
Spy Myung Wol Episode 11 Baby Recap — 32 Comments

    • I doubt anyone in their right mind would agree to destroy their own career over the 6 remaining episodes of a drama that tanked. I personally enjoy the drama very much and I am really glad it will get to continue with its original cast. Too bad Ryu isn’t who MW will end up with, because I’m super shipping them. I still hold that there was more to this scandal than a hissy fit but I guess we’ll never know.

  1. LOL i had dropped this drama and deleted the files already but:D that confession in the end, i wanted to see it now:D LOL every confession in a story deserves to be read/heard or watched right:D

  2. Thanks for the recap Koala. <3 I think they did a good job with the progression of the story and plot considering what's happening or rather with what happened. I'm glad KW has not only realized his feelings but has revealed them!(About damn time! Normally we would be there already.). I'm really hoping the next couple of episodes are more on the cheery side, I want more of KW & MW moments. Save the "I'm a spy from N.Korea sent to bring you back" for later please.

  3. i was surprised to see episode11 because i thought a special was still going to be aired last night.

    well i guess, after HYS has made known her intention to resume the drama, they’ve decided to take her back because the current development of the plot tells us Myung Wol lived after that epi10 ending. I mean, if they wanted to kill MW or justify a change of face, epi10’s ending was already the opportunity to do it. Well, unless in MW’s disappearance she suffers an accident or the like, hahaha.

    thanks for the baby recap.

  4. I would be sincere….for the previous episode, i was all serious about the story but for this episode, i couldnt help being SARCASTIC…..I tried listening to every conversation intently but i just wasnt interested. Thank you koala for the recap. I believe this is the only way i am gonna finish this drama

  5. Why do I get the feel of a Best Love de ja vu? Though Kang Woo’s confession is a pale imitation of Dokko Jin’s.

    Was it only I who noticed that Myung Wol’s words after her disappearance echoes those of HSW herself?

    Anyways, I am enjoying this drama, and now that HSW is returning to the set *crosses fingers* I hope the production progresses to its finale with no major snafus. And that there is peace all around.

    Spy Myung Wol, fighting!

  6. Thank you for the recap even though I am no longer going to watch the drama, I like reading about it. Man they look tired.

  7. I thought it was a publicity stunt also. It would have been fine in the US (i.e., LiLo), but these kind of antics don’t fly in Korea. It would would be cool if writers did a meta. Like Myung Wol got overwhelmed with the instant fame and needed a sabbatical…

  8. haha wow, i wasn’t expecting this recap… or that an ep 11 would air! thanks for the recap koala!!!! i dunno if i can bring myself to watch the episodes anymore due to all the drama that took place bts… O.O; thanks again!! 😀

  9. Poor Eric. He got royally screwed by this drama. All the crazy BTS stuff aside, he really doesn’t have an appealing, or even a not-appealing-but-crazy-enough-to-be-sympathetic-and-gradually-work-towards-appealing character. Worse, his character is badly written and has no depth. After a misfire with Poseidon and the craziness of Spy, I hope his next drama is a hit of epic proportions.

    On a tangent, I wonder if Spy’s ratings for today’s episode went up from everyone tuning in out of morbid curiosity.

  10. Wow, more drama within a drama within a drama…art imitating life and whoaaaa, also the the other way around!

    Glad to see Choi Ryu again!

    Since this drama has gone on full meta mode in reel and real sense (sans the amnesia, though still possible who knows), they should just get these two N. Korean spies together.

    Thanks Koala!

  11. this new layout was a surprise for me. i kinda liked the one b4 it though…but still good. 🙂 i don’t care as long as i get my intake of koalas blogs 😀

  12. lets just continue supporting the first place we loved watching all their past episodes.we enjoyed all of it.,,,we dont know exactly what just 4 now we just wait and be excited for their upcoming episodes…our support will always be there….

  13. Thanks for the recap.

    New layout! It usually takes me a while to get used to change, but one thing I did want to suggest: is there any way to darken the comment font? I found myself squinting, realizing only at the end that making out the words was somewhat challenging because of the font color.

    That’s it. I hope you get a lot of positive feedback on the new layout.

  14. Maybe its just my insane choices of dramas but i never really felt bored or just like became uninterested with this drama since it has started. I really find the story cute in a way, epecially when I saw the trailer wherein they talked in english. That was really awesome. I mean no offence but not most of the korean pop. could speak really good english. I was really happy when I heard them talk.

  15. I know what they are doing now! First they don’t have time to film ep 12 so they made HYS the bad person so they send her to LA cause this is an advantage to let all the crews to have some sleep after many days of filming then use this as an excuse for publicity since the rating is low. Making us hate HYS so they successfully draw our attention to watch this drama ending up the lead attress didn’t change and the rating is rising up cause most of us went very curious about this drama!

  16. yay! i thought i read in your previous post that ur going to give up the everything about SMW baby recaps etc coz ur simply sick of it. LOL. thanks anyway!:) btw, i love your new layout.. MGY is soo adorable!!. 🙂

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