
Lee Sung Kyung and Ahn Hyo Seob Bring the Pretty and the Pain in New Stills for Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim 3 After the Big Disaster Scene — 4 Comments

  1. I love their chemistry and wish it was better utilized this season. They brought so much angst and energy in the last season but are not being used for their full potential. Not sure if it’s a directing or writing issue.

    • It’s definitely the writing. There is nothing director and actor can do with minimal screen time. They basically has 2-4 minutes screen times together for the whole 60-70 min, what with just make them doing skinship or cute scene without good build up to the story and do you expecting chemistry and the actor invested to the script ? I feel for them though through episode 9-10 which has good build up that make their scene believable.

      In season 2, despite minimal skinship, theere is good build up to their storyline and feel the ellectric chemistry from them

      • Yes, I think writing is probably the main issue here. It’s like a conflict is introduced and then it just doesn’t get attention. Skinship is not necessary for chemistry. As you said in season 2 there wasn’t that much skinship but their scenes and build up made sense. This season the actors can only do so much because scenes seem random and not properly thought out.

    • @Leaves45 : The writers is too busy in recent years. What with take too many project in 2 years like Gyeongseong Creature, dr romantic 3 and Gyeongseong Creature season 2 in the making. I Think that’s why the storyline are not properly develop . She shouldn’t hurry. The actor and director suffered when the writing are not up to par. They spent so much money in this but the story is so underwhelming. Not only the romance.

      WHen I heard she is taking too many project I was already suspect dr romantic 3 wouldn’t be as good as previous season. Now I’m worried about Gyeongseong Creature storyline.

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