Drama Spoilers for the Latter Half of Drunken to Love You
I have no idea how that picture above got to be the post topper. Nope, no clue. My lusty alter ego must have done it. All I know is that if Drunken to Love You pulls another bait-and-switch on us or Avril goes and interrupts the happy sexy times between Xiao Ru and Jie Xiu, I’m sharpening my knives for the recap. Until then, you know a drama is popular if even mainstream media is digging up spoilers, and Next Media did just that by unearthing some pretty high level spoilers. It’s more like overarching narrative, so read on if you want to know.
Spoilers for second half of DTLY:
Yi Xian was drugged by Peggy, and then slept with her. He believes that he was at fault, so he’s willing to take responsibility for the baby. The NT600,000 from Xiao Ru’s account which vanished was actually donated by drunken Xiao Ru to the orphanage that raised her, but she’s completely forgotten about it. Xiao Ru’s orphanage mentality, the fear of taking something away from another person, will impact the future emotional development between her and Jie Xiu.
Xiao Ru was actually adopted once when she was older. But in an accident that injured the adoptive sister, it caused Xiao Ru to be unable to make her dreams come true, and resulted in her leaving the adoptive family. In the upcoming episodes, Jie Xiu will help Xiao Ru to find her adoptive sister, to resolve some guilt that she still carries around, in turn helping the two of them overcome their emotional barriers.
[Credit: Next Media]
Is that for ep 6?because next week,I mean this sunday we enter the first half of the drama.I hope April wont interupted the steamy scene between JX and XR well ok but after they done it and she see the glory cuddly nakedly on bed after the heavy steamy love making.oh I want to see that face.haha being a meanie but thats what I want.
Your lusty alter ego eh?? LOL well I like that lusty ego coz am all for that pic!! Can’t wait to see this epi and I sure wish Avril will not interrupt the OMGTHATSHOT scene or else I might fly down there, take over directing and just totally delete Avril from the script!
Omg! I don’t think she will because in a preview I saw, she interrupted when he was already in bed! What seems to be asleep,and I’m assuming from all the sex.We will see…
I know they can’t resist some of the standard plot points, but if they can manage to steer away from the exhausted over-cliche ones, we just may have a good drama on our hands.
I’m really enjoying it, but who doesn’t tire of old recycled TWdrama plot points? This one is surprisingly refreshing (assuming Xiao Ru doesn’t end up pregnant, having a miscarriage, you know, that stuff). (o; Also, I’m really digging the chemestry between the leads. Rainie is really coming along as an actress.
Thank you so so much for the spoilers, previews, and recaps!
What do they call that on the news? “Cautiously optimistic?”
Nerd you complain about the very dramas you told me to watch.
That picture: pick jaw off floor, go back to work.
It’s not so much a complaint as a constructive comment! ~(o;
DTLY is one drama that can’t be affected by any spoilers because who isn’t watching the show for the great chemistry between Rainie and Joseph?
Enough crying for 49 Days and am looking forward to enjoying sexy scenes of XR and JX!!! If Avril dares to interrupt them I’ll follow Ms Koala with another knife.
It’s not Jiro Wang in this drama, it Wu Zun (Wu Chun) the same guy in TW version of Hana Kimi along with Ella Chen.
????? Uh so not Wu zun, see balding forehead? Yeah Wu zun no signs of receding hair line.
I meant Wu Chun was the first choice but he dropped the rolr
ooops, wrong blog article I posted on – was doing this on iPod touch. I was meaning to comment on Absolute Darling
I love the reviews, recaps and spoilers. I love this drama. It’s a nice break from the heavy ones I watched recently. It makes me laugh, which is always good, and it’s moving fast, which is even better. Thanks for the hard work. I love reading your words.
Can someone please tell me how many episodes altogether?
Gee ,I love these recaps,previews and spoilers…they keep us going till the following episodes.eternally grateful, koala.
I think it’s 16 episodes in total.
I love love this drama!!! I am beginning to like both actors. I didn’t like any of them at first (no offense to the fans here) but Rainie has come along way and Joseph is really growing on me (he is getting hotter by every episode). I can’t wait for the 6 episode!!!
And many many thanks for the recap you are way so awesome!
So he was drugged by Peggy? Oh Crap.. I fell bad for him now. Not that he deserves Xiao Ru back because he was such a bastard. He could have at least explained the things right, (said he was drunk whatever!) but no, he did all those hurtful things to her… and I bet Peggy will lose the baby later and Yi Xian will go after Xiao Ru making it hard for her decide who she wants to be together…. but he already lost his chance… Xiao Ru gave many chances to him explain or say what he felt. But he didn’t say anything…
I don’t. He was horrible to XR! I know, I know, he was trying to make her love him less, but common!!! Throwing her things in the fountain, being a jerk saying that she was harrasing him, saying I’m with her, deal with that! Really! May be if he talk to her, saying something like “XR, when we where together I, was with another girl. Now she is pregnant and I need to be with her, I want to be with her, I’m sorry for hurting you, so much!” Then I can feel some kind of *what is the word I’m looking for* sympathy, for YX… but, then I recall the throwing in the fountain thingy, and the I’m with her deal with that, scene and I just get sick!! I really hope he is suffering at least the half, XR suffer for that situation! I’m not mean, I just don’t like how people treat the loved ones like garbage, and hope they stay “in love” with them forever! Really? WTH!!
OMG I can’t read this. I don’t want to get spoiled, but….*stares* OMO OMO OMO!!!!!!!! *____* I really, really like DTLY!
Omg, you got me addicted to tw dramas as well! *eyes you*
*whistling* Who? You talkin’ to me?
Don’t lie, you’re happier than a clam NOT involved in a clam bake. It hurts so good, doesn’t it?
See, I told you it was an evil conspiracy! First doramas, then k-dramas, now tw-dramas!!!! Next thing you know, we’ll be watching time traveling wuxia!
I’m getting in that bus, knives and all!!
I am wondering the bed sense, was it before JX discovered XR was leaving or after that? coz in the preview XR said : I think I must be true to myself returning you the happiness you lent me. ..oh so romantic ..lol
He enter the room, see the note, get hurt emotionally by the abandon of XR, get hurt physically trowing a punch in the mirror, get “saved” by XR, and then “BOOM chaka waka waka” LOL. Finally, after all they ARE married. They obviously like each other, there is attraction and tension between them. After a rough beginning both of them start to see a side of each other. XR, was with JX, in his darkest moment, and JX was with XR in her horrible heartbreak moment with the awfully, disgusting, crawly thingy, called the ex!
thanks for sharing!!!!
i love this drama
its so funny and its such a different change from 49 days and midas
which i like cuz that means no more tears anymore 4 now ^^
I found a link to your blog just a while ago and I love that you cover more than just K-dramas. I love K-dramas but enjoy the Taiwanese ones, too, so I’m glad to find a place to read about them! Bookmarking your blog now – I’ll definitely be back!
I can’t get enough drunk!! Just saying!! Cups from 7 to 20, keep on rolling! OMG after this, there is no more neurons in my brain!! LOL