
Hyun Bin’s Agency Vast Announces 3rd Annual Rookie Actor Auditions — 10 Comments

  1. Congratulations to Hyun Bin for all his success. My favorite k-actor. Counting down the date for MOTA premier.

  2. Maybe Ha Ji Won or Yoon Eun Hye should join his company since they don’t seem to have luck with companies…

    • How can tell they don’t have good company?

      HJW has been working continuesly with dramas or movies a year.

      YEH is an entreprenuer and seem to be doing very well in here business.

      • Both are free agent or one man agency with no boss. Both have had legal troubles and both have deteriorated from their peak days. Both have good acting to show but because they don’t have a good agency to represent them, they don’t get to show that through good projects.

  3. Oh well he’s got MOA happening later on in the year so it’s good timing to run auditions now and hopefully his rookie actors and actresses can score bit parts in the drama. That’s pretty clever in his planning.

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