Jung Kyung Ho Takes a Dreamy Spring Tropical Vacation for W Korea May 2023 Edition

It’s a good year for Jung Kyung Ho, but then I feel like I’ve been saying that for many years now. This year he hit a homerun with Crash Course on Romance and a Baeksang Awards Best Actor nomination but even in prior years he’s hit first, second, and even third base at bats for all his projects. He’s in W Korea for May 2023 in a pictorial and just begs the reader to be whisked away to his tropical locale and imagine a serene azure skies and cerulean water escape. He’s known for being tall and lanky, even borderline too thin, but as an actor he goes beyond his physique and always delivers what the role requires.

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That’s the best I’ve seen him look. He has always been a good actor and Smile You one of the first drama I’ve watched.
I saw the way he ate in Hospital Playlist 3 meals a day. He loves food so much. He must have a good metabolism with the amount he eats. I now remember him more going into food orgasms rather than his roles.
He has been on my radar since Time Between Dog and Wolf and I have considered him one of the best actors working since Cruel City. I do wish he would return to action and a little beefier look, but whatever he does, his acting ability is undeniable! Would love to see him in a sageuk again; it’s been too long.
Yea sooyoung ah!you are lucky!wkwwkwk