Categories: K-dramas

Script Reading and BTS Stills Provide First Look at To the Beautiful You

The million dollar question is (or billion dollar if we take into account inflation) – will To the Beautiful You (K-version of Hana Kimi) turn out to be a Boys Before Flowers (K-version of Hana Yori Dango) or a Playful Kiss (K-version of Itazura na Kiss)? I’m talking about domestic ratings, of course, as BoF was a surprising hit while PK turned out to be such a ratings disaster that I’ve rarely seen ratings so low for a prime time drama. Oddly I loved PK and loathed BoF, so clearly I’m no arbiter of ratings or taste.

Giving us a first glimpse of what’s to come, SBS released official pictures of the cast of Beautiful You gathered for a script reading. I’ve also come across stills of the cast filming already, which show lead Sulli sporting a short crop suitable for her character to be believable as a boy attending an all-boys boarding school, plus male lead Minho shows off a nice clean cut look. In the script reading stills above, I recognize Lee Hyun Woo, Kim Ji Won, and Ki Tae Young and that’s about it, so I’ll leave it to the folks who follow K-pop to identify the rest of this idol-stuffed cast.

Looks like the main cast shooting the poster together. Despite this being primarily an idol-heavy vehicle, I’m glad Lee Hyun Woo is in the mix to add some thespian quota. I’m also pleased how age-appropriate all the actors are to playing high school students. Despite eventually loving Kim Hyun Joong in PK, in truth he was getting a bit long in the tooth to don the requisite high school uniform. This gang looks fresh and easy on the eyes.

A nice clear picture of lead Minho with the actor playing his drama daddy. Looking at Minho’s long (LONG) legs, now I’m starting to get onboard with him playing a champion high jumper.

A first slightly blurry peak at Sulli wearing the boys school uniform and filming on the set standing in for the school. She’s cute, but my attention is completely on the white fluffy squinty-eyed dog. WANT! To adopt, that is. He’s going to steal the show, mark my words.


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  • Hmmm...girl pretending to be boy bonds with fluffy white dog. where have I seen that...? ;)

      • I REALLY hope they keep this scene!!! it was epic the first time I saw it along with the lie detector scene, and almost EVERY NakatsuXMizuki scenes "Ike Ike go go.."
        And I know it would be pushing it, but PLEASE add some Nakatsu vision scenes or inner monologues, that just made me love the kind of person Nakatsu was

  • mmm honestly I have no hope for this, but I pray every day to not be as disastrous, aigoo :s

  • I'm not sure that I have a lot of interest in watching this drama and I have no knowledge of Minho's acting skills, but the kid definitely has the athletic ability to play a high jumper.

    Watch at 8 seconds for Minho leaping over a 4 ft high bar like its nothing. Then keep watching to see Shinee groupmate Onew fail.

  • I don't have any thing to do with drama ... But I really really don't want this to be like BBF or PK .... Looking at above pic mosts of the actor already look so confuse ....

  • I am such a huge fan of the Hana kimi series. I have all the mangas, the art book, the jdrama and tdrama. I didn't get the 2011 Hana kimi version cause that thing was honestly a joke. Story was a little twisted and the casting of that version was just ridiculous. Saying that, I am hoping for the best for this drama. I am still quite a fan of the BoF remake, so I hope this drama will be able to make high ratings. The cast list is still an 'iffy' to me so I will withhold any sort of criticism until I see a preview of some kind for the show. Korea... Please don't screw up my baby!

  • I've always pictured Sano having more masculine sharp (?) features.. I can't picture Minho in thus role. But it makes me laugh that he is playing a high jump because he was very competitive (and one of the good players) in Dream Team.

  • I've loved all the Hana Kimi's that have come in the past weather it be Taiwanese or Japanese and the same goes for Playful Kiss and Boys Over Flowers so I really hope this one doesn't fail. I also have a huge thing for Girl-pretending-Boy dramas like Coffee Prince, You're Beautiful, Hana Kimi, and K-Pop: Ultimate Audition so I'm really excited for this one but since I don't know the main actors very well I'm a little bit uneasy. Let's hope that this drama doesn't ruin Hana Kimi for me because for, it's really hard to ruin a drama in which the main theme is Girl-pretending-Boy no matter how bad it is like Ultimate Audition. Though most people hated it, I actually enjoyed it very much LOL :P Fighting To The Beautiful You!

    • In Taiwanese version they recruted Ella Chen who is also a member of S.H.E. She is an idol.
      In Japanese version (2007) there's Ikuta Toma too, he is an idol. He is from Johny!
      In Japanese version (2011) there's Acchan, no.1 Japan idol, and Yukirin (leader of Hibari four) who is also ranked so good on AKB48 senbatsu.
      Let's don't judge before watch at least until 1 episode airing : )

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