Previews for Episode 9 of Best Love
Seeing these previews released my angst considerably with respect to Ae Jung. I never thought she would Heart Break simply by what Jin said, but it’s reassuring to see how their story continues to move forward, inspite all attempts by Jin to stop the runaway train that is his heart. Best Love continues to be the best rom-com on the air right now, and the second half of this drama will cement its legacy as either a almost-could-have-been or a knock-out-success.
Written preview for episode 9:
Ae Jung is hurt by Jin’s declaration that he’s recovered from the hypnosis brought on by the after effects of his surgery. Jin starts to take care of all the embarassing matters surrounding him, and decides to continue to do the CF endorsement with Se Ri. Pil Joo sets aside his mother’s nagging and starts to calmly read up on books about love, continuing to develop his feelings for Ae Jung.
Jin is once again in the peaceful realm of 60-90, but for some reason he feels this emptiness in his heart. On the otherhand, Se Ri visits Pil Joo’s clinic, and accidentially runs into Mina……
Preview for episode 9:
….and Pil Joo reads up on books about Love? Omggg gosh darnit why must he be so cute like that garghhh HONG SISTERS!
While i’m team AeJin, i can’t help but to be drawn to the perfect man that is Pil Joo. Gosh srsly they better give PJ a good ending.
Looking forward to AeJin’s progress. Aja! Aja! FIGHTING! :’D
I know! How adorkable is it that the dear man goes and consults a BOOK on love!? lol, the Hong sisters, they have such a good grasp of character.
woohoo… I thought this was coming. Thanks a lot ockoala…though I do wonder how you managed to glean so much information from such a short preview…(I tried matching your written preview to what I see on the preview…don’t match at all..) …then again, I hardly understand korean. hihi
The written preview is released by MBC and is not my summary of what’s in the video preview.
love the video review!!!!!!!! looooooove it. i’m so happy AJ is fighting for her feelings and for Pantyman, and i love to see Pantyman confused. and i’m dying to see Ding Dong and Jin together, after Jin & AJ they’re my favorite couple: so so cute!!!!!!!!!!
i still smile just thinking of Ding Dong with bubbles of him with Jin!!!! cutest thing ever!!!! <333
gonna hurt when pil joo get hurt….
wanna watch tripple after best love to heal the wound…hehehe….at least pil joo ups yks get the girl in that drama…still hoping that there will be a twist in best love for second lead get the girl…finger crossed
Woot!!! Can’t wait to read your recap. Bwahaha.
On a sidenote, with the preview’s ending, more MVs to watch were suggested, including one showing the 2AM members recording their Best Love recording. Not on the drama OST, though, seemingly.
PJ shuld get the girl
in real life no woman will have that conflicted look in her eyes when Cha Seung-won back-hugging her. Wed couldn’t come any sooner. Thanks Ockoala.
I hope Mina puts Se Ri in her place
I see we get some more *things* in the next episode – magnets!
Also, OMG Jin’s expression in the very last scene of that preview (before the heart logo came out) – just tore at my heart. Thank you, show, for casting such amazing actors/actresses as the leads!
really.. really can’t wait for wednesday… look forward your recap ockoala… thanks so much..
OMG! OMG! Dokko Jin is driving me Crazy! I ve never in any Kdrama seen a guy as weird and clueless like him. The character is too good, the PDs did a great job by casting these two actors as d leads, they are just amazing!
OMGOMGOMGOMG !!!!! I love the last scene much…Jin-AJ hug !!! ASFNSFRJDSCVZSVCAS !!!…
I really love Jin so much…He’s just the sweetest gorgeous sexy thing out there !!!
Tons of my friends said they like Pil Line more than Dokgo Line, but I always ship Jin-AJ since d beginning..they’re just too cute..>______<
ockoala, why I haven’t found DTLY recap for episode 7 till now? I am dying to read it.. I want to know what happend between Jie Xiu and Avril, Jie Xiu and Xiao Ru.. hiks hiks..
Hey Guys :D,
I found the preview with Eng sub…If you are interested, enjoy :D…
I can’t wait to see this episode!
I wish that once, just once, Hong sisters allow the second lead gets the girl!!! He is too adorable to loose the girl. Not saying that Jin has to suffer of one sided love, but he is a superstar, he could get any girl he likes…PLEASE…(but I know this is impossible judging by other drama by the Hong sisters) SIGH!!!