
Gong Yoo Number 1 Most Loved Celebrity CF Endorser by Korean Brands Followed by Park Bo Gum and Soccer Star Son Heung Min — 55 Comments

  1. Btw this list is credible because it is by official body KOBACO and it appeals to all demographics not just idols fangirls and boys.Actors will always be more appealing to general public. Deal with it some arrogant idol fans.
    Song hye kyo and jun ji hyun are walls for reason. Taehyeji is well deserved title. Kim tae hee was cf queen for years too. Jun ji hyun and song hye kyo are doing it since 20 years and their new decade is starting lol. They can match lee young ae record who was cf queen since 1991 and made this list back in 2016 as well. Kim tae hee , han ga in has lost that cf queen title. Long breaks didnt do any favour to them.. It depends on kim tae hee next drama’s success. Jun ji hyun can go on hiatus for years and still top it. She filmed like 15 cfs this year alone lol. No wonder she delays comeback. Lee young ae used to do bcoz cf is real money.
    Iu has overtaken suzy too who used to be ranked in this list. She has cfs but not like before anymore.. Anyways competition is too tight for top 10 position and there r many A list stars. She has taken lee hyori’s position who was top cf singer before she stopped filming cfs!
    Goblin and busan movie revived gong yoo career big time. He is topping cf list for years now.

    • Must be because most of top tier are inactive. When you have a active hit drama or movie you are at top. In 2003 and 2004 jjh was at top followed by lee young ae lee hyori song hye kyo kim tae hee han ga in , 2005 it was lee young ae and hyori, 2007 lya again, 2008 kim tae hee , kim yoona was number one in 2010 follpwed by go hyun jung , kim yuna again in 2011 2013 i think, jjh was at top again 2014 and 2015 over kim soo hyun and lmh who were getting best cf deals. jjh n suzy were the top 2 lol those years. cf industry in korea is dominated by women more than men because of beauty products and fashion etc.. if they become more active they will be at top again. Most of the top tier women r active and new gen female artist dont have same cf deals as they lack aura of seniors

      • Aura is something that gets built over the years. IU and Suzy have both been on this list a few times they’ll eventually move higher on the list at some point when they become older. I’m waiting to see what the new gen of upcoming actors gives us in the next 10 years. Regarding your comment @Allie yeah it’s a bit disappointing but as @Ady mentioned it might just be because the top female celebrities have been quite inactive this year. It’s not a yearly phenomenon.

      • @liz sis yes i know aura is build over the years and there is no guarantee that these girls will have that in their late 30s let alone 40s and will they pass the test of time? There is no sure thing!. IU might be relevant as she has talent and music career and she never takes break lol. so i can see iu surely up there ! Btw at their age the senior actresses were always top at CF list. so New gen has failed to create that niche like shk jjh kth etc did when they were of same age.. There were many more but these 3 passed the test of time and hence aura thing! But suzy was member of this list. But not anymore. She has cfs but not like she used to have back then and with vagabond flopping and next drama with B list actor, she is surely not way up. Suzy is no more the cf queen of her gen and i realy dont see her lasting in her 30s. Maybe like han ga in who was allso all visual in her 20s n had lot of cfs..

      • @liz sis yes i know that. Thats why jjh shk kth are top from their gen when it comes to cfs and others who made list in 2000s with them didnt last like them. so there is no sure thing that iu suzy will be doing same at their age. Iu might be as she has talent music career but suzy is no more the dominant one. she has cfs but not like past! n with her next drama wih b list actor , here is no way up. she is like han ga in who was cf queen too for decade . so yes new gen has failed to build that niche expect iu. Btw the 70s gen n 80s gen actresses were doing in in their 20s n still active overtaking their peers. Thats why there is aura. There is no sure thing suzy will be doing at age of 39 and i dont see it , . 🙂
        Btw i posted reply to u 2nd time as first wasnt posted but i have seen they appear late. so sorry if there r 2 replies!

      • @adi Honestly GY and PBG not that active too. Kim Jiyoung born 1988 not give any impact to gongyoo. He is more like supporting role in there. His last drama aired in 2017 same with JJH. He’s not get new CF this year but still has big name brand in his pocket. And thats enough to make him the top of the list. PBG has zero appearance after encounter, hard to say he is active too, his last drama with shk ended in early 2019.
        He just get 1 new CF in 2019, but all his cfs renew their contract. Still SHK get more cfs than him after encounter. I don’t expect GY and PBG to be there, because both is so low profile. They even dont have Instagram. They cant promote their brand with million followers.
        I thought I will see one of sky castle actor in there and kang daniel. Why kang daniel not in the list btw? He always created a big buzz.

      • @fil it is domestic cfs not international cfs. Bts ger paid a lot but in domestic market difference is not much. AKOBACO is officail hovt body so its not fake. Deal with it
        @jk it is about domestic list. R u questioning govt body? Bts makes moeny from tours etc. In cfs they have international deals but in local market they ear on par and have to divide money. kobaco is official one.

      • @royalwe key word 2 years and yes i agree bts can have 3 million endorsements or 7 milion over 2 years. There is no single evidence that they get one billion won per member . Thats it. Also agencies take half of the cf earnings when it comes to idols , but if bts start doing sollo cfs i can see V and jungkook having billion won solo cfs!, I am an army but i hate when some other bts fans make up numbers. For eg bts tour grossed 100 million but they get around 30 to 35% gross ( western artist gets same cut after agencies pay out, touring agend, production ). That is about 5 milion usd per member. or even if 200 million over all tour gross over 2 years equates o 10 million usd per member. Now take movie stars like song kang ho or lee byung hun. They dont take much upfront but have 10 to 20% gross deals. A movie grossing 50 million usd land them anywhere 5 million to 10 million usd without touring for whole year and a movie grossing 100 million like parasite much more. And they r doin g for decades. BTS are at peak but can they continue forever? Also we have to factor that music agencies take bigger cut than actors and then they have to divide too. In case of actresses ike jjh etc they get 90% of their cf earnings without sharing. I rather have 20 cfs to earn 20 million over whole year worth touring tbh

    • @tiani they renewed their contracts and their high cf salaries plus multiple renews assures many brands deals left. They might not be active as actor but very active as cf model.
      Jun ji hyun dont use insta still sponsors run to her. Because actors brands doesnt need insta like idols whose fame is short lived . Actors appeal is across demographics of all ages. They dont need social media to endorse brands unlike idols . Their names are enough to sell their brand
      Kang daniel or sky castle has many brands but that doesnt means they earn on par with top actor or actress per brand. And his appeal is among young fan girls. For eg take rain he was on par with celebs back in 2000s but not now. Kang daniel is fresh thing but i really dont see him in long run.This poll is among general public across all ages. Thats why. For eg irene is cf queen in her own right but it will take her atleast 3 brands to earn what jun ji hyun or song hye kyo or lee young ae earns from one brand. That is the difference. Anyways its always good to have discussion with u even if we dont agree

      • I think its not about salaries. This is more like a fav endorsment from consumers view. And yes you need many cfs or high rating drama or movie or variety show to make sure you’re on their radar when they voted for you.
        Checking from prev polls I will say GY, PBG, and JJH’s place is very stable. 2 of gy’s cfs (kanu and terra) make it in top 10 and 1 of PBG’s CF (eider) in the list too.
        How GY make it in number 1 again, Its because 2019 is very empty, there’s no new it boy like PSJ in 2018. (He was number 1 in 2018).
        I think we need Double standar for Ig, not just idol, actors these days promoting their cfs in their instagram too, like PSJ. About kang daniel, PBG top the poll from female consumers in their teen and 20s. So really not sure with him.

      • What’s shocking isn’t the absence of KD but BTS who are the highest paid most in demand celebs world over. They have all the big brands and more CF than everyone combined. Fake list.

      • @Fii Just because you can’t see BTS here doesn’t mean the list isn’t legit. It’s not really a secret that athletes and actors are valued more compared to idols in SK. Imo they always have the privilege of being chosen to endorse Korean brands first.

      • @Fii you’re right any list without BTS is fake as fake gets. They get paid more than any actor or athelete per endorsement and we all know how many brands want then but can’t afford them. You can’t even walk around South Korea without bumping into a BTS ad.

      • Yeah tiani i agree. My point was if you are domestic stars you get cfs. I mean jjh can go on hiatus but still she shot 15 cfs this year. . Companies goes to her seeing how she gets selected by consumers over n over. The list you are talking ahout fave endosrments
        This is about fave endorsers which takes in account the number of cfs and popularity among domestic market. For eg both ksh and lmh signed multimillions cf deals after army but most of them r overseas compared to local deals.
        Kang daniel topped the list under 10 list which shows how limited his demographic is. Thats why u dont see them in local list even if they r outearning some celebs ( lee min ho signed around 7.5 million usd deals in just 3 month after army comeback lol )
        Yes insta is imp but like jjh showed when yiu are A list celeb you dont need insta to sell brands . Their names has transcended that insta thing.
        Kobaco is based on domestic surveys and these surveys are reliable as this is how polls are counted. Insta thing. Maybe u r righ there

      • @Fii – I think this ranking is only for individuals which is maybe why BTS (a group) doesn’t feature.

        It makes sense BTS would be expensive given how popular they are, but I don’t think they do that many endorsements, and if that is a choice then I think that’s a good thing, they make way more off touring anyway (their last tour made like $100 millon, that’s way more than they’ll ever get from even shooting 20-30 ads).

        IU is the only idol (is she even an idol anymore?) in the top 10 which is probably because of her successful dramas in 2018-19. Her staying power is impressive, and she can actually act plus her music is popular….a rare combination.

    • BTS in the domestic market earns almost a billion won per member per CF imagine how much they earn as a group. I’m talking domestic market and no list without BTS can ever be legit. They earn handsomely from CF deals and if you want to add their concert earning then you should know they are the richest celebs in South Korea. They earn even more than LBH and can buy buildings in cash up front. They cover a demographic across all age groups. There isn’t a single person in the country who doesn’t know BTS even world over people who have never heard K-pop know BTS so yeah this list is fake as hell.

      • Jk no bts dont earn billion won per member lol IN SK. LOL. NO COMPANY PAYS 7 BILLION WON TO A GROUP IN KOREA. IF YOU HAVE SOURCE PROVIDE OR YOUR CLAIMS R NOT RELIABLE. I AGREE EITH INTERNATIONAL DEALS BUT NO THEY DONT EARN 7 BILLION WON PER CF. EVEN IVERSEAS CELEBS DONT GET 7 MILLION USD CF. LOL CLAIMS IN AIR. ACTORS N ACTRESSES AND THEIR AGENCIES TAKE LESS CUT THAN BIGHIT. CONCERT TOURS HAS TO PAY LOT OF PRODUCTIONS TOO . YES THEY MIGHT BE RICHEST BUT WE HERE ARE TALKING ABOUT CF MONEY NOT CONCERTS OR MOVIES ETC. THIS POLL IS ABOUT DOMESTIC CFS. . Bts earned 57 million last year wHich is dIvided between 7 members. THAT IS ABOUT 8 MILLION PER MEMBER. For eg jjh earned nearly 35 million usd back in 2014 from cfs. THIS YEAR SHE SHOT 15 CFS N HER CHARGE IS OE BILLION WON. THAT IS 15 MILLION DOLLARS WHICH IS DOUBLE OF WHAT SINGLE BTS MEMBER EARNED ACCORDING TO FORBES. she didnt have to divide. They are rich but not the richest bcoz they have to divide. Lee byung hun has share of movie profit. HE OWNS MASSIVE REAL ESTATE.JJH OWN 77 BILLION WON REAL ESTATE. NO BTS MEMBER HAS DOUBLE DIGIT REAL ESTATE SO FAR If his movie grossed 50 million usd , he earns around 5 to 10 million usd without cfs and more if movie reached 80 to 100 million usd. They dont have to pay to production touring agent like bts do bcoz of massive tours massive budget n production

      • Jun ji hyun bought a 30 million dollar building in cash. N many celebs buy in cash. Bts members has bought 3 or 4.million building in cash so far So yes they are not the only multimillionaires in korea. Song seung heon owns a 30 million building too. Song joong ki bought a 10 million dollar building in cash. Shk bought a double digit building too Kim tae hee bought a building in cash. Rain owns several properties. Lee byung hun owns many buildings. Actors like song kang ho etc gets massive movie profits. They are private and they dont need to boast. They are that rich that they refuse cfs. Because they earn double digits in movie. When they do movie like parasite. When they get 10 to 20 percent of gross deals with less upfront salary. Even secnd tier actors are multimillion buildings. I can go on. Bts r rich but many stars r rich too and actors agencies take less cut. Plus no bts dont earn one billion won per member in korea for one brand.
        When big bang was national group, they were earning one billion as group. Not one billion won per member. . Even overseas that is not possible. Even overseas companies dont pay that much and when overseas brands pay such contracts it includes sponsorships of tours which goes to production instead of their pockets.
        Third even if we assume bts get one billion won per member ( lol which isnt true ) there r many celebs in korea who get billion won for one cf. Lee min ho oppo deal was worth 2.5 million usd for single year. N he earns around 1 to 1.5 million usd for one cf internationally. After his comeback, hongkong news paper prublished his list of cf deals in just 3 mnths worth 7.5 million usd. They dont need to go tour whole year to earn that much cash.

      • JJH is how old? The youngest in BTS at 21 bought a 20 Million Won building in cash and that is the only one that was reported. They bought so many buildings it hasn’t even been reported. BTS does earn about 1 billion per member and there was a news article about it as well. Everyone in the fandom knows it. Their earning in 2019 is 3 times more than last year when they were still being discriminated against but since fans protested their earnings have shot up exponentially. On TvN or MBC entertainment program I don’t remember which one CF expert said that the industry had to revise their ceiling for CF fees because of BTS who are earning more than even the top tier actors because the demand for the group is so busy despite the fact that they don’t actually even have the time to film the ads they sign up for. This list is fake if BTS isn’t on it and that is fact. There is no celebrity bigger than BTS in the world not even JB and Drake are at their level.

      • BTS even outsold Ed Sheeran to be the highest grossing tour in 2019 so get off your delusional horse. They are the biggest celebrities in the world and everyone loves them.

      • No u need to get your facts right. Its not if n whats. Either give me credible source or telM me the name of article or else ur cf salary claims r fake. NOPE BTS DONT EARN 7 BILLION WON PER CF . NOT EVEN InTERNATIONAL STARS GET SUCH DEALS AND IF THEY GETIT INCLUDES SPONSORSHIPS FOR THEIR TOURS
        NO 20 MILLION WON BUILDING? OR 20 BILLION WON BUILDING no bts member bought 20 million usd building dude. Jhope made a profi on 1 million dollar building which is worth 2 million usd. Yheir buidlig r in single digits not double digit. Get your fact clear and stop making lies to make your point
        Point remains they are top stars but not the top ones in domestic market
        I follow bts more than u for years and there is no authentic claim or article where they said they EARNs 7 billi9n won per cf. Your claims are fake and lies because u dont have any proof.
        You read and we believe?

      • @Jk And many celebs buy building and hotel etc which are not reported. And many have invested in shares. Bts r not the only one . So unreported thing is fan theory . Fact remains their reported buildings are not even anywhere near what top celebs in korea has bought. I believe in actual reported number not your la la land If bs goes unreported then others too.
        You have no strong argument to validate. You just clutching at straws. Just because u said that u read it that doesnt mean it is true. There is no article which states they earn 7 billion won per cf. Even international deals dont pay that much
        U r not more credible than kobaco and forbes. Forbes estimated their earned 57 million which includes sales tours cfs etc. 8 million usd per member. A top movie star outearns them and they are at their peaks. They wont be having same peak when they enter 30s where top celebs like jjh lee byung hun etc r relevant for 2 and 3 decades
        So nope they are not richer and nope there is no evidence that they get 7 billion won per cf. You have no proof but your claims because u cant handle official govt BODY DIDNT RANK THEM HIGH IN CF. THEY ARE OFFICIALS YOU ARE NOT. SO NPPE ITS U WHO IS FAKE

      • @adyjunjihyun – btw, about international stars and endorsements, top tier stars do get paid that much and more.

        Emma Stone was paid a figure reported all over international fashion press as between $6 and $10 million, to be the face of Louis Vuitton for two years. And these are reputable magazines that reported it, not some tabloid gossip sites. With BTS’ increasing international profile, I would not be surprised if some brand paid, not 7 million, but 3-5 million or so, to have them as its face.

    • It’s not surprising that the male species is at the top of this ranking. The main target customer group are women. Connect the dots. ?

      • @kat haha things change. Back in 2016 top 6 have 5 women lol song joong ki was number one but next 5 were seol hyun kim yoona suzy song hye kyo jun ji hyun . Cfs r very dominated by women 😉

  2. who doesn’t like Gongyoo? ? I don’t know how to put it he seems aloof yet still approachable at the same time, it gives me wonder. ha ha ha

  3. Wow, JJH is the wall. She really is a superstar – Cheon Song Yi in real life. Keeping her personal life private, not doing any variety shows and abstaining from SNS help maintain her status. It almost feels like she is a movie star from another time. Her aura is amazing. Love her!

    • yes she has followed her senior and good friend lee young ae who went to hiatus for long and stayed exclusive but stayed top cf model . Even lee young ae sometimes went to varieties but jjh never so far. she will always on tv because of cfs but still maintain her exclusive image. Completing 2 decades as cf model. Btw this list started getting published in 2003 and u know who topped it? JJh
      Even before my sassy girl which made her hallyu star, she filmed for 7 brands in 2000 when she had yet to become a superstar. 2 decades dominance!

      • Honestly it’s not hard to see why JJH dominates and has such staying power – she is a STAR, and owns it. Plus she’s got the looks and height of a model anyway, perfect for endorsements right there.

    • Agree JJH allure, her star status and private life is what she has achieved in the last few decades is second to none. I love that she is a domestic goddess and CF Queen and can morph into both scenes with ease. Always a welcome treat when news of her surfaces and I’m especially keen for Kingdom season 2 knowing that she has a scene or two there. One to always follow and a Korean screen legend imo. Love her to bits ever since My sassy girl and Daisy. ❤️

  4. Honestly it’s not hard to see why JJH dominates and has such staying power – she is a STAR, and owns it. Plus she’s got the looks and height of a model anyway, perfect for endorsements right there.

  5. Wow Queen Yuna is still the queen of Korea, highest ranking female on this list. She’s been retired from competitive figure skating for almost 7 years (she retired after the Sochi Olympics in February 2014). Yet the people of Korea still love her even in her retirement. She can still sell out ice shows and attract international skating stars to her shows (All that Skate 2019). It’s sad how none of the other comments appreciate her… I guess she’s more loved in Korea than outside of Korea, but most figure skating analysts from all over the world acknowledge her as one of the best female skaters of all time, not just from Korea. And that’s why the Koreans love her so much. She came from a country that had no figure skating stars and became dominantly the best in the world. Her success in international figure skating competitions in the years 2009-2010 is comparable to BTS’s success in the music industry this past year. The height of her figure skating career was almost 10 years ago, yet she’s still ranking high on this list! As a huge figure skating fan, I’m so proud of our queen’s constant popularity in her country! (I’m also a huge kpop and kdrama fan, but Queen Yuna being on this is especially special to me)

  6. Wow Queen Yuna is still the queen of Korea, highest ranking female on this list. She’s been retired from competitive figure skating for almost 7 years (she retired after the Sochi Olympics in February 2014). Yet the people of Korea still love her even in her retirement. She can still sell out ice shows and attract international skating stars to her shows (All that Skate 2019). It’s sad how none of the other comments appreciate her… I guess she’s more loved inside Korea than outside of Korea, but most figure skating analysts from all over the world acknowledge her as one of the best female skaters of all time, not just from Korea. And that’s why the Koreans love her so much. She came from a country that had no figure skating stars and became dominantly the best in the world. Her success in international figure skating competitions in the years 2009-2010 is comparable to BTS’s success in the music industry this past year. The height of her figure skating career was almost 10 years ago, yet she’s still ranking high on this list! As a huge figure skating fan, I’m so proud of our queen’s constant popularity in her country! (I’m also a huge kpop and kdrama fan, but Queen Yuna being on this is especially special to me)

    • @gyp Sorry but I had to google her name-Kim Yu Na to find out who she was. I follow K actors and actresses not K sports people so I wouldn’t know her from a bar of soap.

      • Wow I find it surprising that you’ve followed kdramas since my sassy girl and never heard of Kim Yuna. Even though she’s a sports star, she was the most popular person in Korea for several years around 5-10 years ago. Lots of people parodied her on kdramas, and many male kdrama stars and kpop stars picked her as their ideal type. (Jung Yonghwa, Lee Joon, Nichkhun, Jo Insung, Chun Jungmyun). She’s done endorsements with top stars like Kim Soohyun, Park Bogum, and Big Bang. If you said you didn’t know her in Korea they would call you a spy lol

      • @gyp Nope hand on my heart I saw Kim Yuna’s name didn’t ring any bells and I don’t even know what she looks like but I was happy to see PBG and Jeon Ji Hyun. I do know Yang Mi the Chinese basketballer and the UFC Korean zombie Chan Sung Jung from my family that are avid BBall and UFC followers. Ice skating is not big here down under in NZ so it’s kinda like asking someone in Asia if they know Richie McCaw of the All Blacks. You see the name KYN could have dropped in dramas and I would assume it was Yoona of SNSD.

  7. When i sasi jung hae is in A list people mocked me. Yes he is not the best but he has no shortage of ffs. He and park seo joon become it boys at same time. Park seo joon is bigger but jung hae in is in also A list.
    Btw jjh has filmed over 300 cfs in 20 years. Back im 2008 lee young ae had record pf 240 cfs from 1991 to 2008 where kim tae hee was called cf queen but jun ji hyun and lee young earned more . Lya did cfs this decade but very less
    So jjh might have the record now.and i can see her another decade as cf queen. Bcoz she isnt taking long hiatus like lya

    • Because your reason is weird. We can called an actor A list actor if they don’t have big hit projects. PSJ have She was pretty, fight for my way, WWWSK, and in movieland He has midnight Runner with 5m admission. Jhi? SITR with just 6% rating? tune in love with just 1m admission. He is just a CF star.

      • @b list celebs dont get best cf ofFErs n tuned in love did good for Movie of that scale. Infact it set record for the genre.
        Sitr did great for cable drama. Which made him a leading men
        So no My logic isnt wrong. He is A list actor thats why he has CF DEALS!

      • Hmmm… there is no way JHI is top actor at this moment. There can only be one person at the top (literally). I can name more than 5 k-actors in higher demand as Actor (not CF) than him. How many actors are on your list whom you label as “top”? Just curious.

      • JHI definitely popular and definitely in demand as a CF model (kinda like Suzy)but I haven’t seen him in anything other then the bit part on Prison Playbook nothing else. He has a long way to go before he reaches top actor status imo. Kang Ha Neul and Kim Won Bin are just 2 actors that play 3 dimensional characters and are exciting to watch on screen having seen them as both protagonists and antagonists.

  8. Oh I still remember Cha eunwoo get Baskin robbins last year, He take it from SJK. And PBG in his raising star day get TNGT, Lee minhoo’s CF. Its pretty normal for raising star or an ‘it boy’ to get a good CF’s offers. Btw JKY taking sprite from JHI so he is A list actor now?

    • None of them ranked in this list who snatched cfs. and this list is general public view across all ages and if u r a flop or unknown actor, u wont be ranked in top 10 tied with all time cf queen jun ji hyun. U wont be winning baeksang awards. Its by korean official advertising body. His dramas and movie is with A list actresses so far. 2018 and 2019 were park seo joon and his years. Its not hard to understand but i see you n i will never be on same page. For me he is an A list actor right now and fits all criteria. Now with kobaco confirming that he is cf king too ranked at number 5 with all top tier atars. Yes he is A list actor . Agree to disagree

      • @ady Just because he did a project with A list actress it didnt make him A list actor as well. NJH did one with HJM, but you still called him b list actor. Jhi is more lucky because he get an easy ride from his female leads. You are the one who said it if the actor is domestic star, they can go on hiatus and still get cfs. JHI has many projects this year: one drama, 2 movies, and some variety show. Thats why he can make his name in there, he just everywhere. All actors in that poll not as active as him, except PSJ (one movie), it will be hard for me to see them in the same level with him.
        The fact that Gongyoo can make his name again in top 5 of gallup actor drama poll without drama is a proof, there’s no a big competition between actors this year. Thats why b list actor like him can make his name in some polls. You still need to check, what he achieve next year because big actors like KSH, LMH, JW, PSJ even GY, PBG will have a comeback. Can he still make it to some polls with a big competion next year or not.

      • @adyjunjihyun Normally I’d agree with you but not on this one. It really isn’t easy for someone to be called A-Lister. There’s a difference between top stars and trendy actors. Both can get a lot of CF offers but top stars can stay under the radar for a few years and still manage to be relevant and popular. Trendy actors often need to rely on hit projects to get all those offers but still, having a hit project doesn’t instantly make them A-Listers. I remember someone who was regarded as B-Lister despite having two popular dramas a couple of years ago.

  9. Oh my Bogummy. I am so happy for him. Many polls in this year included his name in the top 5 of their list. Those companies that chose him, thanks to them, bc he is still with them,renewing their contract wd bogum. He had his drama ended early of 2019, moved on to FM tours then CF and movie shooting simultaneously.

    Congratulations also to the top ten. There are various reasons why they belong to the list. KOBACO is a very reliable agency and doing this for years. If the other actor/actress or idols did not make it in the list, there will always be another year. Maybe next year their name is listed there. Let’s hope for the best for our loved K-celebrities. Happy New Year Everyone.

  10. Oh my Bogummy. I am so happy for him. Many polls in this year included his name in the top 5 of their list. Those companies that chose him, thanks to them, bc he is still with them,renewing their contracts wd bogum. He had his drama ended early of 2019, moved on to FM tours then CF and movie shooting simultaneously.

    Congratulations also to the top ten. There are various reasons why they belong to the list. KOBACO is a very reliable agency and doing this for years. If the other actor/actress or idols did not make it in the list, there will always be another year. Maybe next year their name is listed there. Let’s hope for the best for our loved K-celebrities. Happy New Year Everyone.

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