
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 20: So Close Yet So Far Away — 55 Comments

  1. whaa first time first

    Um but dont tall me LGG in the when YG said meng did he understood it.noo oh man..
    Thats why dark abyss withot sunlight…

    • I’m curious about that as well. Lfl is smart but I dunno if he connected that that meng jue and the reason why he declined huo guang. But at least in sure that he’s now awares there’s someone who occupy yun ge heart. I can’t wait to read their interactions… First time I am so annoyed with all the politicking…

      • Liu Fu Ling isn’t a renowned genius for nothing. I’m pretty sure he knew exactly which guy Yun Ge was calling out for. Yun Ge called out his last name Meng, but she also called him a bad rock. Meng Jue’s name “Jue” taken apart means King of the Jades (the jade being a type of rock). It would take LFL less than a second to figure it out, especially since MJ is such an extraordinary man that draws attention wherever he goes. LFL knows his Yun Ge is pretty extraordinary too, and she’s not going to fall for some regular old Joe Schmo down the street.

        Not that this matters. I’d rather he not know who the guy in question is, because simply knowing Yun Ge is calling out for him and for another guy is devastating enough. Though…..I think MJ has it worse. Imagine him finding out that the Yun Ge’s other guy isn’t Liu Bing Yi (who is safely married and not much of a threat anyways), but is instead Liu Fu Ling, i.e. the Emperor of the Han dynasty. Talk about tough competition.

  2. It’s really kill me, thanks for your wonderful translation
    And a million thanks for not make me wait to long!! Please realize the next
    Chapter soon. You are the best I love you miss K

  3. Lub you, Ms.K! thank you for this chapter. But, dear, oh dear, poor LFL . . . to hear “Meng” coming from YG, means he’s put two and two together? Feel so blessed to have YZG and TK2H in my life.

  4. Thank you so much for your speedy translation after previous one. I am very anxious to know what will hapen when YG woke up and found that her LGG is right next to her. Ohh Ms. Kola, I apologize for my greediness. I really wish to read the next Chapter very soon!! Thanks Million for your hard work!!

    • Yeah I feel like re reading their first encounter too…… Good idea, I am going to relax my mind for a moment, I’ve been studying for too long…….need to reward myself

    • I always go back to read LFL and YG’s first meeting whenever LFL appears. The thing with Tong Hua novel is that I’ve already set my heart on falling in love with the second male that the main character falls in love with. It saves myself a lot of heartache….except in this case.

  5. Finally! I’ve been refreshing this web page every few hours looking for the new chapter. Thank you!. I can feel the angst coming. Poor LFL… this guy can’t catch a break.

  6. Oh thanks Koala its here. . .did LFL knew the reason behind YG mumblin MJ name?o o wanna read more. . . Again Thanks alot. . . Plz don’t make me wait longer for next chapter!

  7. Wow! This chapter makes me melt…so much angst, longing and sadness from LFL and MJ. Your translation is incredible. I feel that i can envision this novel being acted out in my head with my favorites actors and actresses. This makes it so hard for me to choose between LFL and MJ. *sign

  8. Thanks for the latest chapter, Koala!

    How sad for Ling gege to find out another man is still on her (unconscious!) mind. It’s a mixed blessing….he knows she didn’t forget him when he heard her say “Ling gege”and that she may soon awaken since she’s beginning to stir and speak in her sleep, but hearing “Ming” tells him there’s been someone else while Ling gege’s devotion to her has been unwavering.

    • I somehow don’t think he’s the jealous type. Probably just wants YG to be safe and happy. He is probably more angry that some one has hurt his precious YG so much.

  9. Thanks Koala…

    volume 2 is my favorite.. so i am so looking forwards to your translation…
    Ling gege must be so sad when hearing the one that he loves all these year calling out for someone else… my heart hurt with ling gege..

    can’t wait for more chapter to come…

    i know it take a lot of time and effort to do the translation… so thanks and fighting!

    • OMG! Dr Zhang was talking about Jiu Ye! They were discover his disciple is Meng Jue and bring MJ to the palace to heal YG! What will happen then?

      • @Darcy, that is exactly the first thing that came to my mind. They will discover who Meng Jue’s adaptive father is and he will be brought to the palace to cure Yun Ge.

        Sigh. Heartbreak.

  10. Oh noes…this is too sad. I am going to weep for all of them. I can see it already. And I know its just me trying to protect my heart but why couldn’t Tong Hua write a novel without a love triangle? Without 2 equally great and compelling men? Between BBJX, DMY, and now this…seems like the greatest tragedy of all. I feel like its not fair that the women (Rouxi, Jin Yu, Yu Ge) have to chose one or the other and as a reader I also feel emotionally manipulated to pick a one. But what if I don’t want to? I mean, I know I will go down Meng Jue’s ship to the ends of the world but I can already see what a great guy Ling Gege is and how he is also deserving of happiness…they all are deserving of love and happiness.

    Gah…I’m sorry for being melodramatic you guys. Just that I’m really beginning to hate these love triangles. Especially if it happened in 3 novels in a row.

    And Koala, as always, I am so grateful for your generosity. You are really the best Koala ever! 😉

    • It’s funny I was thinking the same exact thing! I wished Tong Hua would stop writing compelling love triangles and just focus on 2 people so my heart doesn’t break for the other and I can be happy for the OTP. So am still stuck at MJ’s heartbreak ship. I envy the people who can just ship OTP and no one else.

    • TH did write a novel without a love triangle. ^___^ I’ll be writing about it soon. Well, it technically has a second male lead, but if anyone can ship him with the heroine, they need their eyes checked. I suppose people do like Shao Hao, but it remains that the novel is completely and utterly a love story between the OTP of Xi Ling Heng and Qi Yo, without the heroine also loving the other guy. Which is super cool. It’s pretty epic, too. Think Romeo and Juliet….on a celestial sphere between gods and goddesses and celestial kingdoms.

      • can’t wait to hear about another one of her novels! thanks for your hard work but don’t overwork yourself 🙂

      • Can’t wait Ms K but right now I am way too obsessed with YZG! The heart can only take so much at any one time! Thank you so much :)))

      • Omgoddess! Yes! finally one where it’s just about the main leads and no love triangle. 🙂 Can’t wait! ^^

  11. Adore you and in awe of you. I waited until half of volume 1 was translated before I jumped on the wagon and then just waiting for the remaining to come out while suppressing the anxiousness for the next read (just trying to be calm and collective). But then from the cliffhanger of Volume 1, the anxiousness shot up a lot because of LFL. Liked your comments “….Talk about tough competition”. Thanks!

  12. i still don’t know how you manage to do this translation and you know… have a life at the same time.

    You are amazing and I’m very grateful.

  13. Thank you so much Koala.

    That is one fine picture of Yuan Hong. Pretty, pretty man!

    This marks the begginning of Meng Ju’s heart ache. You keep saying that Meng Ju is hungry for power. I finally understood how much reading the previous chapter. EVERY thing he did up to that point is a chess move. Holly cow. I could not see it from a reader’s point of view, how could Yun Ge see it? He will be paying for it 10 folds, I have the feeling. And I’m going to be sitting right witnessing it, with my heart twisting along with his.

  14. Thank you, Ms. Koala! Right now I just want to cherish every moment of Yun Ge and Ling gege, possibly the only pure and beautiful relationship in this whole plot-filled novel. I’m ready to “fall in love” with Ling gege. I can’t wait for her to wake up in the next chapter! One year’s promise… =)

  15. was really surprised that General Huo was behind the attack. he’s already got as much power now as the King without wearing the crown. does he want more power? more control? it’s unbelievable that some people can never have enough 🙁

    • Huh? I think you completely misread that section in this chapter. It specifically said Huo Guang is NOT behind the assassination attempt on Yu An.

      • you’re right, it was Huo Yu behind the attack, but they’re all from the Huo faction.

      • And they did it without Huo Guang’s consent or knowledge. LFL says he has a good idea who is behind the attack. What’s the dynamics within the Huo clan? Is LFL still confident of HG’s loyalty at this stage or does he also suspect HG?

      • I don’t think LFL is ever confident of Huo Guang’s loyalty. He knows that Huo Guang seeks power and has rid himself of all the other competition. He even tried to control the emperor and his whereabouts when the guards wouldn’t allow LFL to leave his quarters. As for if LFL knew exactly who was behind the assassination.. I am not too sure. It seems like he knew that they weren’t out to kill him and was testing the waters and probably wanted to “clip his wings” aka get rid of Yu An. The emperor did want some alive to question them so he probably is not entirely certain. The Infante of Guang Ling wouldn’t be the one since soldiers are currently carefully watching that area as a result of the “failed rebellion attempt” from the Infante of Yen. The Infante of Chang Yi, he never really worried about. So if I was LFL, I would probably guess.. maybe someone from the Huo family who evidently wants to control the court (Huo Guang) and the palace quarters (imperial guards and servants via Huo Yu, etc.). It’d be a general assumption based on political facts, but without certainty since all the assassins were killed. But of course, I am not LFL so maybe he is really that smart and knows exactly who sent those assassins. =P

  16. Thank you so much. I am reading the Chinese novel but totally enjoying your translation and all the comments. Has it been confirmed that there will be a TV show?

  17. “But the smiling person who loved the shade of the oak tree, who loved to cook, who searched far and wide for a cure for him, that person was no longer here.”

    T.T This broke my heart, because it was a love doomed for the start with all the deception. If only there were no Ling gege and all the time in the world, then he might of had the chance, but that’s no gonna happen.

    I can’t wait for YunGe to awaken and talk with Ling gege. For everytime he’s in the scene, I just want to give him a BIG bear hug.

    However, the one BIG thing in this chapter that broke my heart was the mention of the
    “talented physician from years ago who could be the rebirth of the famed God-like doctor of legend” that “left Chang An years ago and no one knows where he went.” T.T JIU YE!!!! He’s an automatic tearjerker for me… like a button that turns on my tear fountain. Everytime I think of him, I see his lonely shadow riding the camel in the horizon. T.T *sighs*

    Like always, thank you for another great chapter. Can’t wait for the next!!!!

  18. Thank you very much for the translation.I like it a lot. This is my first comment here.

    Ling gege is indeed a bright and smart emperor.
    We know from previous chapter that He already knew someone from Huo family tried to kill Yu An and not him. He told his guess 2 times to Yu An.

    “ Those assassins must not be sent to kill me. Based on what is happening, you shouldn’t worry about my safety, I ought to be worrying about your safety.”
    “It’s doesn’t matter. There is only someone who can track my movement in such a short time and send assassins. And that attempt didn’t appear to be trying to kill me. At this point, he won’t try anything rashly. Yesterday’s attempt might have been a testing of the waters. Yu An, you may need to protect me, but right now you need to be more careful about your own safety.”

    And from this chapter , We know his guess is correct.
    Hou Yu, Hou Yun and Hou Shan did try to kill Yu An.
    “ Huo Yu tried many times to test Yu An, each time he got nowhere. In a rage, he decided to go for broke, and send a pack of assassins to kill Yu An and clip the Emperor’s wing.”

    So I thought He will figure it out who is the other man that Yun Ge called for …

  19. Thank you for translating Volume 2. My heart is breaking for both Meng Jue and Ling gege. I’m happy that Meng Jue will now have to fight to get to Yun Ge, because up till now there hasn’t been any serious competition for her heart. Ling gege and Yun Ge deserve some beautiful OTP moments…and I’m looking forward to them 🙂

  20. History repeat itself. Mengjue walk the same path as his adoptive father. True love at hand,indisive and not cherish it, and then the love is gone and regret for the rest of life *sigh*

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