
Mary Stayed Out All Night Episode 1 Recap — 27 Comments

  1. *HUG* *MUAK*

    I’ve to skimmed but I desperately need your feel for the drama. If it’s a no in your books, I wont touch it…but since it’s a very tentative good.. it’s a greenlight for me. 🙂

    Thank you so much, sweetie!

  2. Actually, I thought Mary’s styling was pretty cute in a bohemian-esque sort of way. She didn’t really seem that cat lady-ish to me. (But I’ve never met a cat lady, so what do I know?)

    As for our lead couple, I fell in love with them the minute they started drinking together. SO ADORABLE. There’s just something so right about the way they fit together, it makes me want to watch more more MORE! Even if the directing is a tad uneven and heavy-handed.

    KJW needs to hurry up and make his case, or there’s not going to be any room left in my heart for second lead love. >.>

  3. I’m rather surprised at this realization myself: JGS is the one sporting long hair PLUS he’s even wearing a dress (!) but KJW is the one making me laugh!

    I dunno why but I found the first scene of him (as a judge in the singing audition in japan) too funnyyy. Him in those HUGE squarish sunglasses and looking all serious (he’s supposedly your typical unfeeling cool chaebol) made me cracked up even more.

    I think he has potential for comedy 😀

  4. I’m with you, ockoala, I simply adored the chemistry between our Geunies. They have such a good give-and-take, neither the comedy or the down-to-earth~ness is coming from only one side. And I just have to say…JGS has better hips than I do. Seriously. If I couldn’t see the top half of him, I might be convinced that he was a girl. But I still think he’s ridiculously yummy-looking despite having hair as long as mine and a better figure. 🙂

  5. dang..i love the actors and actresses they chose for this drama but man!!! they look like hippies….*sigh* bummer…i love the way jang geun suk looked in Beethoven virus…and moon geun young looked so pretty and mature in cinderella sister..

  6. so……. is this the recap that you said you were considering doing? or would that be the more likely contender, Secret Garden? I enjoyed this, and am slowly being lured out of my Playful Kiss doldrums by these adorable new dramas. But although the characters seem intriguing, I’m just not feeling anything for them yet, the way I adored Hani and Seungjo, nor Jaeshin and Yongha, whose characters seemed to just off the page for me, and forced to want love them more and want them more and watch the whole drama with an unhealthy obsession. It’s the first ep, and I’m prolly being harsh huh? well in the eternal words of the Gov of California – I’ll be BACK!

  7. i totally feel you ocoala, maybe my heart is still with PK and i’m not ready to move on yet…not just yet!
    i started watching this in epdrama just now but something’s a bit off and couldn’t quite put my finger to it but too soon to write it off so just like you i’ll try to finish the first episode then time-granted watch couple more maybe this is one of those dramas that will grow on me and then eventually fall heaven and earth ala PK level. my only dilemma is if should just read your recap first or after i watch it whole kkk!

  8. Thank you for your recap! The way my school life is going, I don’t think i’m going to be able to touch a k-drama anytime until christmas so your recap is like a lifevest to me… just skimming through it eases my frustration a bit about missing this.

  9. What an amazing recap. I hope you decide to do the recaps as Viikii has deleated the channel and like skks we are adrift with out any subbs. As a fan of JGS – i would love to atleast know whats going on. Thanks again

  10. Thanks you for doing recap for M3. I was wondering that before, which one u will touch between M3 and SG. Now u did choose M3 and gave us hint that who will be recap for SG. I would like to say that thanks so much for your kindness.

    I am not ready to watch M3 till PK finished. Feel like I am not ready yet although I like Jang Keun Suk.
    I will keep hanging with your excellent recaps.

  11. I would like to think jang geun seuk never fails to deliver…and he doesn’t!
    for me, he’s the best korean actor (in terms of acting…not that I know many but it’s my opinion)…you’re beautiful wouldn’t have been half so good if he wasn’t great in it plus the guy can sing…all this playful kiss KHJ fever has got me distracted for a while but I’ve got to say I adore Jang Geun Seuk, not too sure about the chemistry though….HYUNMIN is just so overwhelming, maybe it’s just because I love them so much that my perception is clouded…

  12. Thank you for the recaps Koala! 🙂 I’ve just noticed now that I’m calling you Koala all the time… I hope it’s okay. ^^

    Anyway I think I like this drama… not so much yet but I think I’m getting there. Maybe after few more episodes (hopefully) I will love it more. I’ll wait for the second episode recap to see how things will turn out. XD I like the two main characters. Although I’ve seen this type of role for Mary before (reminds me of My Girl, a girl whose Dad is being chased by debt collectors, etc), Moon Geun Young’s acting is quite good that I just don’t care about the similar characters anymore. I also wish I’d see more or the second leads soon… especially Jung In. HAHA!

    It’s okay if you won’t recap anymore since I know it isn’t easy… I’m a blogger too and I know how difficult to write especially if you’re not very interested on the subject. That’s why I only blog about minor things which mostly concerns me. LOL XD Thank you again for the hardwork Koala! 😉

  13. I don’t feel the chemistry yet but I like their rapport. MGY is very refreshing & she is so natural as Mary. JGS is goofier (haha the cabbage bouquet & ramen scene made me laugh) & more understated which is a good thing. The story itself is meh. Apart from the leads, the drama is in itself a bit boring.

  14. Why do I feel as if I’m being unfaithful to PK reading your M3 recap wanting to fall in love with it? PK was my first K-drama and I really did/do love it with all it’s flaws, (which I rewrite and play over in my mind :o. Oh, did I really just admit that in writing?).
    I want to watch this new series and judge for myself but I cannot find a version with English sub-titles. Does one exist?
    Anyway, still love your work. Thanks again. C

  15. i haven’t watched the drama yet but i came to love this show now because of your detailed recap…thank you ockoala…now, it’s not just PK fighting but M3 fighting as well!!! i love it…thanks again, you’re really an angel to us…

  16. M3’s 1st episode is funny & interesting enough for me to watch the whole series!!! MGY & JGS were & still are…2 of KEntertainment’s great actors & they have a certain rapport & chemistry, that’s quite tangible at the get go!!!
    Secret Garden & M3 might just be the cure I’ve been waiting for to alleviate my PK & SKKScandal w/drawal symptoms!!!
    Komawo, Ockoala for the recaps…hope you can continue recapping this & SC….

  17. It is adorable to see GeunGeun couple even l still toast with Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nam in Youre Beautiful. MGY is so cute (wait when you see she shows her Shrek Cat face in other episode). JGS, ummmph, what else to say about him, adorable, handsome and so on. With long hair (it’s his own hair, not wit), he looks more stunning. I’ve watched this drama 3 times and still got hook and those two and of course, the handsome cheecky
    Kim Jae Wook. I heard the drama not really good in rating but GeunGeun won award for its couple chemistry.

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