
Kim Joon Best Known for Boys Over Flowers Announces Secret Marriage and Daughter From Three Years Ago — 14 Comments

  1. is he trying to return to the entertainment world now? Agree with writer that the Korean F4 is no longer at their peak… the K-version actually lacks in all areas as compared to the Japanese and Taiwanese versions, so nothing is worth mentioning really…

  2. I think, he’s working in another field since he’s not actively working in entertainment. But chukae and good luck!

    Agree, compare to other F4,Korean one didnt really a hit. Only LMH is still having a big name.

  3. Is it really a secret? I don’t think he tried to make it one, just that no one actually cared enough to report about it. I mean, not to be a bitch but who exactly follows his news? Most people would hardly remember him at all – including me.

  4. Koalas i think you got it slightly wrong, from what i’ve read it’s not that he hid it it’s just that media haven’t paid attention about his news, that’s why

  5. Media doesn’t pay attention about people who lives a simple life and not a ” juicy” one. Happy to see him living a “normal life” with a cute daughter.

  6. I get the feeling somehow they(?) are after the F4 from BOF, revealing they “untold stories or secrets”. , and they started with the least relevant member, or maybe they are going in circles. Who is next?(Lol).

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