
Kim Se Jung Offered Female Lead Role in Sageuk Romance K-drama The Moon Flows Over the River — 23 Comments

  1. Cute how they are both doing the same pose in the pics 😆 KSJ is a good choice. She can do romance, comedy and action with ease.

    I’m in the minority but I’ve tried to watch the original drama but did not like the plot or the leads together. I think Kim Eun Sook dramas just aren’t my cup of tea. I’m confused how-and why!-they are remaking it as a sageuk.

  2. Oh this is an interesting if not quirky pairing though I never finished any of their dramas. Haha. To those saying there’s limited roles being offered, this girl just got 1 with another one airing soon.

    • The scripts are not being offered to actors in their late 30s/early 40s who have taken long hiatuses since their last role, have not encountered much critical or financial acclaim with their last projects, or have not quite cemented their leading actor status.

  3. Pingback:Kim Se Jung Offered Female Lead Role in Sageuk Romance K-drama The Moon Flows Over the River | Parlour News Korea

  4. She does comedy well because she’s good at throwing herself to the extreme to milk for laughs. Her IOI days SNL episodes were a hoot. Here’s hoping the two bring fun and chemistry to the drama. Please please please – let the script hold up

    • It’s funny how no one ever says this about actors. It’s always actresses that are scrutinized in sageuk. I wonder why that is.

      • the difference between the kind of behavior used in dramas for men is usually the same whether set in the past or present. women are more evolved though, so there are plenty of different expressions that don’t work in different settings.

      • It’s not true. In this case, KTO already did a sageuk and I don’t remember his ton was bad. I didn’t like how his character was written because it didn’t make sense but his acting was good.

        But in a sageuk, you can’t improvise because the vocabulary is not the same. It’s harder when you are used to comedy and you have freedom for this kind of things.

  5. I’m not sold by the plot―would have preferred if it were an adaptation of a Jane Austen novel based in Joseon, or even of Red Book, a musical set during the Victorian era Kim Sejung starred in―but I do like the pairing. I didn’t realize this before but Kim Sejung and Kang Taeoh sort of look alike, think it’s in their eyes and smile 🙂

  6. When I see her getting cast for a role its like as if I can already picture the character she gonna portray.. Looks like they will aim for clumsy comedy cutesy romcom while I was hoping for more of a serious like meloromcom or somethıng..

  7. ….hold on a second, is the writer of this drama also Kim Eun Sook?! Surely not, I can’t see her remaking a drama outright or casting still-rising stars as leads, the soompi article made it sound more like ‘written by someone else but the premise has bodyswapping like SeGa so we’re going to call it a SeGa remake’.

    I think Kim Se Jung is so talented and charming but if she takes it, this will be her first sageuk, I hope she does well! She makes an excellent romcom heroine.

    • I read the Korean articles and yep it’s not a remake of Kim Eunsook’s IP, but the latter was used as an example to briefly summarize the premise and make it more attractive.

      Male lead is a king or a prince because the Korean title seems like a play on words of the leads’ names as there is no space between “the river” (Yi Kang), and the Yi surname and one syllable names are associated with the royal male family members of the Joseon Dynasty.

    • Yea it’s most definitely not a KES drama, or I’d image that would be the breaking news headline even more than the SeGa remake aspect. They’re likely just using that to gather buzz (and it’s definitely working).

      KES’s next drama will likely be a sageuk if she continues the one she stopped writing before EWCT.

      • that’s what I thought, no way KES name wouldn’t be mentioned if she was the writer! But the ‘Secret Garden remake’ aspect was so emphasised that I was confused.

        anyway I hope it’s good, these kind of things go 50-50 on living up to their premise and a lot depends on the writer, whoever it is.

  8. Such a great choice! What made SeGa so good wasn’t the actual writing but the insane chemistry so casting KSJ is an amazing start.

    I’m pretty pumped about this one! Its been a while since we had a good romance sageuk so even if its not the melo I usually prefer, im so up for this pairing!!

  9. Not a fan of body swap concept at all. Creepy! For this reason, I skipped all the related scenes in SG although loved the rest of the story and the chemistry between HB and HJW. For the same reason, I’ve never been able to pass beyond ep3 of much raved C drama, Love between Fairy and Devil.

    I hope this said sageuk version of SG does not have a lot of coverage of that bizarre concept of body swap. I like this pairing and look forward to their collab.

    • Just wondering if this is an inspired or adaptation of the chinese anime series “No Doubt in Us”. I haven’t seen it yet but the reviews and accolades are plentiful

  10. I feel like they’re just using the Secret Garden reference to reference body swap. I don’t think there has been another famous body swap kdrama. I doubt it’ll be much of a sageuk remake of the drama. Sort of like My Sassy Girl’s sageuk is just meant the FL behaves wildly and bosses the ML around.

    I’m happy with the casting and look forward to the drama.

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