
Shin Mina Recruits Kim Young Dae as Her Fake Groom in tvN Rom-com No Gain No Love — 31 Comments

  1. How does KYD manage to land so many castings with his wooden acting? I think he currently has like 3-4 projects in the pipeline !

    • I read that his management or Manager (I think he is in a 1-man agency) is quite influential in the industry. Hence, his back to back to back castings.

  2. Pingback:Shin Mina Recruits Kim Young Dae as Her Fake Groom in tvN Rom-com No Gain No Love | Parlour News Korea

  3. I like Shin Mina , she manages her career and private life in a humble way and i highly respect that . I was glad for her hit drama HCC even if the success was overshadowed by his co star’s scandal . I hope this one will be good , KYD played mostly depressive characters but he wasn’t bad in the rom com Shooting Stars . Let’s see ! There aren’t so much romances actually to light up the summer . And Is it a coincidence ? isn’t what i was waiting for !

    • Hi cahill!! How are you? Shin Mina is definitely a actress to be respected. I remember the first drama I watched of her…it was a sad drama…I cried alot. A love to Kill… 20yrs later, I am still loving her dramas.

      • I’m well thank you @HL ! 20 years…already, it seems like yesterday ! I may be wrong because i don’t know her personally but she gives me a vibe of true kindness , softness,…

      • @cahill, She did support her ill boyfriend thru very tough times… That says alot about her.

        Cahill, digressing, I am so upset as I learn today, my favourite french bakery is taking a month off…There goes my sourdough bread.

        I have started culturing my starter 1 month ago but it is still not as active as I like… need 1 more week.. I am a French trained Chef of over 30yrs…trained with old school Joel Robuchon, Alain Ducasses. Thus I have worked in France. So hard to find a sourdough bread I like.. I will miss them.

      • @Somebody… bloody hard work! man… but I cannot escape from food. Not so much the eating but the learning and exploring.

      • @cahill: it does seem like rom-coms are in fashion this summer. Everybody i s hoping to duplicate the success of ‘Lovely Runner’s. I’m looking forward to the upcoming romcom with Jung So Min and Jung Hae In the most.

        @HL: your culinary background is so impressive. No wonder your bakery standards are so high!

      • Wow , quite impressive ! I feel for you , it’s already hard to find a delicious baguette , my sister loves bread so much but many french bakeries don’t do the bread themselves , it’s hard to find a true “artisan” as you may now , in France there are what we call ” les maîtres artisans” ! I admire you as a Chef is always learning, trying, tasting new recipes . For me a Chef is like a research scientist…there is no end ! It’s a whole universe ! BRAVO .
        PS: for thoese who don’t know In France bread is diferent from les viennoiseries ( which koreans call it bread too)
        @HL , my great-grandmother was a baker . I had the great honor to know her, i loved her so much . She passed away 30 years ago and i ‘m still visiting her with flowers ! She used to bake for me des fougasses !!! As in the movie La femme du boulanger !

      • @Sunny, I was thinking about your point on rom-coms…interesting. I am wondering if it is a summer habit? I never noticed it before… does you think there are more rom-coms over summer? Just speculations.

  4. Ngl I’m quite upset with the choice of male lead 🙃 would’ve looked forward to this more if it was someone more on par with SMA acting-wise 😅

  5. I can’t describe why, but I really like first teaser photo! It looks high-quality.
    I didn’t watch SMA dramas, but I watched Moon in the day with Kim Young Dae. He was very good there, portrayed two different characters in one body, I could differentiate them immediately by his little gestures or by the way he’s talking, and both of them were so naturally portrayed. I saw many compliments to SMA acting, and prefer to “not notice” talks about KYD acting, since my opinion opposite to this.
    Their couple looks good by teasers (to be clear their looks/faces are harmonic, since I didn’t saw teasers with two of them yet). And I like character’s description, I want to watch drama with such couple.
    And I’m intrigued by second male leads, since they already filmed for spin-off – this is the first time on my memory spin-off with second lead couple in k-drama land.
    So I have high expectations and looking forward for both dramas!

  6. TVN seems to have made Mon-Tueday their dedicated romcom slot now!

    I really, really like Shin Min Ah and want this to do well for her but KYD is so unappealing to me. So wooden and has no charisma. He is generically good looking but so is nearly every other actor in K-dramas. At least if we are going the eye candy but mediocre acting route give us someone stunningly handsome like Cha Eun Woo. I truly do not understand how KYD keeps getting lead roles opposite much more talented and established actresses. All his lead dramas have flopped too so it’s not even like he has a hit drama or something under his belt to say that he brings ratings. SMA deserves better

    • I very much agree. I was about to reply to the comments asking why he keeps getting cast despite being a bad actor with “Maybe because of his visuals?”. But I looked up pictures of him on google and like… Am I missing something? Based on the pics I saw, he kinda looks like Joo Won + Kang Dong Won + Ahn Yeo Seop but somehow a less attractive version of those three. He’s alright, but not good-looking enough to coast on his looks and get away with bad acting lol, that would be the Cha EunWoos, Rowoons, and Minhyuns of the world. And apparently, he doesn’t have any hits as well? So yes, I have to echo the comments here, why does he keep getting cast? Now I’m kinda worried for that upcoming KYJ drama where he’s in talks to be the male lead, very much a downgrade for her in terms of male leads (Song Kang isn’t the best actor but at least has a certain charm onscreen). Not saying that drama is a guaranteed flop, but it would be much better if KYJ doesn’t have to do the heavy lifting alone when it comes to acting lol. Really just reminded me how small the pool is of young actors who are good-looking, talented, and charismatic, so young actresses (and now veteran actresses too) have to be stuck with getting paired with these charisma vacuums 🙃

      • Please I have a couple of questions, have you seen any of KYD dramas? Admitting you almost replied ‘maybe because of his looks’ when you had no idea what he looks like is weird. If you know what he looks like, why is your comment based on ‘what you saw on Google’. I’m just really confused, do you or do you not know the actor?

      • True there are so little of good actor pools in post 95 and post 2000. In post 95 definitely lee do hyun top the list. But other post 95 actor I can think of is only lee junyoung. He was great in class of lies, dp, may I help you. But he hasn’t had much luck in choosing project with how he took up impossible heir.
        For post 2000, I think choi hyunwook, ryeoun, and yoon chanyoung is leading. They have good acting skills and have great projects on their resume.

      • @Blacknwhite
        Did I guess right, didn’t you watch any of his dramas? Based on you don’t know how he looks.
        And yet you discussing his “bad acting” and how he still gets offers.
        Wow, this impressed me, nowadays actor’s critics are really something.

  7. Personally, I think KYD is a good actor. I haven’t cringed in any of his dramas, infact I’ll rate him above decent. Maybe i just like his face or something, but I like something about him. And nope, I don’t think he’s wooden, I don’t think he is overrated, i think he pulls his own weight in all his dramas. So I’m excited for this, fighting!!

    • You’re not the one! I also think he’s a decent actor. I wasn’t dissatisfied by KYD acting in any drama I watched with him.
      Judging by some comments here and on twitter I guess some people didn’t even watch his dramas. They just heard somewhere that he’s a bad actor and started to spread it, I suppose, under the influence of the crowd.
      Or they watched one drama Penthouse where he was a second male lead and think he didn’t improve.
      But I read many comments from people who watched his last drama as a main lead Moon in the day, and they praised his acting. Even people who didn’t like that drama saying that he’s acting was the one plus in it.

  8. @Hl,wow ! It’s impressive ! Being a Chef it’s such à hard profession,only passion can make someone being one . It’s like being a researcher scientist, there is no end, it’s a whole universe . Bravo ! As for the bread, i understand you,my sister is a bread lover and finding à delicious baguette is hard even in France! In Korea, they call bread les brioches, les viennoiseries,…but as you know it’s not bread ! Fun fact, my old grand-mother was à baker,she used to bake for me des fougasses like in the french old movie “La femme du boulanger” , with à real “four à pain ” of XIX centurion. I love her so much ! Soon, you Will be Un maître artisan !

    • @cahill, I know Des Fougasses…I make mini ones for my son when he was young…he loves the leave shape….I will add olives, or seeds when I make them.

      I have watched the movie you mentioned and another of my all time favourites is Babette’s Feast.

      • @Hl i mean century ( not centurion). I watched Babette’s Feast too ! And you may like ” Les Saveurs du palais” with Catherine Frot which is inspired by the life of Danièle Mazet-Delpeuch . Your family is very lucky to have someone like you . And only for the great Meryl Streep as Julia Child in “Julie and Julia” .

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