
Baby Recap for King Episode Episode 21 (Final Episode) — 26 Comments

  1. I’m glad that there’s an implicit Terry-DH ending. Chris Wu has been pushing an engine-less train all the way to the end and he’s been magnificent.

    The best stories are the ones where you have stepped into a moment of time and your reality ceases to exist. The best writers are invisible and in this drama, the writers became the punching bag. So sad. It’s hard to believe these people also penned the beautiful Terry.

    I’m looking forward to watching this episode but a part of me is also relieved because I don’t think I could have continued to sustain the emotional highs and lows. Like you, Miz Koala, I’ve made my peace with this drama.

    Looking forward to your analysis recap!

    • I am so exhausted too. I am glad it’s over. Addictions can make you crazy. I watched without subs and wasn’t satisfied with the ending ….I don’t think anything would have satisfied except Terry and DH in a passionate liplock with the tongues moving….like OG…tho’ I thought that scene was a bit funny…..not kiss for many episodes and than make out infront of everyone in a chruch!! But now I know that I have read the mini recap….I think I like the ending.
      I loved the shower scenes with the two besties. It’s nice for grounded Terry to have a crazy ass friend.
      Surprisingly I loved that scene between Terry and his cousin. Had no idea what they were saying at that time but I knew they were making up. It’s so nice not to fight and be family.

  2. This drama… sigh.

    I feel so bad for James Wen, but Guan Jun was absolutely insufferable from episode 1 *shrugs*

    I’ll wait for your epic recap, Koala <3

    • Me Too. Can’t wait for your recap. I know it is going to be awesome. Hope in the next drama will be te male lead.

      • me 3. Waiting for the epic recap. We addicts need to talk. It’s like AAA.

  3. I feel a bit dissapointed with the ending. At least one kiss where DH is willing was to much to ask for, ne? Okay, nothing really changed except DH finally realized the love she got from Terry. Finally.
    Terry in Economy class?

      • I couldn’t believe he took economy but guess this is just one more of the things that didn’t make sense in this whole drama! What a waste of all the acting talent!

  4. 21 whole hours of a lack of plot I shouldn’t be surprised by this blah ending. Im not watching any more Settv dramas cause miss rose and king flower were both too long and a waste of my time.

  5. SETTV didn’t make it obvious like in neon letters, but Da Hua and Terry are the end game. They spent all of episode 21 missing each other, DH tells Ah Xi and Da Li that she’s made her choice, and later she types up those texts to Terry she doesn’t send asking if she can be his bride again when she comes back in a year. She has clearly 100% admitted that she loves him and her and Guan Jun are back being the close siblings they were in the beginning of the drama. DH just doesn’t have the guts to reach out to Terry because she feels so bad about what she did to him. So she chooses to leave for a year and try something new. And they run into each other on the plane, and Terry has never stopped loving her but is giving her space until she can decide. In the end she’s already decided and the fate bit is just the little push they needed to find each other again.

  6. Just watched ep 21 and u r right…she admitted that she has made her choice. A great ep if u want to recap the terry-dh moments. Chris Wu really emotes his feelings well!!

  7. I haven’t watched ep 21 as I hate open ending. So I read your recap, Ms. K. and yet, I hate to say this it’s SUCK!!! That’s it, “The plane takes off with the voiceover of both of them that if its meant to be they will see each other again.” So what??? Nothing show Terry end up with DH explicitly, we just have to think that they would if they were fated. No sweet moments!!!! Excuse me but really… Gosh dawn it!!!

    • So this leaves it open for a Terry movie where we get to see them married, with kids, living together in harmony except for in-laws who create some financial crisis that Terry will need to solve. Maybe like a vacation trip together with the whole extended family and we get to see how Terry’s family really hates DH’s family.

  8. I understand why DH does what she does — she really has either low-esteem or she feels bad about what she did. But still! They are going to depend on fate instead of their own bravery/courage? What kind of message does that give out to young folks of today’s generation? *sniff* But I guess in a way it makes sense and it’s not a sugar-coated glycerin filled ending. That’s fine. It’s a Terry-DH ending and it’s up to them when they want to make it happen — every couple needs it time. My only question is… uh… what about the last 21 episodes?!!! or at least the last 10 would’ve been enough 🙂

  9. Honestly, I stopped caring after watching the first ten minutes of the episode. I started fast forwarding and then when I got to the very end and saw Terry’s new hairstyle, I PAUSED IT. OH GOSH HE’S HOT.
    noo. Chris Wu is hot. I melted.

  10. Thank goodness for this final pairing! On a side note, am i the only one who cannot stand the acting of the dude who plays QingMo? His role was actually quite important, acting as the catalyst for DaHau’s transformation and the D+T relationship. BUT, man, his acting is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Maybe I’m getting old and I start noticing all these acting “flaws”, but I don’t remember ever seeing an actor this sucky. I want to fast-forward every time I hear him speak.

  11. Thank you.
    At this point I can close this chapter of my life. Man, your addiction and everyone’s addiction/obsession was making me addicted as well.

    At least my curses will be muted.

    Yeah go jump into bed why don’t you? If he could live with LY I can’t see why those 2 can’t do kissy kissies.

    • Likewise here ck10z, I starts watching this in past few days and abandon everything else but got mad and disappointed at this open ending…

  12. hey Koala sis, am i later for the spazzing? lols. 🙂

    with all it’s deficiencies,i still love KF and that’ mainly because of Terry and the ending is still good. 🙂

    thank you so much. 🙂

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