Kim Sae Ron Issues Statement that She Will Not Be Providing Any Comment on Why She Posted the Picture with Kim Soo Hyun
If there ever was an attention seeking person then Kim Sae Ron would appear to fit that definition. Days after causing a ruckus in K-ent with her 1 am posting of a picture with Kim Soo Hyun where they were in close contact and then deleting it immediately, the former actress first issued a statement that she was preparing her statement and now has issued said statement which is that she won’t be commenting any further. She said upon further reflection it would behoove her to be silent. Haha, no shit Sherlock. There is nothing good for her that could explain why she did it, if she dated/is dating him then doing this during his hit drama airing is just a dumbass thing to do and if she never dated him but they were friends during her days in his agency then she is a terribly selfish friend. And if they just hooked up as FWB then goodness the world doesn’t need to know. I’m glad there is closure on this very random story and back to waiting for new episodes of Queen of Tears.
yeah cuz girl is sewel and birah. Anyone with sane mind will not even consider to ask her any kind of question.
Lol at sewel & birah. Never thought i would come across these words here
She should take a break and live outside Korea for sometime. Because, its clear she is not adjusting well to her life at the moment. She won’t get a clean start unless she does. But then again, is she mature enough and responsible to start over somewhere else alone?
If she still wants to act, I am pretty sure any Filipino producer would love to have her.
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This whole “scandal” feels like a joke that’s really not funny. The photo posted wasn’t scandalous in the first place. But of course it blew up because KSH is the hottest thing in the market right now. Tbh, it was obvious from the start that KSR had no dirt or anything to go by. If she did, she’d have gone to the media a long time ago considering her beef is with Gold Medalist. I’m sure this will be forgotten in a few days, but what a pointless string of nonsense from KSR.
Glad KSH and the drama isn’t affected. Looking forward to Queen of Tears‘s new episodes!
@butterfly – the pic itself isn’t scandalous, I have drunk party pics in that pose from my own uni days and I’m from an Asian country too. But a lot of self-appointed experts on ‘Asian culture’ were declaring two Koreans/Asians couldn’t possibly pose like that unless dating —-> they must have dated —-> he must have groomed her—>he must be the next thing to a criminal or ‘shady’. The witch hunt mob was ready with their pitchforks for him, just like they were for Han So Hee the week before that because she got upset at being called a homewrecker.
I stand by what I said on the original comment – KSR had a history of staging and posting photographs to give false impressions and people should have been more sceptical. You’re right that it looks like she had no real dirt (and by ‘dirt’ I include them actually dating), it’s just a big ploy for attention and she should probably get therapy. Gold Medalist gave an appropriate response to the press anyway and as last Sunday proved, Queen of Tears isn’t taking any damage from this.
I am NOT looking forward to this week’s Queen of Tears but that’s because it’s going to be super stressful and frustrating to see the bad guys getting what they want, ugh!
I agree – it’s sad, and she needs help. I hope she gets it.
100%. The whole groomer accusation – while limited to extremely ridiculous people – is the one thing that pisses me off the most. I hope his agency really goes after those who went on the extreme. Particularly the fans outside Korea because that’s only really where these sort of accusations started.
I have zero sympathy for someone who has a DUI case, and doesn’t bother reflecting on her behaviour. Then after a series of rather pathetic events, she then tries to screw over a sunbae just so she can ride on his success. She even kept it vague all the way till the bitter end and in all this, KSH ended up being collateral damage. KSR needs to cut off her sns and go see a therapist. There is no coming back from here career wise but maybe she can get her life back on track.
A drunken look is forever plastered on her face now. Stupid move!
Settlement has been made.. all is well…blow over.
If she had anything else to show or say, his agency wouldn’t be so bold to deny right away. Why would they want to instigate her by putting out that statement, they could’ve given a vague response. Moreover she’s not someone that can be trusted with a settlement anyway.
Yea this does not sound like settlement at all. In fact, this sounds like they couldn’t even reach her. Throughout this ordeal, there were 3 different “friends/close acquaintance” who gave their statement on behalf of KSR. This was done for attention right till the end. She seriously needs to get herself together and seek help.
If *that* is the statement KSH’s Agency paid for, then they are absolute morons.
It would have taken way less time and effort to have simply said sorry, this was not intentional and the photo was taken in a company party. That would’ve appeased everyone more and helped not only KSH but also KSR herself. But nope, this girl legit keeps the question dangling in the air so there’s room for what ifs. If this was a different actor who’s been previously “scandalous”, or someone not in such a high pedestal in terms of celebrity status, they’d be roast.
yeah, if she had any dirt (they were ever dating, FWB, or a hookup) and crazy enough to see herself as having nothing to lose from being sued, she would have said or hinted at it.
If she had any dirt and was paid off by Gold Medallist, her statement would have been oriented to let KSH off the hook.
this? Just sounds like she had nothing on him, just wanted attention.
also the English translation of GM’s statement on soompi is faulty, the original Korean statement says ‘the current [dating] rumours are not true’ but the translation says KSH dating rumours are ‘not currently true’. There’s a difference in meaning!
@Royal We
Indeed. This statement just screams I want more attention and I’m willing to go through whatever means to get it. She had 2 unofficial statements via someone else. One who talks about how her life is so hard *eye roll* and then the other about how she wanted to show she was once on top. Then she also has her teaser for the statement, and thereafter the non statement. The whole thing just screams give-me-attention.
And yes – the translation is off from Soompi. Several other sites have translated it correctly. Where they placed “current” definitely matters because what his agency is saying is that no – they have never dated. And to come out so confident that immediately after this broke out shows they’re not afraid of what KSR might further do.
@Passerby @Butterfly, something could be brewing background before the first photo is posted. then she said she will explain more but now she changed her mind. All within afew days. I do feel settlements are made. Both have agreed to something and will move on from here.
I am more curious if the agreement will include allowing her back into industry slowly or just money? Anyway, I an just been nosy about this..just personal opinion. No offends towards either of you.
@HL, how the heck would his agency know she would post a random photo and make a settlement with her BEFORE it was posted. If they were/are dating, she’d have more photos and they wouldn’t deny it right away because it could backfire on them.
If she had anything worth a “settlement”, she would’ve done this long ago instead of fabricating that working at a coffee shop sh*t.
Huh?! If she was negotiating before posting the photo, then clearly they reached zero settlement considering she DID post the photo and it DID screw over KSH for a hot second before his agency cleared it up. That just doesn’t make any logical sense.
Also, how in the world would settling with KSH’s agency help her in any way shape or form to come back to the industry. Especially with the way she left it at “no comment”. She just pissed off practically everyone including the people inclined to believe her. That non statement just made it much worse for her. I’m not offended by your comment. Just plain confused.
Genuine question – I am curious on what logical reasoning deduced you to assume there was some agreement? Or that KSH would known about this before she posted it. trying to follow the reasoning because it’s my first time hearing this theory. If she wanted to come back to the industry, posting this photo was the one way to kill any chance. If she wanted money and was paid, KSH’s agency would have demanded a more succinct and direct denial of any involvement. The only real reason KSH is getting all the sympathy is his own god tier status and her own lack of reputation. A b-lister would be in some serious trouble for daring to even take photos, let alone date, someone scandalous like KsR…
Lets be honest, no one will really know what happens in the background. It could be simply her wanting attention…or she wants money and post the photo as blackmail. She is crazy enough to do anything as she has lost her career….she has nothing to lose. Timing is prefect, just as Kim Soo Hyun drama is getting immense popularity but it has not ended. The photo posting timing and her response is just prefect. I am aware many dont see it at all.
Again it is just speculation, no truth will ever be known. I post my opinion, just as everyone are doing. Call me cynical, I can be at times. But this has truly blown over, the drama is not affected. Everyone get what they want. Investors are happy this drama did not affect their profits. The PR recovery team did a good job. That is most important.
I do love to say to my students “There are no 2 eggs that are the same” as there are no 2 person who thinks the same too. Our differences is what makes this world interesting to live in. Thanks for sharing with me the differences.
The whole thing is so weird. If KHS’s agency paid her, she would have released a statement saying they didn’t date, I don’t see why they would pay her otherwise.
So clearly, it was just a stupid idea to post this picture.
I don’t know much about this actress aside from the fact she worked with Won Bin as a child actress and everyone seemed to think she had potential at one time. She grew up and the fame got to her head with DUI and this now. She seems to crave attention a lot. Being child actor/actress at a young age affects their mental development. It’s all very unfortunate.
So she just posted that to mess around with KSH and her former agency? Poor guy. It’s convenient of her to want to stay quiet now when she knows her silence is going to cause further speculations
It’s a good thing for KSH that no one believes in her bs, otherwise this so called scandal will follow him for a while. Not concerned for him overall. He probably just rolled his eyes and moved on. KSR on the other hand is concerning. She needs some guidance in her life. If not for herself, then at least for others who are affected by her actions.
Posting personal stuff online is never a good thing, I know people who post online for attention and sympathy and I just feel sad for them. If you have people who love you, you wouldn’t feel the need to resort to this kind of thing. Hope she gets the help she needs.