits. It could also be about monetary issues..we all heard the rumours about him getting paid a ridiculous amout of money for HJM and maybe there was a disagreement with kmhm production about his has to be something along these lines cause there is NO WAY he considered hjm better..oh well, turned out for the best since no one could do it beside ji sung…
I wish I could just enjoy this drama. I do. It is different than the frenetic KMHM but there is a concerted effort to just destroy it. I like the soundtrack. I am enjoying the story. I have tried to watch some truly horrid dramas and they never got so much hate. It is truly sad it can’t just exist for those of us who just want to see it. Even the extremely wonderful Healer has been shoved aside and there is awesome writing going on there and will go out with no fanfare nor the accolades it deserves. It has become a one horse show now in Dramaland. So many dramas but only one can exist now? Ridiculous.
I’m a bit confused as to what you’re saying here. Each episode of Healer has 1,000-2,000 comments on dramabeans, which easily makes it the most popular drama of all time. How is that being shoved aside and going out with no fanfare or accolades? And the recappers on dramabeans seem to be enjoying HJM as well. I don’t know which drama you’re claiming is the only one allowed to exist… but I think that in itself is evidence that no such thing is going on. Maybe you’re just not visiting the right sites?
Maybe she meant the korean fans and drama watchers and the ratings…
Every time I see an article about HJM, I can’t help but laugh at the whole situation. It’s all just so funny.Who would have thought that KMHM with its preproduction woes would turn out better than HJM. The network should have put HJM in a different time slot, but they were too overconfident in their “star power” that is my darling Hyun Bin, now look where they are, scrambling around trying to avert a TOTAL crisis.
I seriously would love to know why HB oppa chose HJM over KMHM. Seriously what about the script attracted him to it?
well tbh, I’m starting to believe the he wasn’t ever actually offered it story. There was a lot of media play from both sides. Because nothing else makes much sense and insiders have always maintained HB wasn’t their first choice (LSG was, though I’m glad he turned it down since Ji Sung is perfect for it).
My theory as far as why KMHM was particularly a no-go for HB.
It wasn’t anything to do with script or PD being bad. This is the PD that brought East of Eden to very high ratings.
It was that playing specifically FEMALE personalities – as opposed to the Male only in Hyde – was too close to his role in Secret Garden. How would he make it obvious he wasn’t playing Gil Ra-im? I think there would have been too many comparisons – screen shots side by side everywhere.
I think he was smart to pass it over. I don’t think that Hyde was a better project. He should have waited.
Im sorry but i disagree… Gil ra im is nothing like the female personas in is a 17 year old quirky teenager and the other is a 5 year old kid, whereas gil ra im was an adult stundwonan if i remember correctly. How in the world there would beva side by side comparison? What about the comparisons that he gets for portraying a similar chaebol character as in sega?? Why didnt he reject hjm then since the two roles are similar.???(his role in sega and koo seo jin)
I haven’t watched secret garden, but I sincerely doubt whatever female personality he portrayed would be the same as 17yr old Yona and little Nana, so that really isn’t a good enough reason.
I think one lesson to be learned from this is that if a drama scrambling to find actors it doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong with it. People were saying the script of KMHM must be terrible with all the actors turning it down, but then it turned out to be pretty well-written. I guess we’ll never know why so many actors chose to pass on it, but there were obviously other factors at play besides the quality of the script.
I think most feasible reason for actors to pass on it will be the lack of confidence they can do it. 7 personalities is scary. It’s make or break and if you’re not yet confident with your skills, it would be wise to pass on it. Thank Goodness Ji Sung didn’t because he’s totally killing that role. Every new episode he just exceeds expectations. Brilliant actor. And the chemistry with HJE is amazing. I watch the BTS as I’m interested to know how they could do those scenes so perfectly, effectively. No scene has been mediocre so far everything in KMHM has been fantastic.
It might be that the script wasn’t quite complete when offered to the leads. Usually actors choose projects based on premise and character definition. In live shooting scenario the script would not be ready, maybe for an episode or two but not more. Actors do take a chance when they select a project. And on paper, 7 personalities sound like a mess.
Honestly, I don’t even know if Kill Me Heal Me would be as good with Hyun Bin. Ji Sung seems like he was born for this role. I don’t think many actors could portray 7 characters with his kind of mastery.
Oh I couldn’t agree more, Ji Sung is the perfect actor for this role. I can’t seriously imagine any other actors who can pull this one off…and I can honestly say that I am a solid fan of his.
I love KMHM!!!!!
I have seen only 1st episode of HJM and I could not get into it
To think I have never been a fan of Ji Sung. That’s all changed now! His got me line, hook and sinker!!!!! If he doesn’t get an award for KMHM then I will be very pissed!!!!
To many copy cats in the K-dramaland… Why why air identical dramas in the same time then there is there half-brother drama called doctor frankenstien..
I really like kill me heal me! .i’m a fan of hyunbin but seeing his heroine han ji min in this drama makes me dsappointed coz they have no chemistry! . .i’ve watched jung eum and jisung’s secret and i would say that they are perfect and seing them again in this new drama made my heart burst! .their chemistry is undeniable. ..and i find jisung s perfect 4 every characters he acted. .i’m glad that seung gi and hyunbin refused it. .i can’t imagine another actor to do what jisung’s did in this drama. .
Me too, I am Binne fan after Secret Garden so I just watch his drama first but I attract to me. So I just started to watch KMHM last two day ago and it really good, I am hooked and I watched all 10 episodes in two days. I even can’t sleep well coz dreaming about Ji sung
I managed to “poison” my friend to watch KMHM after Healer on Sunday. And she just admit that she watched 12 episodes on Monday… Hahahaha… I wonder how she did that.
Though she’s lucky that she can work from home, but she also has a 3-year old daughter.. Hehehe
When i suggested it to my frnds to watch kill me heal me, i don’t know if i made mistake by recommending it to them. .because it turns out that i, myself made rivalry between or among my friends because they are now in love with jisung! .they are now jisung’s fans. ..
“Han Ji Min is flat and unnatural in everything i’ve watched her in. and she has no screen presence as well. she’s just a pretty face with minimum acting skill.”
Agree thoroughly
“Han Ji Min is flat and unnatural in everything i’ve watched her in. and she has no screen presence as well. she’s just a pretty face with minimum acting skill.”
Agree thoroughly
HJE is a disappointment. I stopped after ep 1. not sure what’s with the gorilla (isn’t it a theme park rather than a zoo?) and I was disappointed at HB. He put on much weight surprisingly. And I don’t like his China 30’s (?) hairstyle. His character is stiff. The female lead is not attractive to me, sorry to say. Her acting (if there is any)is monotonous and both leads have no chemistry. I was bored to tears and gave up. KMHM is conversely a lot more entertaining, hilarious (JS running down the street with a clip on his hair in a pink suit left a deep impression in me) and intriguing (got me reading up on DID). JS is versatile in his acting and very credible in his acting of each alter. I can feel the anguish, the anger, the love, the confusion and the pain in each character. He lost weight compared to earlier dramas which is a plus point. KMHM made me a JS fan. HB, comparatively, felt clumsy when he was running and performing the stunts. I was his fan in Secret Garden so am a tad disappointed with HJE.
Ji Sung was born for this role. Only a seasoned actor like him can pull off 7 different personalities. It’s over the top, how outstanding he is! He’s so believable in every character he plays. I think that’s why many actors turned down this role, they just wouldn’t be able to give justice to the personalities.