
Da Mo Yao Chapter 30: Passion Dance — 60 Comments

  1. Great chapter, hot scenes, and wonderful translation! Thank you so much!

    I love the pictures you put in – it really adds to the reading experience! 😀

    I seriously doubt they’ll put all the details of this chapter in the drama, especially the steamy scenes 😀

    Especially stuff like this

    Our bodies were tightly pressed against each other and suddenly I felt something hard pressing against me. Our tender emotions suddenly morphed into a heady mood and he shifted his body and apologized “I wasn’t thinking anything at all, it simply had a mind of its own.”

    and the rest that follow!

    HQB you horny bastard 😀

    • well… those are the moments when the camera will pan out/ fade to black/ focus on the candle/object in foreground and blur the action in the background etc… ><

      but ahhh.. HQB is so forward with his actions.. *blushes* i guess he's the only man that can make our dear wolf-girl blush, and yet she's more than his equal and not a shrinking violet…and that segment where Yu-er has to stand up for herself and 'protect' HQB by attempting to outdance the dancer… hahHH i would LOVE to see that play out on screen, OTP not-withstanding… LSS was amazing in that scene in 4th Prince's imagination in BBJX.. it'll be lovely to see her attempt a different kind of dance on screen…

  2. wow!!! Shishi dancing a passion dance…. im sure it’ll look amazing…. lots of anticipation for this scene…..

  3. well… those are the moments when the camera will pan out/ fade to black/ focus on the candle/object in foreground and blur the action in the background etc… ><

    but ahhh.. HQB is so forward with his actions.. *blushes* i guess he's the only man that can make our dear wolf-girl blush, and yet she's more than his equal and not a shrinking violet…and that segment where Yu-er has to stand up for herself and 'protect' HQB by attempting to outdance the dancer… hahHH i would LOVE to see that play out on screen, OTP not-withstanding… LSS was amazing in that scene in 4th Prince's imagination in BBJX.. it'll be lovely to see her attempt a different kind of dance on screen…

  4. One of the hottest scenes and favourite one in DMY thus far. Reading your translation, I felt my cheeks blushing hotly. I could feel the waves of sensuality between the two literally leaping off the pages. There is no way that this beautiful chapter can be adapted into tv drama in the way that it deserves to be. To me, Yu Er’s passion for Jiu Ye and HQB stand on opposite ends of the spectrum. Yu Er’s feelings for Jiu Ye run very deeply, but up till now I have never been able to get that red hot vibe of passion, sensuality and dynamism that Yu Er & HQB’s relationship gives me. The difference probably boils down to the character of HQB and Jiu Ye. Jiu Ye always, a person who is very controlled who keeps everything hidden within, always keeps me a cold cold feeling no matter how strong/deep his emotions run whereas HQB always gave me a warm (at times almost scorching heatness) feeling.

  5. Thx.. again MsKoala for your wonderful translation…
    Oh my God.. so hot and steamy..
    I wonder how the drama going to adopt this part of the book….
    Making out in the hot spring..

  6. Thank you , Koala san ! I may seem perverted , but , I say I need more “hot scenes” in the making out part , hehehe…I can totally picture them doing that deep kiss under water , and the rest , but yes , I really hoped the writer could have written it more sensually and erotically 🙂
    And the passion dance , I found it funny , imagining HQB holding Yuer’s foot while her upper body dance, hehe…. it must be really awkward on her part …I wonder what could have happened then if Yu er didn’t distract the dancer’s attention and chose HQB ….
    Thank you again for the wonderful chapter , Koala san ! You’re the best ! Fighting !

  7. I woke up in the middle of the night & checked if there’s a new post…
    How can I go back to sleep now? Oy!

    Is Hu Ge staring at LSS lips in the 1st picture? Or is it my imagination.

    Thank goodness TH didn’t prolong Jui Ye sickness so Yu er can play girlfriend. Although Jui Ye deserves a little happy, I worry about HQB. Poor guy. He so upset he trashed Yu er’s room.

    Thank you!!! I thank you! My heart thank you! My inner being thank you!

    This must be a hard chapter to translate:) I can’t read a sentence without giggling. Rawr!

  8. koala …once again u amaze me with how u can find the time to do all of this.

    awwwwww…this scene is soooooo sweet….. i have a big stupid grin on my face as i was reading your post.

    when i first read the dance scene, i tot it was just TH’s way of showing that Yu Er cares a lot for HQB to the point of being willing to fight for him (actually it reminded me of the Yun Ge scene in YZG although different objectives – i guess in ancient times, there isnt that much stuff u can do too) and not letting someone else come between them.

    now that i’m reading it for the second time, i realised why she wrote in this dance scene. awesome authoress she is.

  9. Thank you so much for all your efforts in translating the novel. I have always loved historical romance but I can only read English! I got to know BBJX from you and now I’m heads over heels with DMY because of you. I am becoming Tong Hua’s fan therefore would need to learn Chinese soon!

    Aja aja! If only there is a ‘like’ button for all your posts…. I would have a clicking competition now!

  10. It’s like a sauna in here….

    Love HQB to bits and pieces…The man’s got game.

    Li Yan is growing evil by the chapter….sighs.

    Thanks for the translation!

  11. lol. when I read the intro, I thought you would translate word to word what happened… >.<
    I'm still blushing remembering the scenes. ^^""
    If the drama does indeed include these scenes as is, whew ~~

      • Oh no… I was misunderstood. She DID translate word by word.. what I meant was I didn’t think she would. lol. Especially the first scene.

    • really? the hot scenes werent translated word for word? WOW! all i can imagine is how steamy it is if you were to read it xD reading miss koala’s translation is already causing me blushing to the moon and back! hqb is a female’s dream lol

      • Haha. I didn’t express myself well. I thought she would just skim through the scenes so I was surprised she translated them word by word (which she did). And yes… steamy. kkk.

  12. I guess those scenes won’t make it onto the screen. But I still wonder how it will look like in the drama, afterall they can’t cut everything. The dialogue between them is kinda important, at least I thubk so the audiemce can get the vibe/feeling between HuoYu more, to feel with them and understand their relationship more. Anyway, i loved this chapter, it was really nice to see YuEr fighting for HQB like that, i can feel how his ego was boosted through that^^
    but still one thought actually never left my mind while reading it, Jiu Ye. After the scene from the lasr chapter, I finally feel captivated by his character, it somehow shifted me to his side although I know YuEr only belongs to HQB but still I can’t seem feel at ease but think of Jiu Ye.
    Thank you so much for translating. I am catching up with the chinese novel now, at leadt I try to read it with my limited chinese.

  13. I think they could put quite a bit of these scenes on-screen, actually. All of the passion is coming from HQB, with Yu Er just sort of accepting it rather than actively participating — it’s not really any different than the standard “guy does all the work while girl is passive object of affection” love scenes in Asian dramas. Mostly it would be implied rather than on-screen — he kisses her, camera fades away, etc. But in essence, it’s the same old same old. It’s not like it’s something radical like a woman expressing desire or anything like that (sigh).

    • Actually, in BBJX, there was a scene in the book where Ruoxi initiated the kiss and the boating after as her hands reached for….ahem. Obviously that didn’t make the cut. Not sure if it was in older versions of the book either. So yes, TH’s writing does break the norm of the asian version of making out.

  14. Ya know, usually after I read a chapter I am constantly refreshing and anxiously awaiting the next. With this one though, I’ve been content to re-read (and reread x 5 ^^) basking in their happy moment. Perhaps its because I know after a happy chapter…our OTP is in for rough waters ahead. I hope our their little love boat will make it through the next storm.

  15. I wish Yu er had never helped Li Yan to begin with. Li Yan is turning into a horrible person bent on getting rid of the person who helped her into place. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. I also find her reasons for revenge weak. She claims she wants to get into power to help the Lou Lan people, but I think it’s just to help herself.

    But Yu er should have seen this coming anyway, since the beginning she knew that Li Yan was a calculated person and would do just about anything to get what she wanted, and that would include getting rid of anyone in her way.

    I am dreading the chapters ahead about what Li Yan is going to do to Yu er 🙁

    • I can just say tat she is a horrible woman… she plans horrible thing to unleash on Yu Er… something will come up from the hot hot stuff that HQB and Yu Er did in this chapter hehehe… oops did i reveal too much? 😀

  16. “Liu Che saw all the girls light up with hope and he looked rather tender, turning to give Empress Wei a smiling look. Empress Wei appeared to remember something and her face turned red and she lowered her head. Li Yan immediately averted her eyes and looked towards the sky. Li Gan, who had been secretly staring at her, spilled the wine in his cup when his hands shook.”

    Can someone please explain this section of the chapter? I’m a bit confused on what’s happening.

    • if i remember correctly, empress wei managed to enter the palace because she was herself a dancer girl and caught the emperor’s eye. it wasnt easy for her to get where she is today because of her low birth but in the end her entire family was eradicated by the emperor himself >.<

      • How can a husband do that to his wife! Sad indeed! This is why living in the palace and being married to the emperor is one of the saddest fates a woman can have! It’s filled with loneliness and fear!

      • It was said that Liu Che was paranoid in his later years. There was also a lot of internal political unrest. Both the Wei family, and then later the Li family (Li Yan’s family) lost power after that.
        Actually, so did the Huo family a generation later. That’s how politics work in China. You’re never too powerful for too long or you become too dangerous. That’s why I found Tong Hua’s reason for HQB’s whims of soccer field and inconsiderate attitude towards his soldiers genius.

      • Plus, it’s common for Emperors to treat their wives like that. Actually, Empress Wei is one of the Empress who had it better, and longer than most (she did commit suicide but compared to other deposed Empress, she was much better off, for longer).
        With the system of concubinage, it’s easy for the Emperor to lose interest so the position is always insecure, even if she manages to give him a male heir (which she did. But he ended up rebelling against his father, hence the eradication of the family).

    • I think that the dancer girls triggered an intimate memory between the Emperor and the Empress and so that’s why the Emperor looked to the Empress and the Empress blushed. Li Yan averted her eyes toward the sky because she noticed the exchange and was hurt/jealous. Li Gan, who always watch Li Yan, saw her hurt and felt pain too.

      • Thank you for the clarification.I’m always suspicious of Li Yan moves. She’s so calculating.

  17. Thank you so much for your updates! I’ve been stalking this thread and refreshing it like every 15 min, lol.

    The one thing that I really like about the heroines in TH’s novel is that the heroines are never clingy, and that they don’t treat love like the only thing that exist in their life.

  18. “Before I had you I said I would never let you go. Now that I have you, I will say with even more certainty…I am never letting you go.”
    Awwww… You are tooo tweet!

  19. Thanks Koala for another great chapter. My heart was pounding as Jin Yu ran around searching for HQB. Then I held my breath when they were kissing under the water… Then I ran out of breath when she danced for HQB. LOL that was a lot of heart pounding and excercise.

  20. I was seriously giggling like a fool the first time i read this in the novel. Now that you’ve finally gotten up to this part, i’m still giggling like a fool and grinning from ear to ear.
    I love their intense relationship with each other, I like that (as you have mentioned above) that they are a couple that talk and share with each other and understand each other but at the same time, enjoy each other in many ways 😉

  21. GAHH!!!! MOST AMAZING chapter everrrrrrrr!! OMG OMG OMG

    I love HQB. I have become an incoherent blubbering fool because this chapter. This was soooo good. FINALLY the hot stuff happened! I was anticipating this since Ms Koala mentioned the upcoming hotness factor a few chapters ago. Add to that the fact that I could literally feel HQB losing control, it was about time!

    I love that he is such a man’s man and actually looked like he was enjoying the dance off from both ladies lol! Although, yes of course we all know that he really had his eyes only on JY.

    I am afraid for the upcoming chapters since clearly there things are going to get stormy 🙁 I just want to live in the bliss of this chapter for now! Li Yan is such a calculating snake ugh!

    Thanks so much Ms Koala.

  22. My comments echo the sentiments of what’s already been posted. It’s nice to know that HQB and YE have a genuine love in addition to all their passion and intensity.

    Thanks again, Koala! Each chapter is better than the one before!

  23. “I had almost forgotten my wish that way. That day in the water, all I wanted was to kiss you. But you were so feisty.”

    Could someone tell me what scene he is referring too? I forgot! Was there a scene with them in the water, too?

    • It was in Chapter 5. HQB surprised her and she accidentally fell into the lake. He offered his hand, so she took that opportunity to pull him down with her. It was her getting back at him for laughing at her.

  24. waaaah long chap!!! and what a chap it was!!! with blushing and … FUN… hahah i was really laughing and squealing at the second part actually x)

    Awesome! Many thanks!!

  25. Like you Ms Koala I have been imagining the scenes with my dream couple LSS and HG! This novel would have been the perfect vehicle for these two actors to stretch themselves by showing their passionate side. After her demure performance as Ruoxi in BBJX, am glad LSS took up the challenge to act as Yu Er and really looking forward to how she would portray Yu Er’s wild character lurking just beneath her barely civilized exterior. This dance scene will surely be a memorable scene of the drama but why Eddie Peng as the general? His sweet chubby faced is surely out of place in this scene! Sighs!!

  26. Yep, definitely the best chapter in the book and the hottest scene in the drama!!! 🙂

    Also wanted to point out author’s ingenious planning – YR played a love confession piece of music (on the flute) for JY in private but she did more for HQB as she boldly performed the passion dance for HQB in full view of the Emperor, Empress, and all the ministers, officials and generals!

  27. Sigh ? I have school tomorrow but I still can’t stop myself from reading. That just show how good the novel was. thanks ? to the translator for translating this novel. I really appreciate it.

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