
Go Yoon Jung Goes Glam in Little Black Dresses and Statement Jewelry in Bazaar December 2022 Pictorial — 11 Comments

  1. This girl is beautiful and she can act with quality. The first ep of Alchemy of Soul is hers and I was captivated by her strong aura. I hope this drama will be her break to get more lead roles. I also watched her in Sweet Home and Law School and she nailed both her roles there. Well, the first time I saw her was with PBG in the MV of of Lee Seung Chul’s ‘I Will Give You All’

  2. It’s quite interesting she has gotten some very bad comments from Fans who are mad at her for replacing JSM. They went as far as she reap the seeds planted by JSM, but GYJ has more followers in IG & already has her own fans. This girl did not need any leading role to land big name endorsements. I’ve look her up for curiosity and she has worked w/ a wide variety of endorsements even more than some bigger names or other leading actors. I would say she is lucky w/ that beautiful face of hers, but then her acting so far has been pretty good for a newbie. Her agency is small and geared towards modeling, but she managed to land big budget drama/movies. She is gonna be big if her project keeps up.

  3. She has features that Chinese like. Her aura makes her look like a Chinese, especially the bottom two pictures. She even looks like Xiaoting at a glance. No wonder I like her.

  4. It’s weird. I loved her scenes in the first episode of AoS but now I find the pictures/teasers with her pretty bad… I think they focused on the action and the scenes looked good. But now they focus on her beauty but I don’t find her specially beautiful, so it doesn’t work for me.

    • Same. Interesting how I alw share tour sentiments. I loved the first 2 eps of aos cos of how she brought to life naksu and her inner strength/action/assassin qualities were the focus. She made me wish naksu was the lead in the 1st season. Second season as u said they focused on her beauty and I’m like eh? I dont find her especially beautiful and it’s jarring. She’s someone that seems to need quite abit of styling and makeup to stand out. Otherwise I think she’s quite plain.

    • I don’t get it either. What I can say is that she has an elegant aura, but as far as beauty goes, I don’t find her that beautiful either. I probably just don’t like strong features or something…

      • She looks like a mix of Kim ji won, seo ji hye, and seo ye ji to me… but, like, a less pretty version of those three.
        Sorry to her fans, just my subjective opinion. If you find her very beautiful, that’s cool too 👍

    • The fact that she in AOS S2 make me think the AOS team actually want to push rokie actress at first, but they hasitant and decide use veteran actress in S1 instead to check the respond.

      Well, it can be bad and good thing.

  5. I find her really pretty. Plus, her face and voice are kind of boyish, and she has a charismatic on screen presence. I think all that makes her ideal for the role of the badass assassin Naksu.
    She was mesmerizing in the 1st episode of AoS, and I’m looking forward to have her as Naksu again. 😀

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