
The Guillotines with Ethan Ruan and Huang Xiaoming Release Long Trailer — 5 Comments

  1. Wow, an Adrew Lau movie!!! I wa spretty much of a fan of his movies until recent years. But this looks promising. I like it how he tends to make action movies more of an emotional thing than other directors. Beside two hit dudes are there, wow, it is just eye candy oure. And did I see Shawn Yue? That makes it three, one fromTW, one from Mainland and one from HK, I guess there is one for every taste hahaha…..seems really nice, I’ll make sure toc heck it out when the time comes 😀

  2. Looking forward to this one! Most of HXM’s movies have been disappointing so far — at least this one looks exciting, lol. Also an’t wait for Ethan to come back from military service. n_n

  3. I watched an old Shaw Brother movie called The Guillotines it was pretty good. My father is a major Shaw Brother “FAN” around Thanksgiving he take the movies out and watch them all day!…LOL I brought him Crouching Tiger and Iron Monkey to for Christmas a few years back and till this day he said it’s not like “Shaw Brothers” but yet he re watch them right alone with Five deadly Venoms, The Man with the Golden arms, The Prince of Sholin ETC…..

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