
Kim Jae Wook and Walrus Hit Hong Kong for Album Promotion and Fan Meeting — 8 Comments

  1. Finally Korean singers ahihihi….this guy was in coffee prince right the half Japanese? Well let me share a youtube here’s Taeyang dance battle with Eunyuk and Junho (who reminds me of Mike Chan of Glee) vs. Eunhyuk again???? hmmm anyway this remind me Step Up 3 awesomeness…. man Junho took my breath away with the back flip LOVE IT!!!!!

      • You can repost it! For some reason it was causing the post to jam because it embedded itself. If you repost again I’ll add un-embed it and you can share it~

  2. Oh wow, KJW is really one gorgeous hunk! By george! So smitten am I! He thinks he’s really Jung-In? Well, I thought he’s really Mu-Gyul. Lucky for those people living in HK! Yeah, I hope he makes another drama soon. Thanks for sharing this, Koala!

  3. thanks for posting about this hot guy. Nice pics!
    yeah…hope he will be back on screen soon, whether it be the small or big screen

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