
Spy Myung Wol Episode 16 Baby Recap — 37 Comments

  1. If you think about it, Ryu and Myung-wol as an OTP is way more interesting and rife with potential conflict and angst. So much so that even though Eric is a way better acting, we’re all shipping Ryu. Poor Eric. Maybe he should have stuck with Poseidon, after all. Here’s hoping that it doesn’t take after Iris and Athena in the script / story development department and Athena in the ratings.

  2. Aww… Choi Ryuuuuu!! Noooo!! My heart’s broken into thousand of pieces and is now scattered on the floor. >.< Poor guy. He doesn't deserve this.

    I still can't figure out a happy ending on this story. I think everything's still messed up now for Myung Wol… I wonder what will happen tomorrow. :/ Oh well, for now I think I have to pick up and mend my broken heart. Choi Ryu, I'm just here if you need a hug. lol =))

    Thanks Koala for the quick recap! ^^

    • Yaaaaa everyone dies! When I first started watching SMW, I was hopeful. Now I am just watching it for it to end. This was just so so so so bad.

  3. Wait this is a comedy right? I am so confused that i can’t tell anymore. You know what i just can’t wait for it to over so a new drama can start, geeeeeee.

  4. “The trained North Korean spy does not see the sniper, but the Hallyu star with a penchant for sunglasses does.” bwahahahahah!!!

    yay! i was insanely happy with that fishing date of choi ryu and myung wol but Lord, it was short lived. gah! still, i’m hoping for a happy ending for my poor choi ryu.

  5. it was an insane ride for spy myung wol! thanks for the recap koala..BTW, I’m kind of interested to know your opinion about The Princess’ Man so far….I’m really digging into that drama right now..

  6. head hurty – love your comment

    well, it really is painful to watch Choi Ryu happy, coz we know its short lived, and i loved his smile, i wish they give him more characters where he gets to smile atleast once in each episode. Also he laughed and cried in the same episode – may be this is life, i am so mad that as stupid as Myung wol is, in real life and in reel life, she does not see the real love of Choi Ryu.

    well two more episodes tomorrow and we can lust for Poseidon??

  7. Loyal WooWol shipper present! I feel for Ryu but at the same time the heart wants what the heart wants. I actually think Ryu and In Ah would make a cuter couple, she obviously likes him.

    Ugh the ending scene gave me chills, two more episodes and it’s over :,(. I honestly wouldn’t mind if they killed off one or both of the leads, they’ve been hinting about it throughout the drama. But City Hunter did too and no one died so yeah LOL. It could really go either way. Still predicting they’ll kill of Ryu.

    • Except City Hunter did kill someone off – the beloved Prosecutor! I hope SMW doesn’t go that direction though; if Kang Woo dies, the whole drama is moot.

  8. JUST KILL HIM!!!!!…and let her stay with Ryu…I will be soo happy…cause I believe that MW can fall in love with Ryu down the line and have a happy marriage with many babies.

  9. I was shipping Ryu in the beginning… it’s going to be bittersweet when I watch this.
    They’re not killing KW, are they? Hmm… well is they kill KW, then MW and Ryu can just go back to NK and marry, lol.

    thanks for this!

  10. When my brother and I were kids we would get our cousins together and put on “plays” for our parents. We’d assign parts and make up our own “scripts”. Our “performances” consisted of everyone pretty much ad-libbing their way through our barely recognizable plot, while our long-suffering parents clapped and smiled like we were the most clever, creative kids they’d ever seen. This is what SMW reminds me of…only with a bigger budget.

  11. thank you koala for recaps… ^^
    it is so sad seeing CR cry when dropping MW in front of KW house.
    to love doesn’t mean to own? so sad

  12. Yay for the Choi Ryu and Myung-wol date (Lee Jin Wook’s smile is so cute!!) but it’s also so sad because MW is going to get with Kang-woo. LJW and HYS should do another drama together as the leading couple!

    • yes ur right!.. they both have good chemistry together and i would love to see both of them as the lead couple!.. lee jin wook smile just melt my heart!! ^_____^

  13. I feel “Spy” myung wol is zoned out most of the time, and her acting as spy is very very poor, her constant shock expression look is painful to watch through out the entire episode, and she is stoned faced for most of the series. Wonder why they choose her as an actress for this show. I like In Ah who seem to be a natural with her expression of love, hate , jealousy and stupidity.

    • All i can say is because she is a spy so she has to act like one..and obviously she has never experience being in love and how to act infront of a man like Kang i think she fits the character..

  14. First time commenting. Yay!

    I have to say… I’ve given on Spy Myung Wol a long time ago if not for the Myung Wol and Ryu story line. And I agree with you… their chemistry is sooooooo good. Gad. Lee Jin Wook can act like a zombie sometimes but you got to admit he’s one damn hot human species.

  15. Thanks once again Koala for the recap..I hope they are going to make the ending more interesting ..if the director wants Eric to end up with MW then maybe she should be pregnant or something so she can’t leave the South and she doesn’t end up in jail etc…

  16. Dear Koala,

    I am cracking up with your comment: ¨The trained North Korean spy does not see the sniper, but the Hallyu star with a penchant for sunglasses does´ ….

    It´s 2am and I can´t stop LOL, this is why my neighbors hates me! LMFAO!

  17. Anon, i love your idea instead. The story should not end up with sniper or gunshot, should write something else which is more realistic in life. Btw, Eric Mun is the best actor in this drama. I never watched his drama or movie before. I just fallen in love with him after seen this drama and now die hard fan of him. His face expression was excellent.

  18. awww my god! both CR and MW look really happy together in that picture…both of them look like they are real couple.. it would be really sweet if that actually happen!! both of them just so sweeeeeeeeettttttttt!!!.. ^___^

  19. i love reading your recaps.. is there any way you may include The Princess Man. It is about to end i think. EVen the last 2 episodes please???

  20. I don’t under stand theway it is working Ryu is going to let her go just like that but they seem to be doing well with esch other

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