Yu Zheng Insults C-actress Zhu Xu Dan Despite Her Career Boost with Well-received Second Lead Turn in Love Game in Eastern Fantasy
So C-drama producer Yu Zheng decided to be a troll again just for funsies this week and as usual the sky is blue. C-actress Zhu Xu Dan is getting a career boost with her second female lead turn in popular C-drama Love Game in Eastern Fantasy, both her character and performance is getting positive reviews. She’s done Yu Zheng dramas before so a C-netizen asked Yu Zheng if he’s going to cast her as a female lead in his next dramas. Yu Zheng replied that “the supporting female hasn’t gotten a seat at the table”, basically that Zhu Xu Dan is not female lead worthy/level in his eyes. C-netizens find his dismissive tone very uncalled for and his attitude bitchy.
He is really a B*tch!. Gosh.
True lol
He really proves that she made the right decision and dodged a bullet.
With love game in eastern fantasy being a resounding success, it had crossed my mind that YuZheng was probably gnashing his teeth at seeing Zhu Xu Dan’s success even as a SFL. And lo and behold! She probably gives zero f—ks and is just glad she doesn’t have to be under his thumb like some actors.
I was thinking the same! I still remember during the filming booting ceremony for Perfect Match (the 5 OTPs drama) he basically cursed her and just brushed it off as a semantics error (righttttt) ~ And now ZXD is thriving.. Karma does not show its hand indeed.
Saaaame! I kept thinking about how mad zealous he’d be and cursing her privately
. Lo and behold, we get an article.
He is a terrible person. I won’t check out his drama unless the cast has a favorite and a good plot. This toxicity should not be condoned.
Lol in the meanwhile his upcoming drama’s trailer isn’t getting favorable reviews from C-netz either.
Which one? The perfect match?
Its this Perfect Match drama that ZXD ditch to to do another drama right? Did she ditch it to do Love Eastern or another drama? If it is Love Eastern then I would say good call to ZXD.
No its not. She ditched this for a female lead role with Zheng Yecheng, but that drama was ultimately cancelled due to budget. She then starred in Li Yitong and Liu Yuning’s drama as second FL. Ultimately Yu Zheng has the right to be angry, but Zhu Xudan also has the right to leave for better prospects if the contract hasn’t been signed yet.
Arrogance at its finest. Pride comes before the fall. Not sure he will fall but some bumps may come his way for his loud crass mouth and ways as well as the actors and actresses that continue with him for too long. He is so mean and bitter.
Bitter, jealous man. He is a blight on entertainment.
Leave the poor girl alone and focus on ur pretty boy’s career.
He was searching through his comments to see if anyone brought her up just so he could say that. He’s a hater when the actors he employed stop working with him and find success outside of him.
hate to be THAT person, but well, ZXD doesn’t really feel like lead actress material. i know she’s riding on a high right now, but her role isn’t difficult to play. and tbh, she doesn’t have main actress charisma. not enough for me to keep watching her for 30+ episodes. so i see yz’s point. i just don’t agree with how he phrased it – there wasn’t any need for the nastiness. the guy can hold a dang long grudge.
To be honest, when this smarmy, trashy guy bad mouths someone or something, it only makes me more interested and curious in them and I just wanna support them more! So he just ends up doing them a big favor by putting them on my radar with his thoughtless and tasteless opinions! Serves him right that they thrive and succeed their own way!