
Man of Honor Episode 17 Baby Recap — 20 Comments

  1. Thanks for the baby recap! I’m so with you on this drama. Just sticking around out of a lingering sense of affection. I mean, I’ve come this far, I might as well see it to the end, right?

    The IW shipping has me baffled, and wondering if I’m even watching the same drama. We are talking about the IW who knew who she really was from quite early on, but never told her, right? The IW who still acts like an entitled, arrogant ass to everyone but JI? Oh well, I can’t really blame anyone for not being on the YK ship either. Sadly, I have to agree that his character development has gone nowhere, and I’d like to think it was because of plot development, but there really hasn’t been much of that happening either. ..Oh, wait, except now we have a new character, rich old grandpa who pretends to be a poor shoe shiner. *sigh* Instead of a new character, couldn’t we just have had one of the existing characters, yunno…actually do something? I can see that the only way I’m gonna be able to finish this drama is to remind myself of how adorable PIE and PMY are together!

  2. Bad BAd Bad Drama! Why??? T_T I ve lost all d interest now, yet am reading the recap…what’s wrong with me??? I guess i was hoping some cuteness may help but der was none. 🙁

  3. Thumbs-down for this ep.. Can we please be done with the assignments and homeworks and exams and searching for stuff, pretty pleasee… Why are they still in a race to enter the company since the truth about JI is revealed and she’s actually a shareholder?? It does not make any sense to me. Also why does YK get injured or beaten up every other episode?

  4. Thumbs down…I can only support this drama because I really love PIE, JangWoo, and Min Young

    I would total abhor In Woo (pre-character development) if not for the fact that I totally love Jang Woo on We Got Married with Eunjung…the power of reality television

  5. Why do most of the dramas these days have to follow this path- having a promising start but then going downhill after ep. 10 or so? Meh.

  6. I agree with the rest of the comments here, no meaningful development in this episode, why they dragging it all along, but still eager to see what happen next.. sighhh…. Thanks for the baby recap ockoala…

  7. Thank you for the baby recap koalaaa^^

    Please hangin there..

    I’ll always visit your blog to see the updates for Man of Honor
    ┐(‘⌣’┐) (┌’⌣’)┌ ┐(‘⌣’┐) (┌’⌣’)┌

  8. I think nothing much happens because it was probably supposed to be a 16-episode drama originally but was expanded – was it 24? — but there wasn’t enough story to go around. I hope Jae In is smarter than she lets on at this point, because it just seems she is not even considering that she might have some power of her own.

    • Oh no, it was always scheduled for a 24-episode run. I think the writer just isn’t very deep or meaningful in the writing.

  9. Thanks Captain for this recap. The “contagious crazy-eyes” is funny! 😉

    My main take-away from this episode is now Jae In knows for sure her mom is alive and is being moved around. I think that’s good because Jae In will now be more wary of whatever In Woo’s dad says since In Woo’s dad told her that her mom is dead. I look forward to how the writers will set the scene for Jae In and her mom’s meeting.

    Thanks again Captain for this recap and for all your wonderful posts. 😀

  10. Funny that most people here have negative feedback on the drama but still watch it every episode. Come on, get real. You watch it because you enjoy it. Despite of all its ups and downs, you like it. You even bother to read the recap and write comments. Get real people.

  11. I agree with your assessment of MOH. Plot fizzled out but Jae In is enjoyable to watch. Have you caught Brain with Shin Ha Kyun? I recommend it.

  12. Finally got the chance to read your baby recaps, ockoala! Thank you for posting it!

    I agree with you that this drama is slipping away like a sand! I am not as connect with it as I used to (due to the plot development, or silly turns that made my head ache)… Thank you for posting baby recaps!! ^^

  13. The only interesting part of this episode was when Ja-In tore the note to now say “hope is now here” instead of “hope is nowhere”. Like the rest I’m already this far in so I guess I’ll stay.. sigh… the pull of kdramas… even bad ones….

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