Written Preview for Episode 5 of Best Love
Wah? WAHHHH? I almost had to look ten times in a row to make sure I wasn’t seeing some sort of hallucination, but indeed, it was real. MBC released the written preview for episode 5 of Best Love already. I just know I am going to have to drink upwards of 5 energy drinks next Wed-Thurs just to get through recapping the final 2 episodes of 49 Days, and what looks to be even more awestruck plot developments to come in Best Love.
Written preview for episode 5:
If it is just my own thoughts, would the heart go putong, putong?
Ae Jung opens her eyes to discover that she is not at the night club. Rather, she is stunned to realize that she is at an unfamiliar place with Dokko Jin. Jin feels very embarassed, because his declaration of love towards Ae Jung was rejected outright. However, this makes Jin more determine. He tells Ae Jung that, going forward, he will use his most effective techniques to touch her heart.
On the other hand, Pil Joo witnesses Ae Jung driving off with Dokko Jin, which leaves him shocked. Jin does not attend Se Ri’s 10th anniversary fan meeting. The celebratory event at the amusement park is reported in the news.
Video preview for episode 5:
My Thoughts:
Only by watching the video preview and reading the written preview does the last line of the written preview make sense. It looks like Jin drove Ae Jung to an amusement park based on the video preview, since we see glittery lights and a twirly amusement park ride in the distance. And since it’s also her 10th anniversary in the industry, likely Jin decided to celebrate it with her there, rather than attend Se Ri’s posh event as her guest of honor. And it’s going to make the news.
How awesome is it that we get a love confession ALREADY by episode 5, since normally the Hong Sisters drag that baby out until the teens episodes. But the brilliance is that Jin is going to get rejected right off the bat. I can’t wait to see him turn his rejection into something that changes his life completely. Oh god, I cannot wait for next Wednesday to come. I might even be willing to give up my weekend to bargain with the drama gods for BL episode 5 to arrive faster.
[Credit: written preview released by MBC, translated into Chinese by Baidu Best Love bar, translated into English by me]
Aaaaaah. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. *faints*
Too good.
Exactly my reaction! Aaaaaahhhhhhh! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!
Im so excited!
does she think he was just pulling her leg?
since she gives him that you’re-so-cute-pats..uhmm on his butt
omo omo look at The knight in shinning designer suit marched into the building
to save the fair maiden from the malefic force of the world, only to find…
ding dong..Dokko Jin you’ve been disarmed!
Oh man, can’t wait..
damned.. I can’t wait.. i am with you ockaola will try my weekend to have BL ep 5 comes early… i am looking so forwards to next week for the finale of 49 days and BL ep 5..
I love how the Hong sisters decided to have J to discover his affection to AJ so soon… so that they can really develop the relationship between the 2 leads… I am loving PJ… by looking at the preview… he is no only shocked but some what jealous i think.. he also has developed something for AJ already… it might not be love yet.. but certainly PJ cares and feel protective of AJ… and we all know that he will not get the girl at the end… kind of make me sad…
I love the ending scene begining scene.. how J put his hands on the window to cup AJ’s face.. he shows so much love for her already… I am loving CSW and GHJ right now… they are such good actors.
i meant the ending scene of ep 4 and begining scene of ep 5… fast fingers..
Ahh this looks so awesome. It’s on my list of kdramas to watch but first i must catch up on 49 days. >.<
ahhhh…as much as i want to see this kdrama(self correction *dying* is more like it) i am holding myself down. There are so much kdramas and tdramas am watching that am almost neglecting my real life. Once I start watching this I know I’ll never be able to stop so twice a week shown would never be enough for me. I’ll wait ’til there’s more episodes so I can do my weekend marathon. Thank you so much Koala for giving us recaps and spoilers coz this just made me more eager to watch BL.
Dookojin is hilarious. I can’t figure out if its him that I find amusing or cha seung won throwing his little immature tantrums.
I can’t wait to see him chasing after ae jung. Gotta luv the Hong sisters.
Thank you!!! Off to read!
Pantyman Confessing already? Ockoala, I cant agree with you more! That’s really fast for episode 5! Dont you think the amusement park scene with the cherry blossom petals are like city hall town view scene??? Or am I seeing things just because I heart Jo Gukie!!! I cannot wait to see Seri’s face when she finds out Pantyman publicly dumped her (fan meeting) for private celebration with Ae Jung! I cannot wait for that!!! I super love the cupping scene at the end. My heart be still!!! How can one love an immature, self absorbed, diva like Pantyman! But I do!!! I am soooo in trouble!!! Next week is ultimate, with 49 days wrapping up and Best Love speeding forward!!!! I need Pantyman’s vitamin drink!!! lol
I totally agree!!!
I need vitamin’s drink too!!!
Haha, your comment is so funny I nearly dropped my laptop! xD
*I am in love with that immature self absorbed diva pantyman too LMAO
I just hope that confession isn’t some sort of dream or thought sequence. I mean, from the way they set it up with the park and glowing castle in the background, to the wind blowing in her hair to the cherry blossoms sweeping through them…idk, it looks kinda fake? haha. Or really cliched (hmmm, maybe that’s the point?)
the preview could lead us on the wrong way …. It wouldn’t be the first time when the hero/ine just imagines the outcome – and the PD-nim throws us a bone to have fun until the actual episode airs
No matter how cool Jin is on the outside … he has tons of insecurities inside
Omo i died. do you like me? Ding Dong……….. yayyyyyyyyyyyy
i don’t think its a dream. it makes sense cause now Jin will do anything to tease AJ & PJ relationship and the we will have more fun (could it be posible?) I love that the set up resembles City Hall. I want a City Hall scene!!!!! the ending of episode 4 is even better than the ending of episode 2. CSW’s eyes you’re killing me. i’m all melted
thanks koala
This drama is really picking up, can’t wait! Pil Joo is just adorable….
I can’t wait!!!! WHY! WHY! Just from the eyes, I love Dokko Jin already. Poor Pil-joo though. I really think him and Ae-jung would make a great couple with their silliness.
I have to say though, I’m glad that it’s the male lead realizing that he likes the female lead first. Women’s lib aside, the guy really should do the chasing and Aejung really deserves a man who appreciates and loves her for her.
It’s too good!! Episode 5 will make everyone die in dramaland….
Thank you for recap, ockoala…
Waaaaah! I just had the exact reaction seeing this.
Never been this excited to see a drama.
Hope it’s ratings will get higher.
Jin sounds a little bit like a goofy k-drama version of Mr. Darcy
Just finished watching episodes 3 and 4. I can’t wait to watch episode 5…Totally loving this drama.
OMG just do some research of Cha Seung Won and i just know that he is 40+ already and got a 20 year old son! Gosh how can he look so so so young? Just imagine anyone dating his son and turn out to fall in love with the future father in law? So weird can’t take my eyes of him! Pretty hot indeed at this age!
Thanks Koala
Best love is the best drama on air!!! I can’t believe I was going to miss this, it has been incredible funny. I hadn’t watched Athena I probably wouldn’t have no interest in watching this drama, but I was really curious to see a role change and hey…. it is really amazing the changes an actor can do from one character to another, this drama is showing me a little of that. This may be one of the best comedies I ever seen. LOL!!!
*wah can’t wait for episode 5, i think Ae jung will fall first for pil joo and somewhere in the middle she then realize her true feeling for Dokko Jin, she will kind of miss him, because he will bugging her a lot to get her intention starting from now.. This drama is the best so far I’ve seen..
aaaaahhh~! *gasps* “You like me?..Ding DONG~!” I’m loving the word DING DONG so much~! Love the way the utters it..~!
i like when dokko jin do the “kuppo” things..that’s cute..haha
and all I can say is AHHHHHHHH….tomorrow is Wednesday right? ( insert Rebecca Black’s song here hehehe)….Loving this drama to pieces! Thanks Koala for recapping!
do u like me?
Ding dong!! XD
gahh I love Jin ^^
did you see it? dokko jin clean up his facial hair