
TW-star Barbie Hsu Laid to Rest with Husband, Family, and Friends Beside Her on a Pouring Rain Day in Taipei — 6 Comments

  1. She hasn’t been laid to rest? It felt like her death has been for quite some time already. And wasn’t she supposed to have tree burial or something as per her wishes?

    • @Lilith, There was a dispute with DJ Koo over how to handle her burial thus the delay. He wanted to find a suitable location to properly buried her.

      • @HL This kind of put a bad taste in my mouth. Pardon me, but I thought the Chinese has some customs about ensuring the deceased is laid to rest not exceeding a number of days?

      • I think that is one of the reasons her mum was angry with Koo… But since Koo is the husband, his opinion out weights mum-in-law.
        Another reason was money related. thus she removed all photos of Koo from her social feed.

  2. May Barbie rest in peace. Hope her family will be able to stay strong and also help her take care of her beloved children.

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