
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 4: Show Outside A Show — 37 Comments

  1. First! Seriously Ms. Koala, you are amazziinnnggg! Off to read now 🙂

    BTW, I’m still worried about Yu Er and HQB’s child 🙁

  2. Awww, what a sweet ending. These interesting men and their facades. What are we in for? Thanks again! : ) You are too kind.

  3. I am getting drawn into this story; it’s addicting. I’ll have to hang on for the ride 🙂 thank you for the translations.

  4. Thank you for continuing to translate YZG. I’m not asking any questions; allowing the story to unfold and provide its own answers. Needless to say, I’m INVESTED in this one too. 😉

  5. a couple of chapters in and now i get what you mean by YZG has a much more layered and dense narrative than DMY… and i’m liking the third person POV here… i think if TH had chosen to go first person and place that perspective on Yun-Ge, i’ll probably burst a vein…. she’s so lively and cute and all… but i miss her mom’s guile…. she’s too much of a white piece of paper and seeing her being buffetted around by the smarts of the people around her without so much of a hint of suspicion on her part… i think i’m going to get very irritated at the end. but that said, the prose really pulls you in the world of the characters.. it doesn’t SAY much, but it suggests… and that to me is such a black hole pulling the reader in wanting to find out more, more, MORE…. i’m still resisting the need to read it in original chinese and speed to the second book just to get my dose of ling ge ge happy.. let’s see how long this lasts… in the meantime i’m really really really having an unhealthy obsession with Meng Jue here.. he’s such a tortured hero… he has shades of Meng Jiu.. but there’s that dark side to him that Meng Jiu never had, or at least the reader never saw through Jin-Yu’s eyes… and that makes him such a compelling character… at this point at least.. i’ve read some spoilers about the ending and stuff he did, but i shall reserve judgement till i read it and know the motives and such behind it…. but yeahhhH.. compelling character with those shades of evil just breaking through the surface.. i’d love to see how he falls for YunGe…

    • Everything Meng Jue does is for a reason. I forgive and understand everything he did. There is a reason his fanclub is insane in C-sphere. Way more than folks who love Ling gege, MJ is indeed the lead of this novel. But Ling gege = still all MINE. 😀

      • Yes, it’s sad but I also forgive and understand eveything he did…but because of Ling gege’s circumstances, I wished he backed off a little so Ling Gege has more “opportunities” and time for more happy times…

      • okok.. all yours, unnie, all yours. 😛
        i’m curious about how people view all TH’s heroes.. or at least in DMY and YZG… i’m a diehard HQB fan even if my heart bled several times for MJ at the end of vol2… but here, i’m currently totally on board the MengJue ship atm….. i’m wondering where the characterisation similarities lie for readers of both novels to prefer whichever male leads in the respective novels… if i read right, you’re sitting in the HQB and LingGeGe half of the field right? any character trope similarities you find there?

      • that said, i would really love to meet the husband of the writer who creates such incredible male characters… >< TH just has such an incredibly deft hand at fleshing out character nuances and the love her novel's guys get from readers, is beyond insane…. (yes, i've been cruising by baidu tieba lately… whole new world out there i never knew about)

  6. This is a very cute chapter.
    I enjoy this novel, but I’m too scared for Yun Ge’s sad and twisted fate (as warned by you and some readers.) I don’t like sad ending.

  7. Oh…I think it’s fantastic you’re translating this….it’s definitely more layered that DMY and it’s great that many people can be exposed to this great novel through your wonderful translation. I started reading with only the knowledge that this will have a tragic ending and boy am I in for a ride.

    In the first volume, I totally fell in love with Meng Jue and Bing Yi, both so complex and engaging that actually I didn’t care who YunGe falls for…every character grabs my attention but I have to say it’s the men that grabbed my attention the most. Even Ling gege and Liu He claimed a piece of my heart in the little scenes that they appeared in. But of course, the star of this volume was MengJue and I truly felt for him for the nature of his lost….

    By volume 2, I was still shipping MengJue and couldn’t imagine how Ling gege for all his childhood promise advantage could possibly stake a claim on her heart. In DMY, at least HQB had plenty of interactions with JinYu in vol1 to help him win over JinYu. But Ling gege almost never interact with YunGe….but I’m happy to be proven wrong again. Ling gege is as perfect as an angel…he’s like the reincarnation of JiuYe, but more forthright in his feelings. All my love for MengJue turns to pity and at times I actually hated him for being so persistent. By the end of volume 2, my heart belongs to Ling gege.

    TongHua placed lots of clues in vol 1 that unravels slowly in vol 2. Similarly, she placed lots of clues in vol 2 that I’m loathed to find out in vol 3, just because they indicate something more sinister and possibly destroy all my good impressions of some of the characters. But that’s the influence of power for you. I’m only glad Ling gege is different…and I want to read more of him for as long as it’s possible. I’ve only begun Vol3 but already I understand the apprehension of some readers…

    I’m surprised many disliked YunGe, I find her ok and she didn’t do anything I particularly hated. Her circumstances and actions were understandable. She led a sheltered life before she met these people, so I don’t think she would have the guile and ferocity of her mother. But even though the story began with her and she was in every chapter, I also don’t feel like she’s the main character of YunZhongGe. Even though the title is a play of her name, I don’t think she’s the titular heroine at all. It’s more like through her, we get to meet more engaging and captivating characters…

    • oh i don’t find Yun-Ge’s naivete unbelievable, it’s her circumstances that made her that way alright… it’s just a character trope that i’ve never really liked in ANY narrative.. but seeing how she’s about to involve herself in a tempest, i’m almost loathe to see her change and be hurt so many times… she’s HQB’s precious baby daughter! i think i’d really dislike her if she existed as a character without all the backstory of Jinyu and HQB, but now that i know, that irritation at her character stems more from “ahh she’s going to get into so much trouble if she continues that way”- i’m caring more for her cos of her status as the precious little one in the Huo household…
      my MengJue love 4 chapters in is already bordering on the ‘extremely intrigued’ and if judging by my usual barometer of attraction to characterisations, i’m going to be upped to “insanely obsessed” by the end of the first volume seeing how everyone is raving about it… i shall reserve my opinions about LingGeGe love till i meet him in vol2.. but for now.. MengJue has me wrapped around his little finger…

      • Ming Jue is……incredible. Ling gege is…..perfect. How do you compare incredible and perfect? I can’t. I wub Ling gege, but every ounce of my affection is used up on Meng Jue.

      • I agree…her identity as JinYu and HQB’s precious daughter also influenced my opinion of her. I’m fond of her like I would be of a close friend’s daughter. I would love for her to find happiness like her parents but at the rate YunZhongGe is going, I don’t think it’s possible at all…Sigh.

        And yes, I loved MengJue so much in Vol 1, that I have no doubt you’d be “insanely obsessed”…It’s like he could do no wrong. He’s like a more devillish and cunning HQB and gawd knows I loved HQB. Ling gege is a totally different character but he won me over slowly but surely …but of course different people respond to different personalities and I would love to read everyone’s reaction to Ling gege later.

    • well said, ockoala unnie.

      Perfect vs incredible….there’s just no winner.
      Even though you mined Ling gege….I still wanna share in the love. How can he be so perfect and selfless…my heart bleeds for him.

    • i couldnt resist and just sat through the whole of volume one.. and i’ll just say that the last chapter left me gasping for breath… i’m not too sure if it’s hurt or just utter resignation at how things are unfolding.. but goddddd… i feeeeeeeel for meng jue. everything was within grasp, but alas!
      but @swui you’re right. i’m obsessed with his character by the end of volume one. his character isn’t an honourable man, neither is he forthright with his speech and manners. but what a genius. devilish was the word you used.. but oh what a cold cold man….yet heart won out over head in the end but ahhhh those strings of fate… what could’ve been…………….and those moments, oh those stolen moments with YunGe really tugged at my heartstrings. poor poor boy. my adoration for HQB is one thing… but MengJue…. it’s another emotion altogether…i can’t quite put it in words right now…. i just wanna hug a pillow now for some warmth and comfort… i don’t want to start volume 2!!!

      and koala unnie, can i just say again, you’re insane? gawddd… i cannot imagine how you’re ever gonna find the reserve of energy to translate this whole thing… other than it being so much longer in length, the narrative depth and complexity is another level altogether… plus the emotional trauma….. *sends a virtual hug and energy drink over*

      • oh goshh i don’t even know what this emotion i’m feeling now is… i feel like crying but it’s stuck at the back of my throat.. no tears come to my eyes… but it hurts in the chest… how am i to finish this novel…… and all this only at the end of volume one…
        and meng jue! such a complicated guy, so easy to loathe, so hard to love….. yet i feel such an inexplicable emotion, it’s more that pity, it’s not exactly love either at least not in the unadulterated lurveeeee many readers feel for HQB… after book one, and with all summaries/spoilers floating around….. i don’t want to read on to find out what happens and what he’s going to lose….it’s like he’s going to remain seared in my memory for a long long time… and i’d rather have memories of him, Yun Ge, LBY and XPJ and DGZ and HY happy, not exactly carefree, yet enjoying those little moments of daily life…. and i cannot, CANNOT imagine anyone playing MengJue in any drama adaptation. how could anyone measure up……. and all this at the end of JUST book one…. i’m flabbergasted. oh dear lord, what have i gotten myself into when i have a deadline looming….

  8. Such a cute, funny, and interesting chapter! I’m almost scared to get deeper into this novel because of the inevitable heartbreak. I kind of want a spoiler so I know the ending and can prepare myself emotionally for it.

  9. Thanks again for introducing and sharing YZG with us Ms kaola! Read up on some Han Dynasty stuff and just realised that Liu Bing Yi and Xu Ping Jun are actual historical figures!

  10. i remember now! at the end of the first chapter, Yun Ge told MJ to go see a doctor, that doctor must have turned out to be JY 🙂

  11. Oh dear lord, I am utterly in love with Meng Jue! In fact, all of the men so far are very compelling characters but 4 chapters in, its Meng Jue that intrigues me the most. Unlike HQB who’s pretty much “what you see is what you get” to Yu Er (because he was a arrogant and aloof to most people), there’s something so utterly mysterious about Meng Jue that makes you want to know his back story.

    Aye, I am starting to get so addicted to this novel. Koala, now I see what you mean about YZG being more complicated. And to be honest with you, the draw of DMY was actually starting to fizzle for me in the last couple of chapters and so its great to have YZG in between where I have to rack my brain remembering who’s who (I really need to start listing down all the characters) and trying to second-guess their motives. It seems like everyone except Yun Ge has a hidden agenda and I absolutely love it!

    Koala, thank you so very much for introducing us to this novel. Of course, I am taking your warning to heart: that you may not be able to translate everything and that YZG is terribly sad and gut-wrenching towards the end. But hey, I’m now fully strapped and excited for the ride! 😉

    P.S. A question for anyone, how old is Yun Ge at this point of the novel? Can’t remember if this was mentioned before.

    • Sadly for my, my interst in DMY has already fizzled out. It started going downhill when HQB became all lovey-dovey and saccharine sweet with JY but the final nail in the coffin was the casting in the drama. Ah well, it was good while it lated.

      I am intrigued by MJ and LBL. Perhaps due to the fact that I’ve lost interest in HQB and JY, I’m also not bothered by what happens to YG? I see her as only the conduit to all these interesting characters.

      Thank you Ms Koala for this generosity in sharing the novel with us. I wish you all the love and happiness in the world.

  12. Please tell me DGZ isn’t Liu Yans son? He wasn’t lying when he said he was a prince and the connection to MJ is a connection to Xi Yu….

    Now I’m worried

  13. ok….just a thought, what if….MJ is the person who asked YG parents for marriage? her parents agreed coz MJ is JY’s adopted son. she ran away without knowing right? YG ran….MJ followed.

    what do you think, guys?

    • I was thinking the same thing. I guess her parents wanted Yung Ge to decide for herself and not be forced into marriage since they knew she liked Ling Gege.

    • Me too. I think Meng Jue really looked for her and asked for her hand in marriage. Remember she also gave him her other shoe? I’m wondering if he got permission from HQB to follow her to Chang An because I find it a little strange that her family didn’t at least try to stop her from leaving or check on her well-being because she’s been gone for months now. Maybe they are aware that MJ is taking care of her.

      @WuSamDee, I don’t think her parents agreed. If I recall from Koala’s intro to YZG, she said that her parents didn’t say yes but Yun Ge assumed that they did so she ran away.

  14. ya! i guess, her parents kinda like the idea since 2nd bro even goad or tease her about marriage. MJ is Lao San as confirmed by msK latest post on characters of DMY and YZG. the infante mentioned that….Lao San wants YG *swoon*

    aiyo!!! YZG is killing me with suspense…..and, i have’nt recovered dying from DMY yet 🙂

    but…I’m not complainin! Thanks msK for your generosity *mwaaah*

  15. why is meng jue going to all this trouble …to get liu bing yi in and out of prison, make yun ge famous…. all this just to get to know yun ge?!?!?! am i missing something here?

    ‘puzzled look’

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