
Me Too, Flower! Episode 9 Recap — 47 Comments

    • Like it’s revealing things that are usually revealed in later episodes but it fits this show because there is still a whole lot of trust, and relationship and background that needs to be built up that I feel that revealing the whole “Jae Hee is mad rich~” sequence was a move that they added in at the exact right time.

  1. You’ve made me extremely happy. I streamed this episode live this morning and have since been refreshing soompi like a maniac hoping someone would have translated some dialogue for us.
    Thank you! Thank you! Must stop smiling. Cannot wait for episode 10!

      • Hi, if you’re a soompi member, there was a post in the show thread (post #799) with various ways to watch it live. I did not include the direct link because I’m not sure if that follows the soompi rules.

  2. Thank you so much for recapping this!! Now I really want to watch it – I’ll probably wait until it’s finished and marathon the entire thing!

  3. Thank you so much for the recap. I watched it raw even though I don’t understand Korean. But after watching the first 8 episodes and being constantly delighted I couldn’t resist.
    So I feel like you eased an insatiable craving.
    I wasn’t familiar with Lee Ji Ah, so all I could see was her glow from within that you mentioned, which comes as her character finds love and appreciation. And wow to Yoon SI Yoon for being so compelling. So thank you, thank you, to you for your time and effort.
    But to the show, please don’t make me wait too long to see those feet entwined again.

  4. I agree with your assessment of their relationship. Bong Sun’s distrust shield is up once again and Jae Hee knows it very well. I love his reactions in those moments.. When she walks up all beautiful and when he sees her shocked face through the CCTV. Really Yoon Si Yoon is just amazing! He IS Jae Hee. I am dying to watch tomorrow’s episode, I’ve been waiting to see when the Dr will play a role (he is funny and his and Bong Sun’s scene are entertaining to watch!)

  5. I love this show, and I can’t describe how happy it makes me that I’m not the only one watching. I really appreciate the recaps because the subbing takes a lot of time. Thanks!

  6. This drama’s development is so fast, but I rather a fast moving plot than a dragging plot. Thanks for the recap, loving your opinions, really looking forward for next epi’s recap 😉

  7. OMG OMG I am soooo happy you are recapping this. Thank you thank you thank you!
    (You really don’t have to do both this and MOH, and by that, I mean, you don’t have to do MOH!!* HA!)
    …… loveyou loveyou loveyou …..

    This episode had to happen, so I am not too worried that our pair will stay separate for long. This writer gives the lead man some kind of choice he can’t refuse, which splits him from female lead. It usually makes sense, but is still frustrating. I do like that it happened in the middle episode rather than almost to the end. I’m thinking that means this won’t be the ONLY obstacle for the OTP. There will be another doozy, I can guarantee. Old girlfriend hinted at in ep 2?

    They both were fortunate to find someone to hold them close and assure them that Mr. Old Nasty Mr. Life can’t get them now. Doubly fortunate that they also be of comfort to that person. If that is all we saw between them, I would say that maybe they could stay together until healed, then move on.
    But then, there is that crazy chemistry that makes them want to grab and kiss each other. Yes, part of it is both suffered from lack of affectionate touch growing up. Don’t forget, however, the immediate and constant teasing between them from the git-go. That is something else. The in your face, look at me, look at me! The fact that he is designing cool boots for her. She replaced the PC in her fantasies with him. I think the affection and the lust are equal.

    I can’t say enough bad about HY. She’s just such a jerk. I understand her need for JH, and the fear of being alone, especially after the loss of her husband, but someone needs to tell her to let him go. Calling Doctor Oppa!

    I haven’t read the ep 8 recap yet. I rushed over here when I found out you were doing this.

    *I am totally kidding that you should do anything other than recap what you want to recap.
    Your time is worth more than my selfish desire to read about uri YSY, who, by the way, is MINE! I called him a looooooong time ago – like back in August. 🙂

    See you tomorrow?

    • I cannot and will not call MINE on YSY, not matter if he continues to knock my socks and knickers off in the upcoming episodes. Jun Ki is already MINE, and to double down on two emotionally angsty doppleganger actors would be tempting drama gods to smite me for being greedy. I never tempt fate. I shall pet YSY prettily and admire him for exceeding every (non)expectation I had of him in M2F.

      I love how the OTP is combustible and fluid. They transition from passion to non-sexual warmth like it was the most natural thing in the world. I agree they set each other on fire in addition to providing a shelter from their heavy life.

      • Speaking of transitioning, I have a “what happened later” question. After the dinner… did he go home or did he stay? I expected a little of a flashback to let us know how far down the skinship continuum they traveled.

        Ahhh… Junki…Kay stole my heart and I will never recover from his heart-stopping smirk-wink in TBD. I would like to see YSY follow his dopple-g. and do a nasty character with NO heart. I would love to see that, actually.

  8. i really love this show… i’ve watched episode 9 though i don’t understand what they were saying…thank you for the recap…=)

  9. Thank you! I’m so glad you are recapping, even if it’s only a few episodes here and there. I am glad to see that it is capturing more viewers, because the pairing really is a treat to watch. They are so complicated, its incredible. This show owns me heart and soul. Tomorrow looks as though the sad will continue. 🙁

    C’mon happy ending!

  10. Oh my God! So happy that you’re recapping this drama,. I’m a bit sad during the 1st eps that no one is really looking into this drama,, no recapper, slow subber and I had to wait for a week to have them watched in eng. Many thanks! I so loved the story and the characters as well. Thanks for your hard work. Fighting! c” )

    • I know, right?
      I remember watching the first and saying,
      “Well, this looks interesting. I wonder what the heck these people are saying?”
      then after the second, it became a mad scramble for immediate translations.
      “OMG, if someone doesn’t tell me what they people are saying, I will die!”

      Soompi had some very generous viewers give us bits of dialog, which helped.

  11. Thank you for the nice treat with the episode 9 recap! This drama has definitely been a big surprise for me this year, especially with the great, believable acting on both Lee Jia and Yoon Shi Yoon’s part. I like your comments about how while it seems like BS is overreacting, what Jae Hee did really does hurt her that much considering what she has gone through already.

  12. Thanks a lot for recapping OCK! I love this drama and i totally agree that YSY portrayal is more than amazing! I had doubts when he was cast at the last minute but now i can say that he’s perfect for the role. No other actor could have portrayed JH better than YSY is doing now. One can easily see the myriad expression ranging on his face and we, the audience have no trouble relating to him. YSY rocks! And you rock OCK!!! 🙂

  13. Oh wow, didn’t expect this fm you at all, since you’ve warned us that ep 8 is one n only.. My deepest thanks to you, Koala for the beautiful recap!

    *now waiting for the subs version*

  14. Million thanks to you Koala for recapping my favorite show! I even watch the un sub one although I didn’t understand what they were saying. Your recap has helped me understand more, and figuring out the point that I have missed.
    I learned about your site when I was obsessed with Lie to Me. Now you made me happy once more time for recapping this drama…. thank you thank you thank you!

  15. Thank You Thank You so much for recapping the series, I am loving it more and more each week, it started slow but it has picked up a lot. I have fallen in love with LJ and YSY characters and cannot wait for the next episode.

    Thanks again for your hard work.

  16. Can I just first say that you are the best Captain and Koala in the whole universe! (*^_____^*)

    I was ecstatic to see this morning your recap of episode 8 with bonus 2 OST downloads.
    Now you’ve brought us exciting recap of episode 9. Earlier you’ve also posted a recap of the latest MOH episode. Your generosity seems limitless! I pray for more blessings to come your way and Koala’s playground.

    I like your analysis of why it is understandable for Bong Sun to feel very hurt by the revelation of Jae Hee’s true identity. And though I have not yet watched episode 9, Yoon Si Yoon once again was outstanding in his portrayal of Jae Hee based from your awesome descriptions.
    Next episodes, please come soon! 😉 Off to watch episode 9 now…Later. 😀

  17. Thanks so much Ms Koala for the early x’mas gifts (and 2 days in a row)!! Just recap if it makes you happy, then us readers will be happy too. If it exhausts you out then just relax and simply enjoy the show!

    This show is just addictive to me; execution wise it’s not the best (esp. editing of earlier episodes) but this is the only currently airing show that makes me watch it live (despite not knowing korean =_=)

    I don’t know if I’m reading too much but I believe Writer Kim is trying to make Hwa Young something more than a shallow antagonist that separates our OTP. It feels like Hwa Young’s plot is to drag everyone (well mostly Jae Hee and Dal) to her world – the world of glamor, luxury, calculation, jealousy etc., the world that is distant to Bong Sun. Ultimately every character serves as a metaphor to a certain value system.

    Dr. Park serves more like a role with a bird’s eye view to the psychological developments of the other characters. Dal – I think ultimately she’ll have to learn about the meaning of a “family” and in doing so, also sheds insights to Bong Sun who has long suffered from a broken family (idk, or maybe the other way round). I find Dal interesting by the fact that she never uses the right kind of speech (frequently using banmal instead of jondaemal even to her senior) – probably because she never fully understands the generally accepted hierarchy in korean society, and it must have something to do with her upbringing, because everyone starts to learn about social structure from their family.

  18. THANK YOU for recapping M2F!! i think you’re the only doing it this fast! This show has captured my mind and heart. The characters are so vulnerable and hurting, you just hope they stumble through life together and heal somehow.

  19. This is so great – thanks for working so hard. It is more than appreciated. I am so loving this show. I am rewatching episodes during the week because waiting for the new ones takes too long. I am loving the actors and their chemistry. YSY is just killing this role – I hope he turns up frequently in the future in other dramas.

  20. It’s a nice surprise seeing M2F Ep8 recap this morning, I haven’t post a comment on that post since I wanna watch ep9 first, and after I’ve watched it, I thought ‘will ockoala can resist not to recap that 8″ umm let’s check AKP just one more time today and voila’..yay! Komapta.

    When HY being an a** and introduced him at that lunching event, I thought, wow he had no choice but to accept it, for the sake of the company and all, he did show a passion for his work right? But whaddya know the man just walk out!! O__O And it hits me awww he only want to have a warm dinner with his girl he doesn’t care but anything else.

    My favorite scene is when Bong-sun punched him because it’s so natural and believable, she’s mad about him, literally and figuratively. No word can describe her feeling, so that punch feels real. And then he followed her with his bike all the waayyy to her office..aww how a girl could stay being mad at That!! YSY in M2F = ♥

    • That is why I have hope. She couldn’t ignore him as hard as she tried.
      He hurt her; she needed him to hurt, too.
      I think that is why we all loved Ep 8 so much! My god, it was the only episode where he didn’t hurt her, intentionally or not.

      • The dinner scene *speecless* when she said her pray and he chuckled then later on cried. I heart LJA in that scene. The blessing feels so real. That! is what a girl want. Who needs a chaebol huh? ^^

      • I love the dinner scene of ep 8 too! The prayer words were straight from the heart and LJA delivered it well. The part where she thanked for having a company while eating hit home; it is a great reminder not to take for granted the priceless joy brought about by having meals with our loved ones and friends. Lastly, when LJA as Bong Sun said “Thank you” in reply to Jae Hee’s Thank you, I thought that her delivery was heartfelt and one that we would expect from a Bong Sun. Great job Lee Jia!

  21. thank you so much for recapping this koala…this is truly unexpected but i was hopeful that you can’t resist the drama and decided to do the recap anyway and you did! so happy and so grateful…thanks again!

  22. Thanks again Captain for this special recap which I just read a second time. I thought I was going to watch ep 9 but got sidetracked so I’m back. 😉

    Great picture of that cracked glass. It looked so real; I thought my computer monitor was cracked. 😉

    Can’t help but admire the screen snaps with YSY. How can a youthful person have a reservoir of much angst? If he doesn’t have that reservoir, where does he draw it from? He’s boyish looking yet when speaks an angry line in an angry tone, he is so manly! (^__^) He did his crying scenes almost effortlessly. Actually we can see this awesome skill in Baker King drama, which made me like the drama and him the lead actor. He must have attended a very outstanding Performing Arts school.

    I hope the fantastic writing continues to complement YSY’s superb acting as well as elevate LJA’s acting. Thanks MTF! Thanks Koala’s Playground! 😀

  23. hi koala im just new here and i cant just read ur recap and leave ur blog without saying” thank you so much” for doing this,i hope and wish that u continue doing this recap,it helps us alot who dont understand korean….i pray to GOD to give u a conscience to continue this…. 🙂 again a very BIG THANK YOU KOALA!!!!!!!!!kissssssseeessssssss

  24. hi, captain. have been looking for websites that recap M2F. i have been addicted to this drama and have been silently and earnestly praying that YOU might be watching and could not resist its awesomeness. from episode 1 to 7, had been hoping that you would take it to your heart to this one.

    am greatful that you have succumbed to the delights that this drama has provided.
    thank you. thank you. thank you.

    with my deepest respect,

  25. Ms. Koala, you have successfully discovered a way to stop/slow time? cloning? 3 drama recaps in one night…. OMG, thank you.

    Kidding aside, thank you so much for the recap, it is awesome that I can understand what they are saying while waiting for the subs.

    JH/YSY does have intense smoldering look and I was so eager to find out what exactly HY had to say about the disclosure of his identity. Poor BS, that bitter laughter killed me…..

    once again, thanks 🙂

  26. thanks ms. koala for the recap!
    I have been following this series recap over at dramabeans and it’s only up to 7 there at the moment, so I was super excited to see the recap of episode 9 here! are you some kind of superwoman or just super high on those red bulls? =P heheh…. anyway, awesome job! I am an ardent fan of your site, i check it more than fb these days. ^ o ^ thanks again!

  27. ep 10 is out! no pressure koala…but i will be checking your site, many times today just in case you decided to do the recap again…hehehe..just sucks though coz there is no preview for next week..they sure how to keep us on our toes with anticipation.. 🙁

  28. You are the gift from God who rewarded me for my great patience these past 3 weeks. Back then, i remember i found nObody recapped M2F beside dramabeans and I visited you wondering, whether you would like to watch and write the recap.. But finally, yay! Thank you thank you so much!
    I pray for ur strength and health, ms. Koala..

    I hate HY, she’s creepy, possessive, hateful, and annoying. She use Dal to lure JH. But i doN’t think it’ll work since his eyes already set for BS only.

  29. for once i TOTALLY i mean TOTALLY agree with you…. these 2 does it for me …their stand in each of their reaction is sos realistic …i dont knw wat 2 sayyyy

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