
Me Too, Flower! Episode 8 Recap — 44 Comments

  1. Thanks ockoala for the recap! I loved this episode! It was very touching and real. I couldn’t help but cry for all the hurts Bong Sun and Jae Hee had to go through in the past but them being together makes it seem worthwhile. Especially during the intimate but heartwarming cuddling and dinner scenes. 🙂

  2. I discovered this drama after getting depressed from Man of honor. Even if it has otp with sad past, this drama makes me feel all happy and sunny. They smile so beautifully. I watched all 8 episodes in 2 days (i just couldn’t stop). I am glad that they changed the look of Yoon Si Yoon, he doesn’t remands me of the baker (thanks to him i love making bread at home hihi).
    Even you will not recap the rest of the drama I’m sure you will enjoy it! Love!

  3. I didn’t watch 8 ep yet, but I like our heroine maybe because Bong Sun is a bit similar with Lee Ji Ah’s life in the past months, so this time a character that resembles the actor/actress works just fine. ( in Korea depression is TABU however in her situation depression I think it is just a lil word to describe the hell that netizens can be)
    I thought she was watchable in Beethoven Virus, but now she is endearing and believable as a woman with depression and real problems. Usually kdrama heroines have problems but nowhere that huge like Bong Sun’s problems are. I love that the ex isn’t her biggest problem, in fact her love life isn’t her problem even though it is hinted as being one. Her love life is the drop that fills the glass full of problems.

    about Jae Hee, in a way he poses as a poor guy just to find himself a true mate ( I have a friend with money who just married another guy with money because she didn’t believe in her and in her power to have a true love… she was sure that every guy wanted her for her money and not for whom she really is. As a result her husband is a cheating bast*** ). So our Jae Hee can like a person like Dal but he won’t love her. He would stay with Hwa Young but wouldn’t love her either – he doesn’t mix pleasure with duty or business and for him she is in the same time duty and business. In a way it helps that the actress playing her looks like a cougar near him. Why? because it looks way to wrong for her to be with him, therefore our feelings against her are stronger.

  4. Thank you very mucchh for the recap ms.koala! =D
    This drama is getting better! Havent watched this episode yet cause first few episodes wasn’t that enticing but i think i might continue on!
    But it would be better if unni would post more about M2F ^^

  5. Like you, I absolutely loved episode 8. I watched it numerous times raw because the images were enough to tell the time and since the subs have been released its become my nightly night cap. It feels joyful just watching them make these steps together. And if the writers want me to hate Hwa Young they are doing an excellent job because I just cannot relate to her brand of crazy possessiveness.

  6. There are other stories about damaged people finding some comfort in each other, but something about the way this one is told and performed is really working for me.

    There were so many scenes I loved in this episode, but the mittens scene might be my favorite.

    Hwa Young’s possessiveness is the kind that wants to wound others’ happiness because her sense of entitlement feels slighted… I have trouble watching that kind of character.

  7. Whoaaa, Ms K… what a lovely surprise!

    I just finish watching M2F ep 8 for the 7th times since last Sat before I check in to your playground.. Still can’t get enough to see YSY and LJA playing fotsies under the blanket and the table… It was sooooo ahhhh….. ~ indescribable feeling ~

    The OTP’s chemistry is so good, that makes their growing-tug-pull relationship looks so natural… Their closeness, longing, angst and under current emotion are portrayed beautifully and effortless, as if it is a real thing…

    I can’t get enough of M2F, now I’m waiting impatiently for the next eps… I wish the rest eps will be as beautiful and captivating as the previous eps… I want to see more of YSY and LJA exploring their new found romance in a new found other half…

    This is a drama that I’ve been looking for since L2M.. Finally, I found them.

  8. I didn’t read the recap (trying to stay unspoiled since I plan to watch this on my TV -rather than computer- screen) so please tell me, is there a reason why he has more make up on than the her? (In the title cap that is)

  9. it’s nice that you finally decided to recap, even if it’s just for ep.8, it’s nice to know that a lot more people starting to notice this one, coz’ in all honesty this one is just that good! i, one for sure will be deeply grateful if you decided to recap from hereon but hey..that’s just a wishful thinking on my part hehehe..thanks again koala…

  10. Ha ha! Thanks Mrs Koala for the time devoted to this drama and your regular visitors from all continents (especially 이 개인). 😀


    My small complain is that several months ago, YSY and LJA’s facial features were slightly/very different. I miss their more natural and better-looking faces and can’t help but think of “what if…”. :'(

    Other than that, I’m currently watching ep 9 raw and can’t wait for the recap on DB to fully get the meaning of several dialogues.

    • To Denali: did they go under the knife? Sorry am not up to date with Korean gossips 🙂

      Thanks Ms K! I started watching this and love it…
      I am not too convinced of YSY portrayal of a 30 year man since he looks so young akin to a high school kid… 🙁
      LJA – love her in this role… she is nailing it so far…

      • That’s my conclusion. The difference struck me after watching YSY’s “Baker King” drama and LJA’s “Love is blind” movie, where both of them did very good, imo. 🙂

    • I thought the same thing about YSY. But after his success with BK, there was a LOT of scrutiny on whether he did or didn’t get plastic surgery. All of the sources I saw said he didn’t. While he is beautiful beautiful, he is not perfect. I like that.

      As far as LJ, I know nothing. I like her, though.

    • Age, weight loss, and emotional state can do a lot to give off a different facial impression. Heck, I look a lot different than I did a year ago. And we know LJA went through buckets of personal drama over the past year. No idea what YSY has been up to, but his eyes and demeanor are more mature. Both actors are also much thinner than I’ve seen them recently.

  11. mrs koala thank you for the recaps love this show but how come you are not doing recaps on the best show out at the moment ojkgyo brothers have you seen it are do you not like it im shock that you have not even mention this great show joo won and uee are the best otp i have seen since city hall it is such a great show and the story gets better and better and the ratings or so high and its the no1 show in korea and well worth it

  12. Yay! Thanks, loved this episode! 🙂 They have such a beautiful relationship. I love this drama, and I really hope it has a happy ending!

  13. I like your taste in drama Koala. That is why I watched episode 8 and the first 3 episodes of Me too flower. Because of you I watched my first Chinese Drama ever, Bubu Jing Jing from beginning to end and loved it. So you are good at what you do. Keep it up.

  14. Koala,

    thanks for the recap. i got addicted to this drama because of the recaps on dramabeans… I probably could write a few pages of psychological analysis on this drama – because there is so much depth and flesh in the writing and the acting of the charachters. its very interesting.

    Thanks for ur lovely recap..

    enjoy and have a good week.


  15. Thanks for the recap! It really was a beautiful episode, especially Bong-sun’s prayer before dinner. I also felt a bit of foreboding. Bong Sun wants a simple life. But the life of a CEO’s wife isn’t really all that simple. She will probably have to deal with people approaching her because they want something from her (which has pretty much happened all her life). I know JaeHee’s life sucks with being orphaned, poor, and then committing accidental manslaughter..but I can’t help but feel even sadder for Bong sun

    I can’t really feel annoyed or hated toward Hwa-young, except when she was trying to make that dig at Dr.Park. She’s so warped by her husband’s death. I wish someone who kidnap her and make her go through therapy.

    • Here is my hope of an ending…
      Because he likes to design more than actually run a company, he sells his shares of the company and has this huge amount of cash to spend while they run away to Europe, as he suggested earlier, with his Waco tablet (or pencil and paper) and Ipad and email his designs in as they travel from small Cotswold village to small Provencal village. N’est-ce pas?

      Happily ever after no where near HY!

      • Call !!!
        But i also want to see a wedding and maybe a pregnant Bong Sun.
        And a bunch of adopted kids to handle, driving them crazy with pranks and lot of love….

    • Asianromance: I can’t help but feel even sadder for Bong Sun!
      My sentiment exactly! YSY did a great job potraying Jae Hee, his facial expression is explosive! But it is Bong Sun’s sadness that touches my heart more, very subtle but very deep. Even when she was happy I still feel her insecurities. She made me cry the first time after the scene with Punk Chicken singing for her. Now I cry just to think about her.
      LJA you are awesome in this drama.

  16. koala thank you so much for the recap… i really love this episode of me too flower… jae hee’s character here is so hot… i love him and bong sun too… hehehehe they are both afraid to open their hearts to love each other but they found the courage to pursue their relationship… i wish i could have someone who is brave enough to love me and fight for me but maybe i still have to wait for the right man to come my way… =)

  17. Thank you for recapping this show!

    I love how you you describe the pair’s issues and need for healing. I am trying to remember a romcom drama where BOTH leads were in this much pain. Many times we get one whole character who is there to be Mr/Ms Fix-it with the other. (I am not counting melos.)

    I used to really hate the spoiled Dal, but I think she is going to surprise us. She is willing to do Cruella’s bidding now, but not without a little talking back. I think when push comes to step-sister, Dal will back down.

    It was a gorgeous episode, wasn’t it?
    I screen capped like crazy the second time through to catch all of JH’s expressions.
    But the final scene with him listening to her pray, I had to stop capping and watch without blinking nine or ten times. The gratitude / love / wonder / respect / surprise / vulnerability / hope / admiration / peacefulness emanating from his face touched me so deeply. I really felt at that moment, there is NO woman out there on the planet that could ever mean more to him than BS. Despite the oncoming storm, I see both coming to their senses and understanding that for at least for the time being, they should make peace with each other and enjoy their time together. To heck with the outside world!

    • Dal was refreshing in episode 2 when she fought back against the guy who dumped her. I hope she starts to shine more as a character.

  18. SO glad you recapped this episode – and hopefully the rest of the drama! It’s so underrated!

    Tiny correction: You wrote, “Hwa Young thinks Jae Hee won’t be able to handle Bong Sun.” I’m pretty sure HY meant the opposite, that BS can’t handle JH. Like HY is implying that HY can handle JH, when actually she doesn’t know JH like BS does at all. Bleh. I hope HY redeems herself because right now I’m having no sympathy for her at all.

    That scene where HY talks about how all the women around her seem pretty is telling about how twisted and desperate she’s becoming. She says that she figured out why they are all pretty – it’s because they’re younger than her. Dr. Park tells her she’s still pretty. And he is straightforward about HY’s failings while still being caring. I kind of like the idea of this couple – Dr. Park is the voice of reason, unfazed by HY’s antics, and in front of him HY is more honest and comfortable. In contrast, although HY thinks she needs JH, JH bewilders her and works her up, and they don’t really understand each other.

  19. You are really good in re telling M2F..I just love your recaps and almost all the drama you have watched and recapped is so real that at times you put me in the drama it self.Thank you.

  20. Rereading your recap for the third time…..and listening to the song OST… what a brilliant idea!
    Thank you so much MS OcKoala. If this is not too much to ask, can you possibly recap the next episode as well and the next one after that…I just love the way you recap the drama!

  21. I burst in tears when i see from goOgle that u recapped the ep.8 of M2F. It’s like a miracle to read such a decent job u’ve done, ms. Koala. I love you so much for doing this. God knOws how i wait endlessly day by day.. And yes, this episode is genuinely romantic, sweet and heartwarming.. Our hero and heroine all the way, amin:D

  22. OMG~ M2F recaps on the Playground– what a glorious surprise! I’m not reading the ep. 9 & 10 recaps yet (waiting for subs), but it’s great to see that they’re there, after you declared your intention to recap only ep. 8. (I think it’s very dear that you felt inspired to recap a single episode of a drama because it was such a special episode.) Thank you so very much, Koala, for the time, effort and love you’re putting into these recaps.

    I gather there are a lot of people who aren’t into this drama because they’re put off by LJA and/or YSY’s baby-face… I’m just so glad that I’m not one of them. I’d hate to be missing out on the richly rewarding experience of watching this OTP learn to love themselves and each other. It’s just so delicious. I agree that witnessing the unfolding of their emotional intimacy in this ep. was even more fulfilling than the ep. 6 kiss.

    Thanks again for helping us to savor the sweetness.

  23. When the camera panned down and they had their legs intertwined, I about died! Soooooo cute and romantic. That whole beginning sequence of this episode was so good. I love the OTP. I love each of them in their own way, but especially Bong Sun. So many dramas have young men and women who go through so much crap in their lives from the time they were young and they just take it and take it, and take it and somehow remain these bubbly, trusting, and forgiving souls. But that rarely happens if ever. I love that in Bong Sun we see someone who was actually affected in real hurtful and problematic ways by the things that happened to her….

    Gahhh! I’ve just completely grown to love this drama and these characters. Now I’m late for work cause I was finishing this episode and reading your recap!

  24. I just love this episode! I think I’ve watched 5 or 6 times now. hehe Does anyone know the title of the song playing when Jae Hee and Bong Sun left the restaurant after breakfast when they were on his motorcycle on their way back home? It’s really cute. Thanks! 😀

  25. Can’t say enough how SUPER happy I am that I picked this drama up after reading your first impression of it! Love this drama, love the two, love them as both separate individuals and as a pairing. Never thought I’d be sold by YSY (wasn’t so in Baker Kim) but man, the way he acts with his eyes… just about kill me, every time. Also super surprised to find myself liking LJA.

    Looking forward to your thoughts on M2F, thanks lots 🙂

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