
Heirs/The Inheritors Episode 11 Recap — 20 Comments

  1. This drama is addictive despite of the fact tht it is nt thst giving .. but u keeepp watching becz if the cast . I too wish some lightness frm eunsang .. which unforunatly the writer isnt givng her . Evryone is entitled to hav fun . Tan and hyoshin .yondo and myungso . Cy and bn happy couple etc . Y none fr eunsang ??? Sure her life is pathetic but please she can b a lil happy at times … ahhh writer
    PS . Am i the only one tht felt tht the towel scene yd putting towel on eunsang s head is a reminsnce of you are beautiful scene where shinwoo puts towel on minam z head ???
    I think the writer put it there deliberatly she loves to parody movies and dramas

    • the writer keeps copying dialogues/acting moments/scenes etc from the earlier dramas. there are many such instances in this drama already.
      lazy writing and complete lack of plot must be it…

  2. I can finally see spark in Eng Sung. I am super happy. Baby steps but at least it is developing. 9 more eps to go. What more is in stored I wonder. I feel this drama have used most of its budget in US the first few eps and now in Korea, they have much lower budget to work with. Thus the drama is so unexciting.

  3. I’m not giving much thoughts on this drama, but let the spoilers be true, so Rachel can shut up her irritating mouth just a bit. I can’t stand her going here and there with her violent arrogant attitude, just because she feels victimized. Contradicting herself all the time tires me really out. I don’t see why Kim Tan falling for another girl is uncool when their relationship seemed as cold and typical it can get. I was surprised they used to be friends. Being hard to swallow is one thing, but being angry and demanding on the wrong people is frustrating. If she had to slap someone, it is not Eun Sang and she knows it, but she just can’t touch Kim Tan, because supposedly she’s afraid of losing him.
    I actually like Eun Sang. I can sympathise with her and root for her, plus i feel her character has so potential, but i’m not expecting anything, i’m pretty sure the author won’t utilize it. She is smart, holds dignity, hard-working,ambitious for her future, but timid, bitter for being all the time unjustified and in the end a teenager that still wants to be with the person she likes. I can root for her really easily!

  4. Wow …..not much progress. I feel like we are getting no where at the rate this is going. I am happy that Bo Na is being nice to Eun Sang even if it is to please Chan Young, which I think they should be the OTP because they have good chemistry and actually have a love story to them. They are so far the sane couple in this show.

  5. “Rachel starts to ugly cry”
    I bursted out laughing as i saw the screen cap of her face before reading that line. Haven’t watched the episode yet to judge how well she cried, but
    Gotta hand it to her for not caring how the hell she looks when crying.

  6. I like the pool scene….when YD told KT…”you’re going to make her a mistress just like someone”….heck! what can he do or offer? he is also a chaebol son right? he is no different with KT. hope the bromance comes back…and, 3 ( wt ES ) of em becomes awesome friends….make great of their future and control their own destiny….but YD and KT came out last at midterms…lol

    i luv Heir…its great to watch to kill time and clear the mind with more mundane things….

  7. Chan Young and Bo Na are so cute! I love it when Chan Young smiles when Bo Na is trying to be nice to Eun Sang because of him. This is my OTP in this series.

    Ahhh Young Do. Somehow I like you being so like that. I will look forward to the next episodes.

    I feel bad for Tan’s brother. Hay.

  8. OMG. This show is thisclose to unwatchable for me.
    Why am I watching it?
    Because, LOVE IS THE MOMENT?

    I have no earthly idea. I hate Tan. I hate ES. I hate CYD.

    I like Mom 1 and Mom 2. I like Bona and her Beau. I love looking at KHN’s beautiful pain filled high cheek bones.

    But if this isn’t the dumbest show ever, I don’t know what is.

    • I struggle. Jomo, oh how I struggle to make sense of the lack of any sense, rationale, or reality. But it’s strangely mesmerizing, like staring at a blank canvas so long I start to see something.

      • That made me laugh.

        But seriously, did anything happen?

        OK Brainstorm here. This show is like a Picasso painting.
        They keep showing us similar scenes over and over, but they aren’t really different, it’s THE SAME SCENE. Just from different angles with wardrobe and set changes to heighten the, um, things… The creative team is assembling a viewing experience with textures, which allow us to feel the drama in a way we couldn’t if we only got ONE look at Tan staring at YD or only ONE scene of ES with her BIG EYES or ONE look at Won being an indecipherable enigma.

        That’s it.

  9. For me Kim Tan is the character I find unpalatable… can’t stand him especially in the last episodes where he’s acting like a crazy possessive psycho where other males can’t even call Eunsang, Eunsang (in the previous ep he told Hyoshin not to). I mean YD is supposed to be the big bad guy nonetheless he seems pretty passive and his antics are childish, yet Kim Tan keep raging and screaming and threatening to kill YD at every instance he gets. Like KT can you please stop saying you’ll kill people? I just….uuugh

  10. Young Do is by far my favorite character. And a lot of that is because he has so much to improve on and I’d just love to see him become healed from all the family hate he has experienced and treat people nicely~ The rest of it is because KIM WOO BIN <3

    Um, who else is rooting for Young Do to end up with ES?~ I know I'm going to regret it, but what the heck, anything can happen right? (*note my sarcasm. We know who's going to end up with who)

    afjiapowjioajfoi Finally! I cheered when Tan's mom witnessed ES and him together. Like, yes! More conflict!

  11. i guess what will happen is: eun sang’s mom is also the mom of young can happen since young do said that his mom run away..that means that they are sibling..maybe thats why young do attracted to eun sang..but im not sure bcoz they look the same age..we’ll see then..

  12. Oh, how I wish this drama was about Bona and Chanyoung. I really want Eunsang to punch KT and CYD in the face and tell them to piss off and stop manhandling her. This has got to be one of the worst dramas this year. It’s just so incredibly dumb.

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