
Scholar Who Walks the Night Episode 4 Recap — 26 Comments

  1. I am loving the drama so far! However, I am still having trouble to get use to LYB’s expression. She’s not doing it for me. Her acting is just not natural and over acted.

    Yup, I am more interested in the bromance and just Junki’s character than the romance.

    • It’s funny how different opinions are.

      I for one adore Yoo Bi’s acting.

      She has so many facial expressions, without being over the top. <3

      I'm actually more interested in her back story with the crown prince and her past in general, than Sung Yeol's feud with Gwi and the return of Myung Hee/Hye Ryung.

  2. Since they already changed so much from the manhwa, couldn’t they have made lee yoobi character into a strong lead,instead of a damsel in distress always need saving 24/7? I can’t to continue this drama for lee jun ki but I don’t see that happening,the episodes feel to long ,nothing is doing it for me

    • That whole damsel in distress storyline for Yang Sun is not selling to me either… maybe that’s why I find myself interested in other characters.

    • I think for the first time in my life I would making her “strong strong” will feel a little unnatural for me cause she has got the “damsel in distress” look and Vibe down to the T. Even everytime I see her kyopta face I want to protect her like a baby or a little sister. So if she acts all “I am strong and all” it will not feel natiral for me. Actresses like GHS or PMY or PSH with the same role would have annoyed me

  3. I think in ‘Dr. Stranger’ it was clear that the main love-line was the first love, and honestly I didn’t think it was necessary to put Sora’s character in the equation and make it drama-love-triangle.. but dramas must really like ‘drama’ and couples wars.

    As for ‘Scholar Who Walks the Night’, I think it is clear who the main OTP is, there is no changing it. I do admit though that somehow I like the second chance at love with doppleganger Hye Ryung (I like the idea better, instead of the predictable choice of the girl who cross-dresses as she is the main lead).. but that won’t happen so there is no point on thinking about it.

    • I share the same sentiments. Only if they put the back story between Sung Yul and Myung Hee/Hye Ryeong into a different drama, I would’v much preferred it. I haven’t been completely sold on the romantic chemistry between Sung Yeol & Yang Sun. But like Kaola, maybe they should save some until later when it would mean more to the viewers. I feel like the writers are trying too hard to make it believable rather than just letting it go through the motions naturally. Quit shoving it down our throat and let us enjoy it…the more they shove, the more I shift towards the next best thing–Hye Ryeong! lol

  4. JunKi has always been pretty… sooo pretty, but for me this is the first time he is sexy. And he should be, because almost whole vampire mythology is built on sex. So sexy scenes are a welcome, JunKi’s acting is on spot, but they are not doing for me much. I think it’s because YooBi looks like a child. I enjoy watching her, but she’s just so cute, doesn’t match JunKi’s smexiness.

    • Same here. When she was in hanbok, I could feel that she is a woman for the right man. 😛 I hope she will start wearing hanbok again.

  5. i am only interested with Myeong He and Junki loveline too bad they were not meant to be so I might drop streaming this drama for good and move on to another So Eun project i do hope that she will not drop her movie with Aaron Yan just because of this one coz I may end up dropping her as my bias …

  6. The love interest switcheroo is reminiscent of Gu Family Book. Ironically, LYB played the ill-fated first love. I can’t get over the fact that Sung Yul harbored love for Myung Hee for 120+ years. It tugs on my heartstrings. Even if Yang Sun is an outstanding character, I don’t think SY’s love for her will ever surpass his love for MH. That’s a major flaw in the writing. The only way for me to root for SY-YG loveline is if they turn MH evil since the very beginning. As for Hae Ryung, I’m itching to find out if she’s actually MH or her reincarnation.

    • Ah that itch. It appears because she was burn by Gwi, that she can’t possibly be Myung Hee. Writers, I hope you have something very interesting and worthy after all is said and done with Hye Ryeong. lol I really don’t mind the longing and the angst between her and Sung Yeol.

      Impatiently waiting for me to get hooked on the Sung Yeol & Yang Sun boat though.

  7. Who else noticed the way Gwi looked at Hye Ryung (Myung Hee’s doppelganger)? It wasn’t curiosity or amazement, he was looking at her with longing. Could it be that Gwi had feelings for Myung Hee back then? Am not sure, but it seemed to be that way.

  8. so much different than dramabeans’s recap.from the recap down to the comment section,everyone appreciates this drama.everyone there are on team YS/SY.i thing i’ll stop reading ur recaps and just go to dramabeans where everyone there appreciate the actors and the drama,intead of bashing LYB cos she’s the lead.i knew this was going to happen when they cast KSE to play his first love

    • this is the 2nd time you commented the same thing, if you cant take others perspective and or the fact it doesnt fall in line with your sentiments doesnt mean she is bashing or hating. i assume we wont see you here for the next ep recap then unless you want to say the same thing again reworded differently. i have nothing against LYB cause i was excited for her as i wasnt to interested in the long lost lover with KSE unfortunately the dead love with is more meatier then the otp, but they havent really done a great job of the romance/love line part with YS and SY. im not sold on it and them throwing sexy ,romantic scenes between them with little foundation or built up. so its like well we havent really worked for it and slow burns are better though im not saying take the romance at a snails pace either. but thats just my take on it

  9. The scene where the heroine loses her shoe and hurts her foot is straight from Joseon Gunman. Very original. I know that Korean writers have no scruples about plagiarizing. Copying from Lee Joon-gi’s last drama is, of course, the obvious thing to do. I wonder what he was thinking when filming this scene.

    The liberal use of flashbacks is very irritating. There are even multiple flashbacks within a flashback, which is totally ridiculous. That’s how crude the story-telling of this drama is. The director must take viewers for idiots, who must be reminded of a scene from one minute before.I have never seen so many flashbacks in just four episodes of one drama.

  10. lol after I read what Anh said: “As for Hae Ryung, I’m itching to find out if she’s actually MH or her reincarnation.” and Myst said: “Who else noticed the way Gwi looked at Hye Ryung (Myung Hee’s doppelganger)? It wasn’t curiosity or amazement, he was looking at her with longing.” ..

    ..I’m remembered the early scene with SY and MH where Gwi asked “How is it? The taste of her blood?” .. could it be that there is a twist and this is MH actually, or does he simply want to taste the blood of Hye Ryung, the girl who looks exactly like MH? There is definitely something behind his look, and HR hiding the fact that she met SY from him.

  11. It seems rather the character of ‘LYB’ fun, cute and interresting unlike the character KSE is a little boring and lifeless (expressionless) lol

    • She just stares… Yes, she is pretty, but that’s all. Not a likeable character, but it’s not the actresses fault.

      • Give it time to development. Right now, we don’t know anything about her except that she’s very mysterious. I have a feeling there’s something MUCH MORE to her character.

  12. I think there’s an obvious reason why they are using young actors and starlets whose looks and acting are quite ordinary. They are cheap. This drama is produced by Contents K founded by Keyeast, a not exactly reputable company. It strikes me that they are even skimping on the action choreography. Action scenes are expensive to shoot and may be dangerous. Instead of an action drama, you get people walking around looking bored, or boring. With a weak cast and cheesy writing and directing, Lee Joon-gi is left to carry the drama by himself. While his reputation may not necessarily suffer, this drama certainly does.

  13. Lol.. For whoever who compared koala’s and DB’s recap, these two are different websites. And u need to understand what is bashing…

    As for this drama, I only watched KSE’s scenes so far. And I read recap to know bout the stories. I wish she will not get wasted in this drama, otherwise this will be a serious mistake for her career. LYB is doing better from her previous drama, but I still in the opinion she’s not a lead material yet. She needs more experience..

  14. I still can’t make a figure of the ending. Is it will be happy ending or sad ending, due vampire and human love (SY vs YS) . I hope it will be happy ending then. Maybe there is possible way for SY to become a real human, and it will be fun and interesting if the person that could help him to become the real human is YS (using her virgin blood or virginity ?). If the ending is sad ending, I choose to stop streaming this drama hahaha, coz i don’t like sad ending.

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