
Spy Myung Wol Episode 15 Recap — 30 Comments

  1. I still maintain that the writers should have made Myung-wol pregnant and had a time jump, where she runs away from everyone and then suddenly reappears. And then maybe she could get a terminal disease and die while Kang-woo clutches their newborn daughter in his arms and Choi Ryu defects to be the life-long silent protector of Myung-wol’s child. The spy parents could die in a blaze of glory helping Myung-wol escape from a death squad sent by the North to eliminate her – who were actually sent by the Chairman, because he’s a secret North Korean plant sent to try to convert the South to communism. And then, purely for the wth factor, Dae-kyung can become president and start a nuclear war with the North out of his all-consuming grief and the whole world blows up and we all die. I mean…could you come up with a better melodrama than that? Oh yeah, and before everyone dies, we should find out that Kang-woo, Myung-wol, and Ryu are all long-lost triplet siblings and that Kang-woo’s father was actually a North Korean scientist conducting experiments on them who wasn’t his father at all, but he had a crisis of conscience and escaped to the South and was only able to take Kang-woo with him. And then the Chairman blackmailed Kang-woo’s dad into working for him, but was then ordered to kill him and keep an eye on Kang-woo.

    Yeah, I think that should happen. ^_^

    • I think i like this plot better.

      And the daughter of myungwol and Kang woo grows up to look just like Myung Wol and becomes a south korean spy and goes to North to kick some ass and the story happens all over again, but on the other side of the wall.

    • i approve of this madness. so i’m planning we go to s.k. and kidnap all smw writers and then you can replace them and make this plot a reality (in the fantasy drama world anyway). don’t worry, we’ll have special potions that would make all the higher-ups give the go signal on everything about this revised and improved plot development. ;P

  2. @Tammie, there are three more episodes.

    Ok for the dragging they did till ep 12, the last two episodes have picked up pace.Now where on earth are the NIS agents when we need them.

    i do not know whats going on , but for heavens sake end this show already. Is Poseidon after this? bring it on faster….

    • Thanks. I see Ms. Koala clarified it in the post. I know I’m older than most here, but my mind has not completely left me! lol

  3. Thanks for the recap! On a side note – Is there anyone in this – yes, I’ll say it – farce, that hasn’t been slapped? With episode 15 we can add Kang Woo and In Ah to the list.

  4. thanks for the recap.. I did not watch the episode, but i was curious – so i came to read the recap. Thanks for taking ur time and posting it.

    About SMW, i liked yesterdays episode, and todays episode is less interesting but more on the angsty side; i hope next week does justice to the whole fiasco.

    Thanks a ton for all ur hard work; its appreciated..

  5. Koala, I’ve gotten a few laughs watching this (I use the term loosely) drama. But the best time has been your recaps/comments. We’re coming down the stretch here, so grit your teeth and soldier on, comrade.

    • Agree, i like Kola unnis writing more than the show, and i quote your writing

      “I give Kang Woo props for not busting out in tears laughing when he hears this grand master plan”

      I think it is one of the shows where you have switch off your mind logic and watch, so you are just watching people talk and move, rather than interpretting the show.

      unni, can we generate a report of your writings and our comments here and print them or email them to the producer/PD of the show? Seriously.

  6. This is a crazy show, but somehow I keep watching it and waiting for the next one – I guess just to see what they come up with next. Thank God Eric is so interesting to watch as an actor. I don’t hate this show at all, but I really wish they could have done better. It’s like they had no clue what they were going to do after the first 3 episodes and just ad lib as they go along.

  7. Thank you Ms Koala.I am still watching,my fervor has died down.However soldiering on because of the 2 male leads.I love Ryu in Powerful Opponents and darn it,just want to see what happens in the end.I can’t even be bothered with the subs anymore,it’s so bad I just watch it raw after the recaps.

  8. Hi Koala! Thanks to your rec, I’ve discovered the awesomeness that is Zenkai Girl. I do hope that to be able to share the wonderful drama it is, you could do a recap for your other readers to encourage them to watch it. Thank youuuu so much for recommending it. 🙂

  9. I know this drama is not the best (in simple words), but I somehow can’t stop myself from reading about it or watching it 😀 Though I’m still rooting for Choi Ryu and Kang Woo to end up together and everything would make soooo much sense

  10. And it continues to go round and round… In the future I hope they make the technology to jump into dramas. I would have the time of my life slapping sense into characters.
    Did you write this recap while reading a Kyoya/Haruhi fanfic? Heheh Unnie you got amazing multi-tasking skills!

  11. Love this “The love triangle retreats back to Kang Woo’s place for a formal powwow”
    Never seen rivals so relaxed around each other. We hardly even get angry glances at each other anymore. They’re just sooooooo tired, prolly wishing the other to JUST SHOOT ME NOW AND END THiS!

    Thanks for your recap and funny comments. We really do have to take this plot with a LARGE chuck of salt — maybe that kosher kind, or sea salt?

    Not only has everyone know officially been slapped. Almost everyone has been kidnapped, and held or stolen one of more of the “SA AP SA.”

    Are there really three more episodes?

  12. i know this is really far fetch but i was thinking that kang woo`s dad was the guy who told chyi ryu supiorer to get kang woo to come to north remember they never showed his face only the back of the head

    • I’m assuming that that person is supposed to be Kim Jong Il. Who would not take kindly to being parodied in a South Korean drama by any actor, hence the back-of-the-head shot.

      As for Kang Woo’s dad – he’s dead. Like, really really dead. He died when he was ran over by a car. No one doubts or disputes that. KW was only trying to find out the reason his dad died, not to investigate whether his dad was dead or not.

      But hey, I could be totally wrong and you right. At this point, this drama can’t do anything to shock me anymore. KW’s dad can magically crawl out of his grave and turn out to be the mysterious North Korean leader who gave the order to bring KW to North Korea.

  13. Nevertheless I am grateful of this show although I have yet to complete the last two episodes and not in hurry to catch up , but I am bursting out in tears laughing over Ms Koala and all of your comments for the last 2 episodes especially the last episode. Many thanks.

  14. Thanks for the recap!
    Such an irony that the real-life HYS fiasco & the drama-in-drama (Shiri 2?) were way more interesting than the actual drama itself. SPW began with such promise & an interesting premise but pity it was poorly executed!
    Alas I’m afraid it’s too late to fire anybody (*coughthewriterscough*) now & my only hope is that somebody pulls through with a terrific ending to go off with a bang or the creative team might just end up with no gigs for a very very loooonng time!

  15. My take on the ending? Choi Ryu will die protecting Myung Wol to the end, she and Kang Wu will take off, not for N. Korea, but for Hollywood. She’ll write a best-selling expose on the crazy orders of the N.K rulers and open her own martial arts dojo for Hollywoodites, He’ll take Broadway by storm with his singing and acting, and J. InA will get on the wrong plane and end up in North Korea, so they’ll get their Hallyu star after all! BTW, if they go for the baby finish, it’ll be twins-a little MW and a Little KW and the cycle will start all over. Oh, yeah, and evil Grandpa will end up in jail for tax evasion and owning illegal artifacts.

  16. Here’s my solution to this drama:

    Based on the fact that both the North and Chairman Joo want those darn books, Ryu should offer the North a deal to trade the books in exchange for their freedom. However, Ryu makes the same deal with Chairman Joo. He’ll trade the books for their freedom. :phew:

    THEN, he throws Chairman Joo and the books into a crate and sends it North. 😀

    Voila! Everybody gets what they want. The North gets the books plus an added bonus of a new comrade, i.e. Chairman Joo. Chairman Joo gets what he wants, i.e. the books. Minor detail being that he has to be in the North, in order to have the books. But, that’s okay because if he had stayed in the South, he would have been in prison for killing KW’s father, anyway. Ahhh, there’s only a slight difference being in prison and being in a restricted society. 😛

    And, everybody else is safe and sound, in the South, living life as usual.
    The End!

    The writing/story hasn’t been great. But, I still looked forward to watching this drama for its wackiness that seems to be now isolated to only the spy-parents and DK.

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