
Cheongdamdong Alice Episode 5 Recap — 54 Comments

  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH!~ Ive been waiting so much for this. i’ve watched the episode 2x already. only understanding bits and pieces. laughing t Seung Jo trying to keep his Secretary Kim persona with his doctor friend and Secretary Moon. finally!

  2. Thank you for recapping this drama. It is so enjoyable…the scene where he told her his name was so touching. I could almost feel the invisible bonds pulling them closer together. This drama is my last hope after the downward spiral of IMY and the writer of May Queen started dropping acid  (it’s the only explanation, you will understand if you follow that drama).

    • Can’t agree more about May Queen… that writer has bitten off far more than he can chew. I have no idea why I’m still watching it.

    • I found the scene where he told her his name touching too. SJ is finally starting to heal!!! It makes me wonder how he’s going to react after he discovers SK’s plan.

  3. I have a question, did anyone guest that SK actually knows that SJ is the president now? Because when she saw the TOmmy’s text, her facial expression change and I really have a feeling that she knows now that’s why she’s acting nice to him afterwards?!

  4. I don’t know if she knows he’s the president. The way the text was worded was indirect, but she guessed he was the one who retaliated against Tommy Hong.

    Also, he was so cute, happily playing with the dolls when he was packing them up. 😎

    • It doesn’t seem like she knows… yet. SJ isn’t ally healing, but I wonder what’s going to happen after he discovers SK’s real motive.

  5. There are only 2 reasons why I think SK is being nice to SJ:

    1. She knows that SJ is her target, the president of Artemis or
    2. She found her white rabbit in the form of SJ and is now being kind to him to gain his trust..

  6. I died from laughing during the hospital scene. Seriously, it was hilarious.

    I’m enjoying this drama so far.. But there are also some little things that I’m still unconvinced about. HSK’s naiveness and the fact that she just seems plain .. stupid. Her “cheap” vision put aside, I still don’t sense her capability as a designer. I’m really doubting her ability.. she just seems so ignorant as a designer (Same goes to Zoe Lu LOL Designer my ass). And then she keeps on whining about her life and how poor her work opportunities are. What is there to complain about? There are people going bankrupt, people who can’t even find a job etc. How is HSK’s life so miserable that she needs to marry into the rich? Therefore, I just can’t seem to connect to this girl. After having watched all the episodes, I still can’t seem to point out the reason why HSK decided to drastically change her life motto that she has lived with for 27 years? Because her boyfriend ran away with her money? Because of her parent’s debts? If HSK was portrayed as a pessimistic person from the very beginning (I would say a Seo Inchan girl version), maybe I would be more convinced of her as a gold-digger, desperately wanting to change her life and marry into the rich, pretty much out of all sudden in one night. But no.. she started off with the “L’effort my force shit”. Either, her change is too sudden or her reason isn’t valid enough. If she were to be turned into a desperate gold-digger in one night, there has to be a stronger convincing turning point in order for me to connect to this girl IMO. I’m pretty much watching this because it’s hella addicting crack that IS enjoyable, not so much for its emotional attraction, sadly.

    But whatever.. MGY is doing good so far. I just don’t like HSK. PSH is also doing good. They have chemistry.. but so far, not in the romantic way IMO. I don’t know.. but she still feels like a sister next to him. Maybe a hot kiss would help.

    Oh.. why does Shin Inhwa remind me of No Minwoo? Everytime she pops up..

    • Omg, I also got No Min Woo vibes when she came to Tommy Hongs office too! And yes, about died from laughter during the ER scene. I was giggling like crazy. Haha

    • Her boyfriend of, what, six years? ends their relationship because they’re both so poor they could never make things work out together. Then he nearly goes to jail trying to pay for his mother’s hospital bills, loses his mother, and moves to Brazil after taking her savings to pay off his debts. She finally, after so much rejection, gets a job… only to find out that it’s not on her own merits, but because the boss is an old enemy who gets satisfaction out of making her into a go-fer. Her father’s bakery gets pushed out of business after decades of work, and she and her family are under such a mountain of debt that they have two choices: take out even more loans they can’t pay off, or sell their house.

      I am failing to understand how not maintaining a sunny, can-do attitude in the face of all of that makes her weak or whiny. I’m not a pessimistic person by nature, but I sure as hell wouldn’t be bright and optimistic under those circumstances.

  7. I believe the reason she’s being nice to him was because when she read the text, she realized it was him that poured soy sauce on tommy. Rember when yoon joo asked her why she poured soy sauce on tommy, and she said it was the story that circulating, no the other way around.

    • I have the same understanding too. From the text message, Se Kyung realized it was Secretary Kim who poursed soy sauce on Tommy and she was touched by that gesture since Secretary Kim defended her on the night she was insulted and very sad…I wonder if this realization is a hint that Se Kyung might eventually fall for Secretary Kim, instead of the rich man in Cheongdamdong. Can’t wait for the next episode! 🙂

  8. At the beginning Seung jo called SeKyung Soy paste woman. But then he got really upset when SeKyung was poured soysauce by Tommy who then was poured a whole lot soy sauce by Seung Jo.
    Methapor methapor!!
    And the next coolest item in kdrama land would have after those pig rabbit plush, would be these emotion bunny doll in suit 🙂

    I’m happy to read your translation of Tommy’s SMS to SeKyung, that would mean she regards “Secrtary Kim” is the one who poured the soy sauce and not “President of Artemis”
    I think it will be a great Plot line to see how SeKyung’s feeling entangled further to KIM Seung Jo, and at the end when she decided to give up on Cha seung jO , only then she found out abou his true identity.
    But you just never know with this drama excellent pace, there might be a different side of the story that we can see in the first 15 minutes of episode 6 tonight!!! … Counting down 9hours to go before the most exciting kdrama I haven’t felt in a long time

  9. I just love how compliant Seung Jo is whenever Se Kyung ask him to do something….lol. He’s almost acting like her pet dog, when she commands he just obeys….heehehe. And the lovesick look on his face whenever he looks at Se Kyung is very obvious, can’t wait until he discover for himself that he fallen in love again.

    Biting my nails again…can’t wait to see what episode 6 would bring us tonight. CDDA FIGHTING!!!

  10. So cute!!! Who knew PSH would be so good at comedy?! It is fantastic watching all the sides Se Kyung brings out of Seung Jo. My cheeks hurt from grinning like a looney with these two. 😀

  11. Thanks much Captain for this episode recap! I liked this episode too, although I found it subdued compared to previous episodes. No imagination scenes from Sec. Kim. No crazy dancing. No Sec. Kim trying hard to come up with an Oscar award-worthy dialogue lines! (^__^) Still I like this episode because: (1) We see Se Kyung, despite deciding to really go black, still values her dignity and asked Tommy to apologize to her after misjudging her at the party; (2) Yoon Joo giving one more advice to Se Kyung, even though their deal is supposed to be settled. I may be hallucintating but I think Yoon Joo wants to be a good friend to Se Kyung or she sympathizes with her.(3) The measurement taking scene is so cute! (^__^) It reminded me of a scene in “Arang and the Magistrate” – the Magistrate taking measurements of Arang who needed new clothes; since the seamstress could not see Arang, the Magistrate took Arang’s measurements. (4) The cute “emotion” dolls (I want those for Christmas!) – I thought they showed us Se Kyung’s creativity and resourcefulness in trying to understand the personality of a Chairman she cannot meet. (5) Last but not the least, when Se Kyung thanked Sec. Kim. at the end. I love their beautiful smiles at each other; as if a “connection” has been made. Not sure what kind of “connection” it is but hopefully tomorrow we’ll find out! 🙂

  12. Thank you for the recap!!!!!! i already watched the episode online but the english subs were at 88% so i couldn’t understand some scenes and now I wonder what are those 3 dangers coming up for Se Kyung.
    the relationship between SK ans SJ is just fantastic, they get along so well and they are both so true to their real selves that it’s the perfect example of “friends first, lovers later”. we can see the development of their friendship and how sincere they are with each other.
    the ER scene was too funny to watch, i knew PSH was a pretty good dramatic actor but he can nail the comedy. all his facial expressions and the way he talks, pure comedic gold! it would have been funnier if he just dropped the seoul accent and talked saturi because of the stress of been sold out by the doc and secretary moon… and the chauffeur?????!! when i saw the entrance of the real secretary Kim my stomach started to ache because of all the laughter.
    CA is a real treat, i hope they keep the pace, comedy and development of the characters… and i’m with you koala, i also want writer-nim to show that Yoon-joo is actually happily married even though she had to leave her dear Seung Jo oppa, letting the bitchy-greedy-maquiavelic character to In-wha so we can get more frenemy moments between Se Kyung and Yoon Joo.
    PS: For those who wanted to know the name of the song played on ep. 3 when SK was walking alongside Han river, it’s “Daddy long legs” by Baek Ah Yeon. it was also played at the end of this episode 🙂

    • That was a little odd, wasn’t it? Maybe it’s just too many old connections coming back together in such a short span of time? Her past has to be a weak point for her after putting so much time and effort into escaping it, and all the prodding at it could definitely make her nervous. Or maybe there’s more to it that we don’t know yet?

    • I don’t think the CheongDD folks know that YJ came from a poor background. If the poor baker calls her by her first name, and is very familiar with her, it would be suspicious.

      She reinvented herself by going to Paris and succeeded with an intro from SJ’s father. I am guessing she also made up some of her autobiography to make her sound better.

  13. Thank you for the recap. I got used to reading your recaps first before watching the raw episode, only to find out that is was already subbed… So fast and I like it. Only proves I love your recap. Thank you and may you continually make us happy. MWAH!

  14. Thank you so much for the recap. I love love love this drama. Its the first time I have felt emotionally connected to a drama since ‘Lie to Me’. I was not a fan of Moon Geon Young’s previously and hated MarySOAN but she is really hitting the mark in this drama. Cant wait for tomorrows recap.

  15. thanks for the recap…
    actually the story about alice in cheomdangdong is about how to marring chaebol with the blessing from the family, just like YJ. its quite refreshing since actualy almost in all k-drama cinderella story the parents always reject their wedding e.g my lovely sam soon, boy before flowers, secret garden, etc.

  16. I am sold declare me officially down the rabbit hole

    Alice in Cheongdamdong is my drama crack for 2012

    recap is aweseome and thanks alots

  17. I marathoned eps 1-4 a few days ago and I’m really loving this drama! It’s definitely a nice balance of silly/funny and sincere. But what I love about it the most is that the issues and the conflicts seem very organic and real, I found myself tearing up without even realizing it.

    Park Shi Hoo is killing his Jean Thierry Sshaaaaa…OMG, he is too much, I wub he’s brand of crazy! And I adore his whole entourage — his doctor best friend, Secretary Moon, Driver Kim. I love them all! Especially Driver Kim’s “WTF expressions” while PSH is cackling and laughing hysterically in the backseat. Haha!

    • Thanks for the recaps! I cannot watch anything until I finish grading all the final exams and projects, so I am keeping up this way. I laughed at the screenshots of the hospital scene, so I can imagine what it is like watching the whole thing. PSH’s face contortions are worht spending the time scrolling through the recaps. I, too, like his whole entourage. Most of you know my claim on Dong Wook, but I like everyone. They are like a family he has created since he has left his other one behind. I love these kinds of families, and it looks like they are adopting SK. Even better.

  18. Episode 5 is simply FABULOUS!!!

    I really luuvvvv how SK’s level headedness pairs off with SJ’s wackiness.
    No offense to GuenGuen shippers, I think PSH and MGY’s pairing, in my opinion is really out of this world. They look good and feel good together. So far I have never seen or feel any K-drama couples whose screen presence really overwhelms me as them.

    Good character development, witty and funny dialogue, creative and hilarious scenes (especially SJ’s imaginations and monologue and SK’s taking SJ’s suit measurement)makes me glue to my seat. Appointments on hold or cancelled. Early dinners. Late bed time.

    The scales are perfectly balanced – SK’s rationality vs. SJ’s tempermental characters. That’s why it makes the whole drama so refreshing and entertaining.

  19. I waited all night to read your recap. I am very excited to know how this relationship is developed. I am very thankful for your recap. I hope that you are able to post the recap early for tonight’s episode.

  20. the most meaningful scene for me was him telling her his first name. For so long he was running away from the seung jo that was hurt by yoon joo and was under his father so for him to tell her his first name was Seung Jo instead of sone other name was a big step for him in opening up and developing a connection

    • IKR? That’s definitely the first step of him opening up to her. And it just kills me that Se Kyung doesn’t purposely try to make him open up as he’s not the one she’s aiming for. It happens so naturally and sincerely – she’s realizing that she doesn’t even know his name and everything that he has done for her. But that being a coincidence of what Yoon Joo’s method to Se Kyung is, and Seung Joo happens to be the White Rabbit, oh this is twisted.

      • So agree with both of you. It was so moving and yet bittersweet, knowing what we know as viewers. I practically stopped breathing for a few moments.

  21. Aigoo, I don’t know how many times did I repeat this episode especially the hospital scene (still cant stop laughing!) and now I keep hearing ‘Kim biseo nim, kim biseo nim,..” even not watching it @.@

    And the ending is damn precious..<3

  22. I loved this episode too!! My favorite scene was the when sk asked sj what his name was and he looked hesitant at first but then finally told her his real name. 🙂 I just love their interactions together. The emotion rabbits. Too cute. I wonder if sj will actually fill out that questionnaire.

    The measuring definitely reminded me of arang. 🙂 I love serious sk was about it.

    I am sort of not looking forward to how tommy and in hwa can ruin it for all of them. It seems like these two will have the power to make or break this couple based on what they know. Tommy has been do some 180 turn and actually help sk. He is not even close right now.

  23. This drama continues to be soooo good, I’m feeling so satisfied at the end of the episode and totally can’t wait for the next episode.

    I had a great laugh during the hospital scene. It was insanely hilarious!

    And the measuring scene, I’m smiling like a fool watching them. Especially when she measures his neck.

    And how Se Kyung falling for the real Seung Joo, it’s gonna hurt so bad when he misunderstood everything and think she has been faking all along. Without knowing, when she’s just being sincere to the real Seung Jo at the end of the episode, that’s the moment when he started to open up to her by telling her his real name. Aigoo~

    With this drama, I’m even willing to wait for the subs first before I watch and read the recap, just not to spoil my feeling when watching it. Because the goodness mostly lies from understanding what they talk about and I want to be in the moment without being spoiled at all.

    I hope they are not in the live-shoot already. It’s too early and that can affect the quality of the drama.

  24. Thanks for another wonderful recap! I am loving this show more with every episode, though I didn’t think that was possible. Each builds on the previous one, giving us new insights into all of the characters, not just the leads, and intertwining their relationships in interesting ways.

    I also love, love, love how Seung-jo’s and Se-kyung’s relationship is progressing. It’s a total soul connection, not just the usual bickering-that’s-really-just-a-mask-for-our-explosive!-sexual-tension stuff. Which is also fun, but this is SO MUCH BETTER. Starting from the hospital scene where she reads Tommy’s text, up until the end of the episode, I was alternately swooning and laughing so hard I could barely breathe.

    That moment when she really looks at him as a person for the first time, and not just “Secretary Kim”, and asks for his name – I was so hoping he would tell her his real name. And he did. And I squealed forever. The way they were looking at each other for the rest of the episode OMG. *hyperventilates again just thinking about it*

    I love your comments as well. I think In-hwa is being set up as a foil for Se-kyung, in that she also wants to marry for money and status, but in her social circle it’s considered normal and expected, whereas in Se-kyung’s social circle it’s considered something dirty and dishonorable. Interesting because you would think it’s be more dishonorable to marry for money when you’re already rich and don’t want fot anything, rather than being desperate and in debt. But the difference also lies in In-hwa being up-front about it, whereas Se-kyung is lying. There are so many possibilities for what will happen with this intriguing mix of personalities and life philosophies, and how they will bump up against and influence each other. The wait for each episode is seriously killing me! 🙂

  25. The last scene just killed me. The look of despair on her face, the look of happiness on his face. She loves him but just because that silly Secretary Moon said Seung Joo was super poor and in debt like her previous boyfriend, she becomes worried that he would end like her ex. Sigh.. they are so happy together. Please please be happy.
    I do think that Yoon Joo will help se kyung in the end. After all, she doesn’t want to see Seung Joo at her family dinners all her life.

  26. Koala, I’m new here and I just wanted to say you do a fine damn job recapping and I love, LOVE your commentary!!! Thanks again for the drugs that is CA! I totally ship this OTP…such good push and pull chemistry, about to explode or implode! Ha-ha!

  27. Thanks for the recap!
    Catching up is fun, but it will be so hard to wait for the next episode nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…

    I liked how they hung a latern on THIS drama’s meet cute when YJ scolds SK for dreaming she would EVER meet a man rich enough for her by herself:
    “It’s NOT like you are going to have a car accident with one of them, or…”
    Oh, yeah?

    I think I like SJ so much because he is really enjoying every moment now – now that he has a friend in SK. His silly bird noises, and happiness driving SK, his utter delight with SJ’s white rabbits. Despite his sad love history and emotional issues, he is someone who can enjoy life. It took meeting a real person, helping that person, and genuinely unselfishly wanting the best for her that is changing him.

  28. Can anyone please answer my question? What is the name of the actress who acts as Tommy Hong’s assistant? Please

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