
Im Joo Hwan Joins Taecyeon and Lee Yeon Hee for MBC Procedural Thriller The Game: Towards Zero — 11 Comments

  1. He’s seriously underrated and his agency isn’t doing him any favors. Why is he always stuck as the second lead with actors who can’t really act? He is lead role material, so when will he get his due? When I think about how a talent like him is wasted in dramas like Unconditionally Fond, Bride of Habaek and all, while less talented actors get the spotlight my blood boils. Typical kdrama formula, get a strong supporting cast to shore up weak, ineffectual leads. Smh.

  2. Team Park Kyu <3 Still a huge fan of him after all these years. He is definitely leading man material. Currently watching The Great Show with him and SSH. So far so good. Can't wait to see Park Kyu and Puppy in the Game.

  3. his agency is rather cruel. at this rate, I would rather he is star in supporting roles in good/solid project than in this kind of drama despite he is hold on important roles, but when the PD choose the leads who has weak acting skills you wonder either they are serious or just create project for the sake of it. I hope it will turn out good for him.

  4. At this point, I’d rather he switch to a better agency because his potential is wasted in these supporting roles. I miss him so much from Tamra the Island and What’s Up? Always Team Park Kyu!

  5. Tamra Island is unforgettably good, and I like What’s Up too. Those are the only two IJH dramas I have watched. Wish he is in more interesting dramas.

  6. He’s in a KBS 2018 drama special ‘The long goodbye’ with Jang Hee Jin and it’s about him and his gf so I’m off to hunt around for that right now. I seriously agree IJH is underrated and under utilised. Gosh when will he ever be given the main lead?

  7. @Ginger_crunch : That KBS drama Special #TheLongGoodbye is so good. Im Joo Hwan should just stick to KBS drama special. Rather than being trapped in another bad drama with only become the second lead.

    I hope this drama work for him, but I’m won’t holding my breath.

  8. I think the opposite. He should totally go for it and take up a memorable villain role. For actors who are always shafted into second lead or even just support roles, sometimes a breakthrough role as a villain does more for their careers than low budget, barely hyped first leads. It’s not too late for him as Namgoong Min made it possible. As a secret, serial killer in GWSS, NGM’s villain was the best thing about that drama.

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