
Ang Lee Holds Press Conference For The Life of Pi — 9 Comments

  1. I’m curious, but man, can this be compelling as a movie? as a novel it works, but as a movie? hmm. That said, I trust Ang Lee.

    • I have HUGE reservations about whether this can work as a movie, BUT if anyone can do it, it’s Ang Lee.

      I think it’s going to be 30% how Ang Lee directs it, and 70% how this Suraj Sharma portrays Pi. I’m getting shivers just thinking about it, shivers of anticipation.

      • Castaway was a cinematic success, directing and acting-wise, and I did appreciate it, but I never connected with the movie. So, I guess perhaps I didn’t like it, but not for any failure on the part of the movie. This one falls squarely on personal impression.

  2. this is sad (and funny) but i saw JUST the headline of this below the first post, and my first thought was – WHO ON EARTH WOULD DO A BIOPIC OF YAMAPI? something like this only happens in the world of dorama fans … I didn’t love the book, though I liked the concept of the story. might re-read it in anticipation for the movie though.

  3. I love this book so I’m feeling ambivalent about an adaptation.

    But I really love his work on Sense and Sensibility. So this must be exciting.:)

  4. Life of Pi is a story that changed several ways I look at things.. and despite reading it just once, I can recall many scenes in it quite vividly. Hope this movie will come to our country.. I might be tempted to watch it in the cinema ~

  5. You’re right, if anyone can make The Life of Pi into a movie it would definitely be Ang Lee (I still need to see Lust, Caution—but I’m not ready for the mental anguish that I know I will feel watching it). Even if it works on directing/scripting/acting levels, I’m not sure how audience will react to a film that barely has dialogues.

    Thanks for posting this! I had been wondering who they picked for Pi (and aw he’s cute!)

  6. Life of Pi is one of my favorite novels of all time. Good to hear that the movie is back on track. Thanks for the news, ockoala! Woot!

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