Roy Qiu Reportedly Turned Down Bu Bu Jing Xin and Da Mo Yao Due to Scheduling Conflicts
After doing two back-to-back TW-dramas in the last two years, Roy Qiu is back in Mainland China filming the first of his reported three dramas on the horizon. This one is a modern drama called Red Wine My Fair Lady with Li Sheng, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he does a period drama next. Recently Bu Bu Jing Xin is back in the news since Karen went on record as saying once again that BBJX 2 is being prepped for an early 2013 filming date with the same cast but set in modern times. Once again, I trust nothing that woman says and I’ll believe it when I see it. I’ve always heard that the role of 8th Prince was initially offered to Wallace Chung who turned it down. What was a total surprise was reading recently that Roy was approached to play that role as well and he also declined due to his schedule conflicting. I don’t know what to think, in hindsight Kevin Cheng was perfect (and critics are pretty uniformly in agreement that he outacted Nicky Wu but 4th Prince was a more memorable character plus Nicky seriously turned on the water works in the final few episodes so won everyone’s heart forever more). But I would have loved seeing Roy do that character as well. The news went on to report that Roy was subsequently offered a role in Da Mo Yao and he also had to decline since he was scheduled for Miss Rose. TOTAL SHOCK. Roy? In DMY? The news report didn’t say which character but I’m betting its Meng Jiu, which means Hu Ge really was supposed to play Huo Qu Bing. And since both Wallace Huo and Roy turned down Meng Jiu (Wallace because he chose to be the lead in Yu Zheng‘s The Swordsman instead), Eddie Peng was cast and he naturally was better suited for Huo Qu Bing so Hu Ge took on Jiu Ye. Sigh, so many “what coulda beens.”
With Roy back in the Mainland, he was recently interviewed at a promotional event this week and asked about his relationship with Tang Yan. To date neither has ever confirmed a relationship but both have played up the possibility with the media in the past and responded in coy and playful ways. This time Roy’s response was that he still thinks very highly of her but due to their busy schedules they have no time to get together so there is no possibility their friendship could ever develop into anything more. I think his cool response this time lends credence to the recent rumors that their unconfirmed relationship has gone kaput. I’ve never felt terribly supportive of this possible real life pairing so I’m cool if Roy is de facto single again. He’s mentioned being disappointed that he missed acting opposite Liu Shi Shi twice in a row now, so in the future if they do get to work together I hope there is no awkwardness since Shi Shi is good friends with Tang Tang. You know, seeing as Roy has missed out on two Tong Hua novels in a row now, I swear the universe could align and right that wrong if he gets cast in Yun Zhong Ge as Liu Fu Ling. Yu Zheng has stated recently he wants to start filming YZG in March 2013 and has been leaking possible casting rumors left and right. But if he really aims high and convinces Roy to sign on, I swear I will take back every horrible (but all true) thing I’ve said about him. Roy playing Ling gege might just be the world’s most perfect actor-to-novel character casting EVER. Of all of Tong Hua’s male leads, I would cast him as Liu Fu Ling over any other character, including 8th Prince and Meng Jiu.
Ms. Koala, I wouldn’t be so optimistic about Yun Zhong Ge – Yu Zheng has hired the same HK scriptwriter who butchered Beauty Without Tears; maybe things will be better if she sticks close to the novel but my expectations have gone down the tube.
Roy’s handsome. I’d like to watch him in something…eventually.
I hope the BBJX2 rumor is truuuuue with the original cast in modern times. Yes! Please let this happen.
Kevin Cheng’s performance as 8th prince was enchanting. He had me from his first appearance, but Nicky Wu’s 4th prince won me over in the end.
Thanks for the celeb casting news and rumors.
I’d watch a static picture of Roy. For hours.
Man such a shame! Hu Ge, Lui Shi Shi, Roy Qiu that would’ve been an amazing cast for Da Mao Yao
Thanks for the Roy news…I don’t know how to put some of this in my brain, though.
Roy as 8? Wow and wow. Kevin owned that role so things happened as they should have…
I don’t know YZG, but Roy, take it!!! I know it’ll be so romantic if written by TH. Plus I want to see him again soon.
Would reeeeeeeeeally really like to trust the BBJX2 news.
I have the BBJX OST shuffling on my iPod and hearing it stops me still each time, and I can feel the sadness and loveliness of it all over again.
I thought critics also think Nicky Wu was pretty much perfect as 4th prince? That would explain the numerous awards Nicky had collected for his roles? But yes, Kevin was enchanting as 8th prince. Though I personally felt Nicky was just a tad more gripping as 4th prince.
I must gave missed the grapevine but why is Kevin not in BBJX2? I’m so disappointed!
Not sure if anybody have heard this, but Li Guo Li (director for most of Tangren’s production) also named Huang Xiao Ming, Chen Kun, and Roy Chiu for consideration for the role of HQB. I’m assuming they couldn’t do it, as Roy’s conflicting schedule and HXM was filming The Patriotic Yue Fei at the time. **sigh**
Huang Xiao Ming would have killed it as HQB and Chen Kun is pure hotness. Eddie Peng is so wrong for the role it’s not even funny.
Clearly you have not seen Eddie in the Young Warriors of the Yang Clan because Eddie was perfect in that drama. But I agree that HXM would have been perfect for Huo Qu Bing but Eddie is seriously not a bad actor though. He is good at comedy and serious roles.
I can’t imagine roy qiu as 8 prince, coz kevin really nailed it as 8. He’s so perfect and I can say any actor can’t act perfectly like him. But ofbcoz that’s my opinion.
Screw it, I really wish he’d done meng Jiu and let hu Ge take huo qu bing. I honestly don’t think Eddie peng is that good, and so my enthusiasm for DMY has dimmed considerably…can’t imagine Roy as Eight Prince either, Kevin was just too perfect for that role.
Twice really? All for two projects that are sort of mediocre in comparison to the ones he declined (sorry to any MR/OG fans). Roy!! I hope his upcoming 3 projects are going to be a little more than fluff.
I cannot believe he turned down BBJX for MR, he must feel bad about that big opportunity. It would have been weird to see Roy bald though. He doesn’t seem like he can pull off the bald look. Kevin and nicky was perfect was perfect for their roles though, I just cannot imagine it any other way.
I’m pretty sure no one can beat Kevin as 8 but roy being mj and hu ge playing hqb would have been really nice. I like eddie but I just love Roy
WOW! Thanks Koala for the great write-up on Roy. I’m glad he turned down BBJX2 though. I love the drama and felt Kevin did such a good job as 8 prince yet the limelight fell on Nicky at the end. Was a little disappointed. I hope they use the original cast for BBJX2 especially Kevin must be there, please… Good for Roy since he may suffer the same fate as Kevin. you know how influential Nicky is in the industry!!
I trust Koala when you said Roy is best choice as Liu Fu Ling although I do not know who that is.. must be someone very good-looking and smart, i guess and I am sure Roy will pull it off just right. He has got such chiseled good look for all kinds of roles. Anyone who watch Liaozai will know what i mean
What a bad decision.. You turned down BBJX for Miss Rose / Office Girls?? Come on.. I think anyone should read the script before choosing to take it or not..
Come on… It was such a bad call…
OMG… Is he turning down BBJX 2 too? I guess he might afraid that he can’t shine well compared to Nicky Wu.. Hm…
I very…very like you…..