Dylan Wang Criticized by C-netizens for His Dreads and Tattoo Showing Look at LV Event

So there is soooooo much wrong with this look C-actor Dylan Wang is sporting but the one thing not wrong is his tattoos showing. Dylan has many tattoos on his body which he normally covers up during filming and events, he’s like the male C-version of Han So Hee. It’s a freedom of expression for him and he isn’t bothered by it the slightest to be criticized by netizens for it but he does conceal it. But at this week’s Louis Vuitton LV event he wore shorts and some of his leg tattoos showed and that annoyed netizens. But the bigger criticism is over his dreads and the whole look of trying to be gangster emulating the African-American rapper with encrusted diamonds and tough guy vibes. In the more PC US this would be cultural appropriation but it’s not bad enough to be more than a small “really?” eyebrow raise. His whole look would be on his coordi so bad coordi. The outfit was of course LV and just looks dorky haha but it’s his styling around the outfit and some poses that garnered the complaints.

It’s been a long time since I fully agree with your points, Koala. As much as I like Wang Hedi, his outfit for this event is a miss.
But where are the tattoos, can’t see any.
This whole look is a failure, but maybe it was coordinated by LV? Otherwise it’s plain bad taste (and won’t be the first time with Dylan, bless his heart).
I’m only seeing hairs. LMAO
Wait! There are hairless patches on his thighs! Could it be that they photoshopped his tattoos off?
I can see some tattoos sticking out a bit from the first pic at the bottom of his shorts. The other pics, especially the ones in the bath tub were definitely photoshopped. That’s what they typically do.
He’s a good looking guy, but not a fan of this overall look even without the locks. A lot of SS24 from Pharrell just gave me Minecraft vibes.
Hey don,t be bitches about what someone wears, cause people are looking at you, saying same shit grow up , yea iam a 62 yr,s old. And he,s cool, so remember Dylan, stand your ground.
Oh gosh, this look is quite so bad. The whole outfit combo with his hairstyling is just awful. I want to delete this image off my head…but I doubt I can.
And then greeted the head designer whoo is, you guessed it, black. What a terrible mess.
You mean Pharrell Williams ?
He’s lucky he’s not a Kpop idol or K-actor because this type of cringe cultural appropriation would be trending worldwide
You are right there…if he was a famous Kpop idol, this will spread.
People need to stop judging these actor when they clearly are dressing specifically for the fashion house’s event according to their theme. A majority of them wears and buy nothing they endorsed. They are sponsored clothing and if they do buy them, they buy them at a discount. Only the normal people actually pays full for them.
The drag thing, I swear people making something out of nothing. I’m in the states and even blacks find it flattering.
Thank you! 100% agree with what you said!
% agree. He didn’t choose his outfit, it was laid out for him. Didn’t Pharrell have something to do with the looks, and promotion, too? He is a black rapper/pop & rnb artist….soooo…don’t get why people think Dylan chose it. Not being black or from the states and young, he probably didn’t even think he should say anything. But I definitely didn’t get offended, just don’t think the look suits him, and I am black in the states.
Aside from the sunglasses, I like the look, especially the shoes, and it’s not cultural appropriation. Those are braids, not locks and anyone can wear braids and locks it’s all about how it’s done and why.
They look like box braids though so…. It’s still very much cultural appropriation, particularly since he was trying to rap in a video also, that’s a clear sign he wasn’t just wearing “braids” for no reason, he was wearing them cause he wanted a certain “aesthetic.” Black people get discriminated against here in the US just for wearing the hair that grows out of our heads in its natural state, so it raises eyebrows when someone treats our protective styles like a costume. Hip hop is about authenticity and this seemed like cosplay, not authentic to him. I agree it’s mostly just cringe, and I’m not a hater, I’ve watched his dramas before and had just followed him on socials before this happened. The reason why it’s cringe is because as a black person it just seems so unnecessary. Like why? And in front of Pharrell, too? Ugh. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything bad by it, but it just doesn’t reflect well on him in the eyes of some global viewers. I doubt he would’ve dressed that way just getting coffee on his day to day schedule. In the US, people tend to like our aesthetic but not support us having rights, it’s a sensitive issue, so it’s best on a world stage like a fashion show not to dress like that.
I’m not defending Dylan Wang. Hip hop isn’t for everyone. But do you realize copying African American pop stars’ fashion styles have become a vogue here in the US, among many teens and hip hop fans? I guess Dylan just wanted to try something new and very different from what traditional Chinese are used to. I even read some fashion influencers’ compliments about his new bold looks. LOL
I personally do think hair braids work on him pretty well because of his sharp facial features. He didn’t have to look suave as many popular Chinese liuliang do all the time. This is a fashion show. It’s where bold attempts and new ideas stand out.
Well, I am a black person in the US, and I don’t think in every situation where a non-black person wears braids or locks is cultural appropriation, it can be cultural appreciation as well, Like I said it depends on how and why it’s done. People have to remember that just because you dress eat or listen to music from another culture doesn’t mean there’s hate or mockery behind it. I think there’s a lot to look at with the whole cultural appropriation thing anyway it’s much moe complex than just fashion and hair.
I don’t know much about him but I guess if this isn’t a regular thing for him or is way outside of his norm then it could be appropriate, honestly, at first I didn’t even read the article I just looked at the pictures.
Hopefully, there are no mistakes and typos I read this five times but I’m broken when it comes to my own writing.
He looked like an African American pop star. It’s not for everyone. But I also read some stylist-influencers raving about him nailing a la mode. LOL
Ummm…where are these numerous tattoos on his legs? I’m looking. Still looking.
As for the look, those socks must go.
What cultural appropriation? If you want to live a decent life that’s respectful, don’t be oversensitive ! What about every gentleman around the world nowadays almost wearing western suit with necktie in all the formal/official occasions? You guys should research the history and the origin of necktie that wasn’t something really noble nor graceful! Neckties were originally traced back to Croatian mercenaries. LOL. But look how necktie nowadays is used as a symbol of men’s formal wear.
Aesthetics aside, there is nothing wrong with Dylan’s African American hip-hop look. I’ve seen this kind of style everywhere on the streets and on campuses in the US, specifically among teens regardless of colors. I don’t think ppl who copy fashion styles inspired by certain cultural characteristics of ethnic groups have disdain for that ethnic group. Most of the time Ppl, specifically young ppl who appreciate fresh ideas more than passé fashions, just want to try out something new and look different.
Where do you see cultural appropriation from Dylan’s hip hop look? It’s stretching a point to call this cultural appropriation! LOL. He just wanted to have fun in the event.
What’s the average age of the commenters in this thread? I guess 50+? LOL.
Labeling a new idea for a fashion show cultural appropriation is stretching a point. Aging folks usually have a fetish to dismiss experiments of new ideas and changes.
@Somebody …too funny. You disparage commenters on Reddit by saying they’re brainless young ppl and here you’re disparaging commenters for being older. What, pray tell, is the right age bracket for you ?
Also, the history of the black hair struggle in the US is an ongoing one. Just recently, in the news, there is a case of a black student being put on suspension by his school for having dreads so don’t you go being dismissive when ppl raise eyebrows at non black ppl wearing these kind of hairstyles. Imitation is not a form of flattery in this case when black ppl are still being punished for how they wear their hair in the States. Your comparison with the western suit and neckties is a not at all comparable.
With that said, I always give some grace to non Western stars in these cases because I don’t expect them to understand the nuances of this kind of Western history.
LOL I know you like to spread negativity about the US. Chinese ppl just have to get over the obsession of the bad impression about the US propagated by China. Perhaps you’re old too? Get offended? LOL
@R, My opinions about Redditors are fair and square per what they have posted and how they have commented in lots of threads traced back to several years ago. Their own survey statistics showed that at least 40+% of the Cdrama members were underaged minors or college-age brats. These majority form very biased opinions and specific preference of selected C actors and dramas while scathing about other actors most of the time. They show pattern of passive aggressiveness in their written opinions and responses towards ppl with different opinions. I read many heated debates between these biased Redditors and a few minority who self-identified as older fans. These biased younger Redditors just didn’t talk like mature grown-up.
On the other hand, here we are talking about fashion styles that is one of the areas old people usually have trouble being open minded to experimental/new ideas. I don’t see any cultural appropriation of black people in Dylan’s wearing and styling as implied in the blog. It’s just too much stretching a point and ridiculous to have that negative implication. You don’t need to appreciate his fashion and hair styles. It’s totally fine to dislike per personal aesthetics. But to tag and label it with undermining moral values is judgmental and overbearing !
I see many Chinese including you certainly have this kind of tendency judging, labeling, and accusing ppl of what they may be innocent of. This kind of mob culture is so dangerous. It’s even more detestable when you guys aren’t Americans but misinterpret American culture to make dubious arguments. SMH !!!
You are such a tool. Just because you did not find anything wrong in this doesn’t mean that everyone is gonna be the same. Who even let 12yrs old in this site lol?
@Kimmy, LOL. How does a fashion concept like this in a LV event have to do with moral values of right or wrong? That’s why I said you guys are perhaps old haggard that have been used to just one-dimensional concepts about styling cos you all live in the past century. LOL.
I’m not a fan of Dylan Wang at all. I simply feel so amused by Asian fans’ overreaction to his experiment of non-Chinese styles. I get it! Asian culture’s, specifically Chinese culture’s conformity, monotonous cultural expressions, and a tendency to discourage anything new or experimental is the reason why these countries lack creativity in almost everything, far behind the West which is more open minded and more tolerant of eccentric ideas, from science to technology to entertainment to fashion. Whatever entails new ideas to make something thrive or interesting or fun is definitely gonna come across obstacles and rejection from public in China. On top of that, Chinese ppl have a strong fetish to label whoever and whatever to their disliking “wrong!” Just look at how you Chinese overreact to Dylan Wang’s unconventional style. LMAO.
I’m confused as to why you would even think it’s 50+ year old people who would think this is cultural appropriation when older people are notorious for having conservative mentality. It’s literally the opposite of what you’re saying lol — the 50-something people and older, especially boomers, always laugh at young people caring about social injustices such as sexism, racism (which cultural appropriation falls under), etc. It’s the young people who call out things like cultural appropriation, while older people always b*tch and moan about young people being too “woke” or “easily offended special snowflakes”. And that’s why I have no idea where did you get that it’s old people caring about things like this lol
LOL. It’s old farts who can’t tolerate differences and non-conventional in general, specifically regarding entertainment, art, and styles! And that’s what’s happened to this blog. Nonetheless, it’s obnoxious to label a simple fashion expression as something degrading like cultural appropriation, regardless of who gaslight are old farts or self-absorbent and immature kiddos! Age is not the main point here. But the mentality of the fetish to tell ppl what’s morally right or wrong while it’s irrelevant besides artistic creativity is beyond my comprehension.
Exactly. Definitely cosplaying as a “young person” and being ageist towards 50+ year-olds because she/he is likely suffering from some middle-aged crisis. Who tf uses terms like “kiddos” and “old farts” and claims to know what young people think on social issues? Like the user below says, it’s giving “How do you do, fellow kids? lmaooo
I’m 22 and I find his outfit cringe, as would many people in my age bracket would. millennials and gen Zs are the most woke generation, so dunno wtf you’re talking about lmao. NGL, your comment has a “How do you do fellow kids” vibe
(if you’re not familiar with it, google “Steve Buscemi How do you do fellow kids” meme, you give off the same vibe
LOL. So you’re lacking social and working experiences to get my points about overbearing implication of cultural appropriation! I don’t care about you kiddo since it’s the first time I read you on this site. But I was referring to other older folks (who had confessed their age before) who obviously can’t tolerate Dylan Wang’s non-conventional Chinese style and also gaslighted him very negative moral values. You have trouble reading sarcasm like many Zs do. LOL.
@alonica Right. That meme was the first thing that came to mind. This person is definitely AT LEAST in their 40s but is acting like they understand Gen Z and young millenials. The lack of self-awareness is hilarious.
@Somebody Pretty sure you’re the one who’s a boomer. Many who comment here are definitely in their 20s seeing the language use. Don’t act like you know young people’s views on cultural appropriation just because you look after some nephews and nieces lmao. Clearly you are out of touch.
LOL. I’m definitely talking to some kiddos. I’m not a boomer nor an socially inexperienced schoolers pretending to know what’s happening around the world – in their untrained heads. LOL. You surely can guess pretty well about my age range since I’m still at my prime time of career and pretty much respected and well established in my profession, unlike those rookies still struggling for career ladder. Age has no bearing in the debates here and you’re too immature to read my sarcasm.
Even you claimed yourself you, but your mentality and understanding of cultural appropriation are as dead and old as old hat. LOL
Even ppl claimed themselves young, their mentality and misinterpretation of cultural appropriation are as dead and aged as old hat. LMAO.
Just go back and read some comments from some ethnic black visitors of this site and that proves what I said about cultural appropriation. But you Chinese ignoramuses, young and old, always ride on high horses to spell out misinformation that’s just ludicrously prejudiced and obnoxious on social media.
Hey I agreed with your other comment and I’m over 50.
That’s nice. I was sarcastic, not age discriminatory in any case. As I said, the point is not about age but about mentality. It happened some commenters I know are older Chinese folks and were scathing about DW’s unconventional style. That’s fine if they were just critical of his aesthetics. But it’s stretching a point too much to label him cultural appropriate that was a very sensitive term in the US and totally unrelated to China and whatnot. Besides, none of these folks (young and old) arguing with me are Americans. Rather, they are mostly bigot Chinese without much understanding of American culture. But they are pretty loud as always on English SM to spread so much fallacy and lies about the US, American culture, and whatnot. I don’t care those immature college kids and self-claimed 20s who got all the spurious theories misinterpreting American cultural appropriation from their leftard professors at school. To label someone with such an egregious disdain, who just did a simple fashion show and experimented new ideas, is immoral itself.
What a terrible ensemble. I understand if he wants to be brave and try something different, but nothing in this outfit matches or go together.
I would never wear this at home much less out in public
I am not African American, but my race is black. I am from the Caribbean. Why should his hairstyle be offensive? I love Dylan Wang. This reminds me of Jaden Smith’s LV photos. I enjoy seeing Dylan Wang’s various styles/looks. He has the expressions to go with every look. Just have innocent fun with it. I am a huge fan.
All the naysaying and mockery mostly came from bigotry Chinese fans who have a fetish to chide anything to their disliking by certain morally “wrong” tags. That has become a phenomenal cultural display on social media. So toxic! They don’t need to like DW’s styling. But it’s too much to relate it to cultural appropriation. That’s just stretching a point. But ethnic Chinese have this kinda tendency perhaps thanks to upbringing at home and negative influence from Chinese culture.
Even ppl claimed themselves young, their mentality and misinterpretation of cultural appropriation are as dead and aged as old hat. LMAO.
Just go back and read some comments from some ethnic black visitors of this site and that proves what I said about cultural appropriation. But you Chinese ignoramuses, young and old, always ride on high horses to spell out misinformation that’s just ludicrously prejudiced and obnoxious on social media.
All the naysaying and mockery mostly came from bigotry Chinese fans who have a fetish to chide anything to their disliking by certain morally “wrong” tags. That has become a phenomenal cultural display on social media. So toxic! They don’t need to like DW’s styling. But it’s too much to relate it to cultural appropriation. That’s just stretching a point. But ethnic Chinese have this kinda tendency perhaps thanks to upbringing at home and negative influence from Chinese culture.
Anyone who has ever done a DEEP dive or been following He Di Dylan Wang would automatically laugh at the accusation of “cultural appropriation”. Here’s why:

. But we agree, that outfit choice is not giving what it was supposed to give 

1. He Di has been consistent in his demeanor since middle school which has been verified by many of his classmates and people who grew up with him. This is not new or him trying to assimilate into a culture as a trendy thing, he genuinely likes, respects, and also has learned about the African-American culture since very young
2. His clothing style has also been consistently infused with American Hip-hop fashion trends and nuances which he has referenced as his “style of comfort” where he “feels the most like himself”
3. Dylan has on numerous occasions worn variations of Afro-centric hairstyles. THIS time it wasn’t locs, ironically since he has actually had locs on a few occasions when he was younger
4. That man is not thinking about mocking anyone or their culture. He is extremely straightforward about the things he admires and will wear or do it if it is appealing to himself regardless of other people’s prejudices and assumptions about his reasons for doing it. He has been very consistent on that attitude
So the people who are trying to be the f’n cultural fashion police can calmly stfu – their concerns and presumptions do not apply to He Di Dylan Wang. They reached hard af
And this is a 29 y/o African-American woman who actively studies cultural appropriation and diversity disparities, tf
Am a fan from South Africa. Dylan wang is a young man and he’s behaving his age. Experimental. I see nothing wrong with his looks and tattoos everyone has them nowadays and it’s not like they’re showing. For crying out loud the boy is only 25 yrs old. Let him live a little..Stop rasism over African American bull***, everyone expresses themselves different in hip hop rapping, why can’t he do the same if he likes it . Free world, freedom and free expressions. From my understanding he was in a fashion show. So why not. Fashion is fashion. We love you Didi. Do you and be happy.. @ladygold191
Am a fan from South Africa. Dylan wang is a young man and he’s behaving his age. Experimental and free spirited. I see nothing wrong with his looks and tattoos everyone has them nowadays and it’s not like they’re showing. For crying out loud the boy is only 25 yrs old. Let him live a little..Stop racism over African American bull***, everyone expresses themselves different in hip hop rapping, why can’t he do the same if he likes it . Free world, freedom and free expressions. From my understanding he was in a fashion show. So why not. Fashion is fashion. We love you Didi. Do you and be happy.. @ladygold191
Somebody, agreed! …. exactly! It’s good to hear somebody make sense
Black people don’t have a problem with Dylan Wang. Chinese people have a problem with Dylan Wang embracing and showing respect for Black culture. When he died his hair blonde, I didn’t hear comments about him trying to be white. Why? Because Chinese people covet white skin, blonde hair, and color eyes. Get ya self together.
The hate you give.
We love you Dylan!
Sincerely Black People
As a Black American woman, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE his look, minus the white socks. Dylan baby, next time don’t you wear no white socks pulled up with Louis Vutton. Don’t you do that. I don’t care what the stylists say. No.
Anyway, you guys are so narrow minded. He is making a statement. When most Black people see him dressed that way, we feel like he is embracing and accepting our culture instead of judging us like most do. It causes us to want to embrace him. That is why a lot of Black people love Dylan Wang especially in America. Folks c-dramas are gaining popularity. I am already telling my Black girlfriend’s which dramas to watch and which actors are good.
Black people love Jackie Chan. Why? Because he teamed up with a Black American man, Chris Tucker and embraced. I believe I saw that the highest paid Chinese actor internationally is Jackie Chan. Be careful about the hate you give.
Dylan, no more white socks with Louis, but I love what you do. Keep on doing you. These netizens fans are crazy anyway.
Black People
@Lol, referring to me? When didn’t I make sense? I always make cases to get my points out. Only those who I consider mouthpieces for the CCP had trouble getting my points. LOL.
As a Black American Woman, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I hate the socks but I love the embrace of our culture. You guys on here are so narrow minded. Just like Dylan watches Black Americans, guess what? Black Americans watch Dylvan. We feel loved and accepted by him. He is making a statement. That us why He is going to blow up internationally while you guys stay on the net criticizing stupid things like hair and clothes. Black People in America love you Dylan. Keep doing you.