Hyun Bin’s Four North Korean Soldier Subordinates in Crash Landing on You Each Create Memorable Roles
One reason why I’m enjoying Crash Landing on You so much is the rich and layered characterizations of the supporting and even ancillary characters. Even the small roles are memorable and even better perfectly cast, case in point North Korean military officer Hyun Bin’s four subordinate soldiers in his border squad Company Five. There’s Yang Kyung Won as the ornery but secretly cares about Se Ri’s Pyo Chi Soo, then we have Hallyu entertainment loving Kim Joo Muk played by Yoo Soo Bin, then the looker of the group rookie actor Lee Sin Young as Park Kwang Bum who may be there for the looks but he’s doing more than playing a male wallflower, and last but never least the maknae who is just so earnest and wants to help Geun Eun Dong played by Tang Joon Sang. I’m thrilled to devote a post to them and help them gain name recognition with the international drama viewing audience because these boys are well on their way to more dramas in their near future after this is done.
it’s interesting to see how the one who’s 28 in real life plays as a 23 yo in the drama, while the one who’s 22 in real life plays 28.
The ducklings! I love all 4 – perfectly casted
Chi-Soo’s speech and expressions are the best
And the cutie is going to go far if he have the acting chops. He’s very good looking
Perfectly casted. I so adore them all