
Alice Ke and Roy Qiu Confirm Office Girls Extension at the Huawei New Product Launch Party — 39 Comments

  1. Gah, so much pretty. So jealous.

    I’m glad they’re going to deal with their different backgrounds and ideas about money. Those are some major areas of conflict, and things that need to be talked about and dealt with. But I hope the story doesn’t loose momentum.

    • It’ll lose momentum, all extensions inevitably do, but I watch OG like it’s an American sitcom so I don’t mind the scattered plotless journey with Xing Ren and Zi Qi’s little moments stringing along the greater narrative.

    • I know right! i only knew her from OG, so seeing her so dolled up, i did not recognize her until Ms.Koala pointed it out. I think it’s the makeup, the hair, the dress…make-up n clothes does wonder…

  2. yea She’s absolutely stunning with this dress although i think she looks so boring in OG.
    Anyway they look really cute together. 🙂

  3. i knew 20 episodes of OG wasn’t enough for some of the conflicts that is starting to develop in the drama…the drama was dragged for some time now for me, but the only thing that kept me going was because of Roy and Alice and their amazing performance! i kind of want the drama to wrap up since it’s dragging way too long, but i guess more of roy and alice in a few more episodes wouldn’t hurt right? hahah

    and one more side note…i totally love Roy with Alice more than with Tiffany lol (ref. to the Clinique promotion a few weeks ago)

  4. don’t know him (other than reading about him here in your blog) but damnnnnn dude looks mighty, mighty fine. And together they really look OMG amazing. this post does have it’s reason, no worries Koala 😀

  5. i agree with you! like to see Alice ke styled outside of OG hahahaa. but… I find that the dress is doing no justice to her:( feels like she is making the dress stunning, and not the other way around… but she still looks gorgeous:)

  6. Gorgeous!
    They do seem more comfortable around each other now.
    Lots of cute interactions between them from the OG BTS.
    I don’t mind extension as long as I can have my fix of these gorgeous couple.

      • There’s something call reading the news. Fans like you need to learn some manners, so biased that you’re too blind to accept other people’s opinion and thoughts. I don’t see why it should bother you whether I think he is ugly or not and if I should read this piece of news or not. It is my freedom to voice my opinion and there are no rules where it says that I have to like the guy to post a response. Please respect others’ opinion.

  7. Boy, they both look gorgeous. I like the red dress on her. And the Huawei fake tattoo.

    Re your comment that Mike H e& Roy Qui are not look-alike… when Roy was younger and his face is not as trimmed as it is now, I think they do look alike. I think Mike’s face is rounder.

  8. Wow! I guess its the first time I feel Alice Ke is looking more stunning than Roy…I mean when they are generally together, my eyes voluntarily check out Roy first but this time Alice has totally overshadowed Roy…she looking hot and stylish in that red dress. The couple is sooo freakkkingg cute, just get together u two!

  9. I vote for Xing Ren appearing like this in front of Zi Qi… may be, courtesy of Mina? Pretty please?

    I never found Ace Ke as particularly pretty in OG, but here she is looking beautiful.

    • Just an FYI, I know who you are, there is no need to go anon or change your username just to make this statement. If you think Alice is average compared to other actresses, then say it but own the statement. I encourage the practice of only saying things you want associated with your name, everything else is just hiding behind the veil of online anonymity.

      • thank you, ms. koala for that. made my day!

        the statement holds true to the point that there are other actresses prettier than her, but she is also prettier than others. i think her looks is what makes her a good actress as she can appear ordinary to play the role of an everyday-kind-of girl, but can turn around and seem like a goddess…. cue pics in the red dress.

        its sorta like one of favorite actress Cate Blanchett. She has the ability to change her looks to fit any role that requires ordinary to goddess to queen.

      • I agree with Sami!! While I don’t find her the prettiest out there, I like how she looks so normal in OG, she could be ur classmate/coworker.. and the role fits her well. I think thats y ppl like her more than the other girl (whats her name again Ka er or something) who looks fake and too plastic to be real. Her character is boring as much as evil (in my opinion)
        But in here even I think Alice’s so pretty!! So basically she can be prettier (like any of us) but decide the average* look to fit her role

        *I don’t mean average i don’t think it explains my point, but like a beauty that is not noticeable right away.

  10. I used to consider Roy and Mike look-alikes, but after seeing Roy in so many dramas, it’s gotten easier to tell them apart. I would love to see the two of them as brothers in something, though… (as long as Roy gets male lead, hehe).

    Also, yay about Office Girls extension! I feel extensions usually go pretty badly, but I have faith in this team. As long as they kill off Tia Li early, lol. 🙂

  11. I’m totally getting Ariel Lin vibes from the very first picture but after that picture the resemblance wears off. Picture no. 4 (and no. 1): Zomg, I love the way he’s holding her! Oo haha if they really did like each other how could you bare to be held like that and not visibly react in some way! And there are not many guys who can pull off a sexy smirk ^_^.

    I like you *^_^* Haha I love reading posts like these!

  12. Seem perfect match. I love both of them in office girl. Somehow, Roy’s pant seem to be a bit loose and jacket look a bit small. Jacket in black will be better because the background is grey in colour. With small flaw in clothing, still look so handsome lah… Alice look gorgeous. Perfect match.

  13. I simply love this couple, Roy and Alice! They look so gorgeous here! I don’t mind the extension as long as I see more parts of them together.

  14. I don’t encourage extension because it might distort story line and might becomes draggy. However, extension for one to two episode is ok la but not too many. Weekly waiting for it to air make my neck grows longer.

  15. tbh i think alice ke is kinda ugly. but i guess the good thing is that im pretty sure she never had any work done. it always surprises me how the supposedly superficial taiwanese entertainment industry embraces ugly actresses so well.

    on another note, tho im only half way through the series im finding her character, xing ren, really annoying. it’s like zi qi is doing all the work trying to show her his feelings while she’s not doing any work at all to reciprocate. instead she shuts him down every time. this kind of relationship dynamic is really unrealistic!

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