Categories: Drama Previews

Written Preview for Episode 13 of Lie to Me

Okay, this was totally unexpected. After two weeks of radio silence from SBS until hours before the next episode airs, I was not expecting to see the written preview for episode 13 of Lie to Me released so soon. Hey, not looking a gift horse in the mouth here. I have the say that the written previews for LTM have generally been very meh, and are true for most dramas out there. With the exception being M3, where KBS would release pretty much an entire episode summary that was paragraphs in length. That was sweet.

For LTM, I find that all the good stuff is never revealed in the written preview anyways, so I’m just patiently waiting for the next episode. After hopping with anxiety for the last two weeks, I’ve totally forced myself to calm down and be patient, because I don’t want this ride to end. What will I do without more Ki Joon and Ah Jung?

Written preview for episode 13:

With a bang, Ki Joon’s fist strikes the punching bag. Accompanied by the cacophanous music, Ki Joon and Ah Jung put their heads together and stare as the score keeps going up. When the punching bag comes back up, Ki Joon’s fist immediately punches it back down. Seeing the high scores, the two of them happily jump in place and high five each other. Ki Joon’s phone rings at that time and he sees that its Yoon Joo. Because Ki Joon’s not in a position to answer the call, he let’s it hang up.

On the other hand, Ah Jung is busy organizing data on her computer, while Hyo Joon (Ah Jung’s co-worker who pawned off the traditional music program on her in episode 12) is being scolded right next to her. The other co-workers notice the tense and heated mood and exchange glances. Only Ah Jung, who is busy with her work, doesn’t notice. Hyo Joon goes back to his desk with a disgruntled look, staring intently at Ah Jung……

[Credit: written preview released by SBS, translated into Chinese by Baidu Lie to Me bar, translated into English by me]


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  • which one is Hyo Jun? The fat guy from episode 12 who made AJ take the traditional korean music project?

    • Hyo Yun is the one in charge of the Chinese convention right? that's why he was able to passed on his assignment (traditional music) to AJ. Uh-ohw, there might be some connection with Chairman Chen there somewhere. HY might do something bad to AJ, like spill the beans that the Minister has kept as a secret. More dark clouds coming on AJ and KJ it seems.

  • "What will I do without more Ki Joon and Ah Jung?"

    Oh yeah, I ask my self the same question. I sooo don't want it to end so soon. I'm not ready yet. I'll miss my KJ & AJ so dearly. What should I do without them on Monday & Tuesday ???
    Gosh...LTM haven't ended yet but I've already got a withdrawal symptom :(
    Anyway I'm confuse with this written preview, it isn't depict the plot of 13th epi at all. But it's better than nothing right ?

    • Once LTM, pass to the other side?? Ottoke? I dunno!! Thank God, that at this time, I have my bet on Best Love/The Greatest Love!! That is my next victim!! Mhahahahahaha

      • Mhahahahahhahahahahaha

        Is like THE EVIL LAUGHTER from Doctor Evil, with the pinky in the mouth and all, the only thing I don't have, is a Mini-Me!! LOL

      • mwahahahahahaha..... insane!!

        btw...plz give back my Park Hoon, ok? please feel pity for this ahjumma which desperately enough to find younger man ... LOL
        you can take Jang Geun Soek ..I don't like him that much since he's legs is too skinny... I like JGS's face part only not his body part... ^^ but Park Hoon.. I'll take him just the way he is

      • @ Nowhere... yeap..thanks to Park Hoon's popo.. he makes me feel better but still need extra rest :) I think I need more popo from KJ now... hihihihihi

      • What about the rehabilitation place you're talking about lately Angelitocurioso. Is there still any space for me ?

      • Everyone with a LTM Addiction, are welcome!!

        The symptoms are:

        *Sleepless nights marathoning watching last episodes
        *Raccoon eyes, while waiting any kind of news
        *Playground's Page Refreshing every 5 minutes
        *Reaper's Death Wishes
        *Ice Prince Beating
        *Marching Song Chanting
        *Creating an Unni's Army
        *Stalking the Playground
        *Having Imaginary Conversation with the characters
        *Having Imaginary Conversations with Playground Stalkers
        *Having Imaginary Conversations with The Fairy Godmother (Sang Hee )
        *OCD while drinking Cola
        *OCD with Ice cream
        *Catatonic states for Kissy-Kissy
        *Catatonic state for Huggy-Huggy
        *Giggling alone without a reason
        *Crying alone without a reason
        *Screaming alone without a reason
        *Ignoring family members
        *Burning food
        *Neglecting Mental Health

        If you suffer one or more of these symptoms, please seek help, immediately, or call 911 or ask to be hospitalized. This disorder is highly contagious, extremely dangerous, and the CDC in Atlanta, reports that the side effects are devastating!!!


      • @Angelitocurioso

        I suffer mostly the list below. I dunno if the hospital will cure that we have. Can we call Ki Joon? I mean as long as he calls me Anh Jung-Ah maybe it will cure it for a few days?

      • @ angelito

        oh dear got most of the symptoms... just finished rewatching ep 11 and 12 and when i visit the playground so happy to see this post...doesn't really matter if it's not as exciting as we hope to be...just meeting the wacky bunch is enough for me...gosh it is still friday...gotta be a very looooong weekend again...i know i should have a life besides waiting for monday but then...oh already suffering depression while thinking we only have 4 eps left...

      • @Angelitocurioso

        I've got some more to add to your list of symptoms for LTM Addiction...
        -Drooling over the laptop, ipad or iphone (hehehe you know what I mean)
        -Desperately looking for a Korean Boyfriend. (For Kdrama translation purposes)

      • @ Angel

        Yeah, totally forgot!!

        *Nail bitting
        *Hair pulling
        *Continious shouting to the pc/laptop screen
        *High consume of junk food
        *Late nights assaults to the fridge
        *Food depravation
        *Sleep depravation
        *High electricity consumption
        *Fighting with relatives, who tries to use the pc/laptop
        *Koalas Playground as the Home Page


      • oooppppps i forgot to mention that the secret to my weightloss is LTM addiction!!! tried all kinds of diet and exercise but never did i succeed...but for only 6 weeks pf LTM madness i lost a lot (including my sanity).....whoooaa i hope i wouldn't gain back the wight that i lost once LTM ends...

  • These written previews almost makes no sense to me... but better than nothing.
    Looks like KJ and AJ are at an arcade or amusement centre or something.

  • My dear OT sister,
    This reminds me of our PK's I get my "fix" from you,hehe....I think this drama is up there in my all time fav OTP's(close but not yet beat my Choi Han Kyul/Go Eun Chan)Thanks for all your hard work,chingu...mwah & hugs..always :)

  • I know what you mean - LTM could go on forever - make 100 episodes drama and then go on We Got Married and then do a Korean version of Bill & Giuliana only this will be Hwan & Hye and show us the wedding and kissy stuff and and trying to have babies and what not!!!!


    Meantime - Ockoala - any chance of maybe a review after the drama, followed by analysis and then followed by a discussion and top off with a revisit to LTM? Maybe? Huh? Can we? Can We?

  • Oh! you really are just as hooked on this drama as we are, ms.koala! thanks for the preview, even if it doesn't say so much. ^_^

    i have a feeling though that either (a) Yoon Ju herself will tell her folks it's enough, that she wouldn't want to force anyone into marrying her once she realizes how pathetic she is or (b) the Minister himself, by some chance finds out the real score between the Ah-Ki couple and RepPark's daughter, would find a way to convince Chen that Ki Jun in fact is sincere. Maybe play Rep Park as the bad guy for using his relationship to advance an ulterior motive.

    I don't know. I just want to watch the rest of the episodes now. i'm used to watching dramas in marathons, Lie to Me is the first i'm watching as it runs in korea.^_^

    • "I just want to watch the rest of the episodes now. i’m used to watching dramas in marathons, Lie to Me is the first i’m watching as it runs in korea.^_^"

      hahaha, same here!!!

    • me four hahahahahaha...i hate waiting actually. that's why i always choose to watch it in marathons.

    • Same here. I actually just started appreciating KDramas around March this year and I've marathon watched most of them.

    • Me too! I was happy to know that I'm not the only old gal here, and now I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one watching them as they air - for the first time. That didn't make any sense, but you know what I mean... I am so not a patient person! Between LTM, BL and DTLY, I still have two days without a 'live' show and they are very.long.days. I'm waiting until CH and RT end so I can marathon those. My old heart can't take the anxiety of not knowing what's going to happen next. Bring on Monday!

    • Hi Gem, how about after careful review of World Group and its competitors' proposals, Chairman Chen finally knows that KJ's proposal is not just the best deal but KJ is also a honest partner worthwhile to work with? Plus extra bonus, a capable girlfriend/wife AJ to be his assistant??

  • Oh what a cute header!... and Wow what an early treat! Thanks ockoala unni! I just watched episode 11! My goodness, I think I'd faint for the sweetness of Ki Joon. When Ah Jung was walking in that beautiful gown with those rose petals on the floor in slow mo, wow, it seems that it's a wedding scene of sorts. Then KJ goes to her and kisses her on the forehead then kneels, my gosh, and his eyes was like wow, really in love. Then AJ cries then was kissed on the lips, my goodness. It's not hot but tender and beautiful. I hope it's not merely acting...I really felt faint mwa ha ha! They looked so in love. I really think that these two had the greatest chemistry in kdramaland ever!

    • Agree! I get goosebumps in that scene... So naturally in love.

      I also love the scene at the beginning if Ep 12 where the OTP was getting into the car (YJ looking at them in the background) and AJ was holding KJ's hand and smiling while she was getting into the car first. She gave his hand a small tug and KJ gave her a smile that looks so warm and intimate.
      It's all these small gesture of expression of intimacy that captivates me. So natural. Either their acting is so good or they are definitely feeling the love in real life...

      • You guys want some 411? I was planning to save it for a later post.

        The scene where AJ grabs KJ's hand as she enters the limo was also ad-libbed by Hwan-Hye. It was Eun Hye who did it, so the smile from Ji Hwan is all real, baby.

        Production have been revealing some info about ad-libbed moments. There are more, too. Hee.

      • Ahh... Ms Koala - I can't reply to your actual post so this is as close as I can get. That "scene" is what I mentioned in the ep 12 recap comments as one of my favorite parts of ep 12!!! That like hand thing AJ did before getting into the limo. So natural and smoking hot at the same time. Can't believe it's adlibbed.

        A lot of people mentioned that they felt like they were spying on an actual couple in love... and I didn't really feel that yet. Until I went and rewatched the wiping of the water scene again - and wow - I really felt like I was spying on them in a random intimate moment. Phew... a little embarrassed to replay the scene LOL :) The AJ/KJ scene in front of SH with the desserts - OMG - sooo cute. I am going to super miss this couple - sniff sniff - crying. :(

        I guess the preview tells us almost nothing. But I'm a little shocked that something got released so fast too. thank you for the update!

      • @koala --- OMO.. I knew it! Kyaa!!! I think I posted it somewhere in the prev LTM post...

        in that scene: the smallest smiles, the lingering touches and even the tiniest laughter.. totally radiates GENUINE feelings..

        i so love this couple <3

      • Did you guys know that YEH is the first female artist that touched KJH' s eyelash?? I really love that scene ^.^

      • this is getting more and more interesting, I hope they will be dating in real life soon.

      • Chingu, it's real? It was an honest-to-god ad-libbed moment? OMG! *flails* ladjklasdjkaldj

        I seriously love that kind of stuff! Just like madqueen said, what has me spellbound by this pairing is the little gestures that seem to natural.

        There was a moment in ep 11, during the dinner with So-ra , when Kang Ji-hwan chuckles and I bet that was real too. I find that when he's acting and LOLs, his laughter seems a little forced (I STILL LOVE IT, OKAY?) but that moment in ep 11? Omg! Adorable!

        BTW, yesterday after finishing ep 12 and was still high thanks to it, I realized that there are only 4 eps left. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Time sure flies! I swear it seems like LTM started yesterday! I have no idea what I'll do with myself when I can't get my weekly fix of Hwan-hye!

        Oh and please, keep us updated about the DVD release too? I'll be monitoring YA closely, but I sure don't want to miss the boxset. This time I'm def getting the director's cut if it gets released. I DO NOT CARE if I have to spend lots of money on it.

      • Koala, please tell us more backstage stuff!!! SBS has been stingy on BTS... maybe they'll do a fan service of giving us a whole NG special?

        KJH is known as king of ad libs... and YEH is also pretty good at it, but some of those reactions are totally them in person and not character! We need more!!!

      • omo this two lovebirds are giving me heart attack...adlibbed moments???? please oh please your highness...feed those to dying here...need those fix....

    • One of my friends said, and I completely agree, it would've been amazing if this was a loosely scripted show and we get to watch them ad-lib the majority of it.

      This news makes me squee like a child. **Goes back to watch scenes repeatedly**

      • I have officially seen eps 11-12 10 times the past couple of days... and I keep keeling over from squeeeeealing everytime YEH and KJH share the screen. LITERALLY keeling over.

    • Oh my goodness ockoala unni. Really? Yes, I played that many times over because it's cute. When AJ takes his hand and says "kahamsamnida" before getting in, so cute. Just watched ep12. Oh my, I think there's another ad lib too. When they went to the resto to see Sang Hee and he asks why they are together and KJ says why isn't it that the husband always has to follow the wife or something of that sort. Then AJ giggles and KJ says why, what did I say? It looked so natural it might really be ad libbed. So. Cute.

      I also played the hug scenes over and over again. My goodness. You're right ockoala unni, the hugs are never before seen hugs in kdrama land. My, the first one, when KJ met AJ after finding out that YJ met AJ, wow, you'd know these two are for real. When KJ says from now on I'd like to know everything, what you ate for breakfast, etc. Those really are good lines, I mean who'd not fall for this guy, then when he hugs her, gah, I'm out of breath, then she hugs her back, I mean hugging his neck, then you see their facial expressions, by george! You'd feel so in love too mwa ha ha ha!

      Then the last scene, omo, I love KJ's expression. When you see AJ having such a bad day and badly needs to see KJ, then KJ finally comes and well you see this guy having such a tough decision to make, and they don't have to utter one word because it is all there in their faces. Their acting skills are so great that they don't need those lines (if they are indeed just acting, which I hope not). The emotions are so palpable it would touch your heart. I mean really, I am so in love with these two. I don't know how many times I've mentioned this and don't know either how many times I'll mention this in the future but I'd like saying it, that I just wish that they'd end up together for real. Mwa ha ha ha. I just so love them!

      • "When they went to the resto to see Sang Hee and he asks why they are together and KJ says why isn’t it that the husband always has to follow the wife or something of that sort. Then AJ giggles and KJ says why, what did I say? It looked so natural it might really be ad libbed. "
        My thoughts exactly! KJ's expression was so natural!

        I'm also thinking the quick gesture of AJ patting off the something on KJ's shoulder while walking to the limo at the beginning of Ep 12 seemed ad-libbed as well.

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Tags: Lie to Me

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