
Marry Him If You Dare Episode 15 Recap — 55 Comments

  1. I fucking hate this writer.

    I couldn’t even read the recap so I just skipped to the parts with YooKyung.

    Shin, Sejoo and Mirae (present and future) can all disappear into a black hole for all I care.

    • LMFAO Big time! I was saying the very same thing whilst I watched MHIYD without subtitles. I was so hoping for a bit of romance, even on the tail end of episode 15 at least. So if future Mi Rae is too sick to time travel Shin will come for her? Here’s to hoping.
      I also noticed that the writer has failed to keep the story consistant.. if Shin got this job with NTN after he was married to Mi Rae (which occurred in 2014) how come he go the job so soon? Its still Christmas 2013???? Already he’s facing an issue of integrity? Anyway, I give up.

      Thanks for all your hard work with the recaps! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I never thought I would be so happy to have an YEH drama ending, especially one with perfect chemistry between the OTP.
    Please media gods pair them up again – and this time with a good writer.

  3. I’m glad I haven’t seen the episode yet! I regret my hesitation to watch raw Empress Ki or this one! What on earth is wrong with MR! You don’t like the guy, don’t accept the ring! stand of yourself lady! Oh Mother! that moment of Shin on the balcony worth the whole episode I think! I will literally watch his scenes only!

    Poor LDG I don’t even care about the one hot kiss I asked for. I just want you off this drama. They killed you then brought you alive.

    Kdrama, please give justice.

  4. The drama started out fine, disguising as a romantic comedy with a fantasy twist. But then it just got worse each episode and now we’re down to the last one. Here’s my greatest fear: the drama will end with future Mirae waking up and freaking out about the alternate reality business, and demanding that the time travel security to set everything back to the past, wiping off all 15 episodes of nonsensical drama between Mirae/Sejoo/Shin. That would probably be the best way to undo the disaster of this drama series…but also prove that it’s been a royal waste of time for us viewers… ;(

    But again, I just don’t understand what happened with this drama writer. It’s really not like she’s a novice, with some great dramas under her belt, and she had some likable actors to work with…

    • I couldn’t agree more. I don’t buy that she only did the typing of TK2H. She sure read people’s comments and saw the terrible ratings. Call it fan service or don’t but clearly she lost her brain for some reasons and I can freely say It’s giving unnecessary senses and cancelling the air time of the lead, and by the lead I mean LDG. WTH is wrong with giving a kiss sence when you have an amazing chemistry between YEH and LDG.

      Look at the stills for the past weeks. I don’t see LDG and all I can see is MR or MR and Shin.. Odd, no?!

  5. I can’t believe the writer ruined the only good thing this drama had- its characters. I don’t care about mirae, shin n seju! I think yookyung is relatively likeable because she was sidelined in the plot…otherwise the author would have ruined her too! I never liked mirae as I didn’t find her interesting. The only problem I have with shin is that he’s way too weak n isn’t fighting for mirae. And seju…what can I say? He was my favorite character before the writer ruined his character…made him extremely clingy! I wonder whether the writer made him pursue mirae till the end to confuse viewers about mirae’s final choice? Its a pity that the writer could do this to her own characters. I’m glad this drama is ending today cuz I think we’ve suffered enough! lol

  6. Shin on the roof killed me. The pain he must feel, to see a character like that be so broken and trying to hard control his emotions. Just amazing to watch LDG. The fact that this drama totally screwed him over still pisses me off more than the writing.

    I can get Shin’s logic. I’m not sure I’d be strong enough to risk it either and I hope FKS is able to help him, but at least he’s thinking of Mirae. Seju on the other hand has no moments of self reflection or any awareness of Mirae’s feeling. He’s not even thinking of her at all, but himself. He has no worries or cares. Selfish, overbearing and delusional is what he is. I’m not sure that can be fixed in one episode. Seju was a rather sympathetic character, but now how in the world can anyone feel bad for him. I also kind of love Shin telling Mirae not to butt in his life. Considering Seju, Mirae is probably not used to men who actually mean it when they say goodbye.

    The ring scene in the beginning was one of the most uncomfortable scenes I’ve ever seen. Did Mirae lose the ability to speak? Is she worried about Seju’s sanity so she can’t say no? She’s just going with the flow and anything Seju wants. I hope what she learns at the end is the kick in the pants she needs.

    YK needs to ruuun far far away from SJ. I can’t even ship them together anymore. She can find someone much better than him. There is no doubt in my mind she will have a happy life without him and do well for herself.

    I don’t know how this ends, but my god it better not be a Seju/Mirae end. I also dislike FMR, but I actually kind of want her to go back to FKS. He’s suffered enough and maybe they can finally live out the rest of their lives happy.

  7. The writer doesn’t not only not know what’s she is doing, but totally ruined a great casting. It’s torture even reading the recaps.

      • “Park Se-Joo” is when we see a second lead having a brain fart.
        “What would Anthony do” is when we see product placement in a drama…like when they go to camping for no reason what so ever…or when KS suddenly had the time to play golf when there are sooo many other issues this drama need to address…

  8. It’s obvious who really loves each other. I hope the writer gives us a passionate kiss between LDG and YEH because WE all deserve this. I am okay with 10 minutes of screentime with the deserving pairs being happy with each other or apart.

    I also dislike the fact that FMR didn’t even apologize to SJ and YK, she messed up their lives lol! But I love YK here, I agree with Koala, she must be the most sincere character in the series and she has changed SOOOO much, she become the better person without SJ, goes to show how awesome she is.

    SJ character is so annoying, all clingy to Mirae. Is he still hoping that she’ll be happy with him? How can he be so dense lol. Fans continuing to root for him saying “Sejoo fighting.” is pretty much grating to what the essence of this drama really is. To insist SJ to Mirae is blindly saying. Oh, it’s okay to marry a chaebol, because I am secure. Come on writer. Today is episode 16! LOL. Why did you have to keep the truth for so long. Why waste all those awesome chemistry between YEH and LDG? XD

  9. I need a reason a simple reason to have this yoon eun hye drama in my collection , but the script is too horrible. Could be the last ep save this drama ? I don’t think so. A hot kiss scene between LDG and YEH will not be enough.If that scene will happen which I doubt , but I wish with all my heart at least . The story is so poorly written even for a melodrama or whatever it was. we lost the opportunity to watch a great chemistry between LDG and YEH , will be dificult almost impossible for them to work together again.I’ve completely lost hope in this drama , the final ep will be one of the most painful, disastrous I’ve seen in my life so far .This drama will have the lowest rating this week , thanks to the writer until today doesn’t assume guilt , maybe she’s convinced that she is the reincarnation of shakespeare. My tears are falling by impotence and anger, by the way thanks for the recap.

  10. I have never been so mad watching a drama and/or reading recaps. What a torture this drama has been! I feel like I’ve been chewed and spit at by the writer. Totally feeling ripped off by the writer. It could have been one of the best K-dramas with such a cast but the writer just messed it up. The last episode better be a healing balm to the wound that the writer inflicted on the viewers and not another dose of acid to make the pain unbearable to a point of wishing you are dead!

  11. I bailed on this drama half way through. Yet I still want to know how far fetched this car wreck will go so I head here to the playground for your recaps. By the way, your recaps are far and away more fun, hilarious and entertaining to read than the drama seems to be. I really liked the cast but it just went in the dumper early on and failed to be revived for me. I was immensely frustrated with the depiction of future Mirae and the mire that she left us all in. BROTHER! Thank you for plodding through the moroseness of this piece of nonsense. I appreciate your steadfastness. Thank you.

  12. I’m so happy to hear Yoo Kyung is moving on! I hate that she only appears 5 min. I loved Han Chae Ah and Young Hwa chemistry. Such a shame his character has an idiotic obsession with Mi Rae. If he would have move on by ep. 8 and look back to Yoo Kyung I would still watch the drama, but now I don’t want him in her brilliant future. She deserves much better.

  13. This time-travel mystery melodrama has everyone loving it or hating it.
    The hate is aimed squarely at the writer who did not deliver a rom-com…. BTW when did they state it ever was a rom-com?
    I was impressed with the depth of character development and the primary focus on woman’s issues in Korea.
    The writer is known for dealing with issues that is eliciting a strong reaction.
    Good art elicits strong reactions.
    It has been an enjoyable series with great acting and character development.

  14. is this the first ever k-drama without a kissing scene right until the end?

    oh, who know’s if there will even be a kiss at the end?

    sad that the chemistry of shin and mirae was not put to good use. emotinally they are connected and you can see that but if they had put a kissing scene there somewhere, im sure audience would have stayed till the end.

    im really disappointed about the whole thing, they better make up for it big time in the last episode. me sad!!!!

  15. Mi Rae should just move one and set her own goal like YK. I don’t like her being unsure and just go with the flow. You have a voice to speak. use it! I really hope that LDG and YEH will have other project together coz their chemistry is enormous though they only stare at each other. so pity. writer just waste this beautiful pair.

  16. Kim Shin, grow a pair and get your woman so the story can get some coherence!!!!! this writers keeps killing SeJu character for the sake of innecesary angst! i CANT stand it. SeJu and Sekyung part was good, why did this writer killed that ship!!!? >_<

  17. I like these words “Can someone start digging a hole, we have a future Mi Rae to bury alive in there. She doesnโ€™t even deserve to be put to death first, she is that royally idiotic. ” ..same thoughts of mine..n yes, agree with u that SJ will be the 1 commit suicide mission here..:)

  18. Yoo kyung is awesome– it’s just sad that she only has so little space to bloom… as a girl, I think Kim Shin is hands down a fave here with his sincerity. That screen cap of him covering his eyes to stop his tears just about KILLED me– the screen cap alone. I can’t imagine watching it in action T-T

    I don’t mind it when the focus of the story isn’t about romance– but I am unhappy that the writer flopped in the pacing– i appreciate exploring people making deliberate choices in the face of “fate” or Future Mirae’s meddlings, but really? can we not move any further with only one friggin’ episode left?She’s writing as if this is a 24 ep drama!!

  19. I keep scratching my head… What went so terribly wrong? And poor YEH… So many dramas just haven’t cut it for her. ๐Ÿ™ and the incredible waste of talent on this piece of crap writing.

    I have bailed a long time ago but still sludge through it to see if there is any glimmer of hope. Maybe this one is best viewed in its entirety. I am drawing at straws seriously. I am a person who sludges through PCAP with JJH and GHS and let me tell you, I came out of that in much better shape than this current drama. With am OTP like LDG and YEH – they couldn’t even milk that?! Sigh… Oh well… Maybe next time.

  20. This writer will be on my hate list, wasting the entire cast talents. The chemistry LDG n YEH are amazing even without kiss scenes, just the look between them already sizzling and writer has to ruins it all..

  21. I don’t see why they entitled it Mirae’s Choice when the poor girls wasn’t given a choice to follow her heart. Everything else was manipulated so that she would take the path chosen by her future self, only to find out that the two of them are totally unrelated. Boy, I would have loved to see the work of the this writer’s alternate universe counterpart. Maybe that one could have written a better story.

  22. Ah, that was a good read. I feel better now.

    “We should all do that henceforth, just randomly shove rings on people’s hands” in particular got me LOLing for 5 minutes.

    Sigh, Seju and his toy car indeed. Thanks writer, for ruining his character for the final 5 episodes.

  23. Oh, by the way, in the preview, Seju backhugging Mirae while she looks miserable ——–> BARFS (โ•ฏยฐโ–กยฐ)โ•ฏ๏ธต โ”ปโ”โ”ป.

      • it’s like being happy is impossible in her book
        she’s not even that ‘happy’ when she’s with shin. once or twice, the rest are them fighting or being mopey together

    • Didn’t you notice, then, that she puts her hands on his hands which are holding her? She seems to accept him. Not passionately, but she likes him enough to consider spending her life with him.

  24. This is the first ever korean drama wherein I’m only rooting for the second lead girl’s happiness in the end. The other 3 leads annoyed me way beyond I imagined.
    P.S. #1 I’m talking about the characters not the actors/actresses themselves.
    P.S. #2 Stop pointing fingers to idol fans, it’s all the writer’s fault.

  25. the only consolation of this drama is the bts videos
    Yonghwa has awesome chemistry with YEH and HCA off screen, the three of them are so cute and playful together in the bts

    • I agree…had more fun watching the bts in fact. YH seems like a really nice guy, always smiling and cheerful. He’s grown so much since YAB, and has become an amazing actor. Happy for him.

  26. I really can’t see how the writer is going to end this mess. There are just too many things to resolve. The only way out is for ahjumma to return to the future and for everything to return the way it was. To, perhaps, the point of the accident. Which means, if this is the writer’s “open-ended” ending, we would have been watching the entire show for nothing. As for the kissing, guys, I really really doubt there’s going to be one. For most unromantic,most unfunniest rom-com of the year, nay, of history, this one wins hands-down. I feel so so sad for LDG.

  27. This is one of worst drama i watched. I hate KIM SHIN actor. Mainly because he can not act romantic. The whole script is weak in romance. That said i understand completely where this is going. KIM SHIN gona hurt NA MI RI in this universe or in billion universe even if he try everything. He try to avoid her as much. Thats what his belief is. But issue here he already signed contract (death warrant).

    I really wanted better romance between second lead and na mi ri.

    This kinda drama has no purpose. Waste of time and energy.

    Korea drama crack is romance…when u remove that ..its empty crap.

  28. LDG is useless actor for me. Even script is romance he just can’t do justice. Its bad casting. Period. Only actress selection is good and brother character is awsome. Even future na mi ri is good. Lead , second male lead is bad.

    • you bash LDG and to excuse it u say that YH is bad too lol and you wanted MR with SJ! really! if your problem with the casting why did you watch! when I don’t like a drama cast I don’t watch it in the first place!
      okay, before you throw assumption just know who they are first! LDG is a very good actor if you have seen his previous work! but cause he has been on a hiatus for so long he isn’t known to the younger crowed! his performance here gives kim shin character many layers and depth! his portrayal to this character is really good! I find it impressive that he acts this good after 5 years hiatus, if you don’t feel it not my problem but don’t bash LDG! he is way better than many actors with the crazy fans!

      YH on the other hand I find his acting has improved by leaps! as I only watched him on “you are beautiful” so I can see it! to me he improved in comparison to other idols who still sucks ๐Ÿ˜

      the problem is not the casting! the problem with the writer herself! she is the main reason that she ruined everything! second reason are YH irrational stans as they just want SJ with MR! they don’t care about the story they just want SJ/MR! I have read in soompi that this script is modified so I guess that’s why it sucked in the end! they tried to sell the drama as YH being an idol and as many wants SJ/MR so the writer tried to make this a fanservice as it might raise the ratings but ended screwing everyone!
      this story was so good in the first 6 episodes but went downhill after that!
      I don’t think actors like LDG and YEH would accept this crap if its from the beginning! they say that the original script had MiRae and Shin work out throw there problem in the end and SJ with YK find each other after time gap! but in this stupid ending we didn’t get anybody with anybody! so this is the writer fault! not the actors! so stop with the bashing!

  29. please Future Se Joo come back to the present and try hardest to make him not fall in love with Mi rae.

    i can’t stand to watch the last episode, even i can’t read this recap without throwing a tantrum *se jooo uughhh* (i love yonghwa, but i really hate the character, blame the writer to make him like that)

  30. First up, thanks for the detailed recap! It really helped with me understanding the raw version I saw. Some bits of your commentary got me laughing out loud.

    With that said, all I can say is that MAN, what is this episode ALL about?

    It is as if nothing has changed. We all knew from the previous ep that Shin was moving to a different broadcast station, that present Mirae is miserable, that future Mirae realises from the time cop about parallel universes. That Sejoo still wants to be with present Mirae no matter.

    Even if it did not turn out to be a rom com as it was slated to be, the decision to keep dragging the episodes is unnecessary and extremely tiring to watch.

    I dont like present Mirae, I dont like Sejoo’s character, and I absolutely detest future Mirae and this is the second last episode of the show.

    I dont quite care who ends up with whom anymore – tho’ judging from this ep, I think it will be a Shin-Mirae ending but yeah, who cares anymore if they do have a son or not – if he is alive or not around. And the reason I feel this way – the development of the relationship/love between Mirae and Shin was so scant/few in between. Most of the time, we just see them moping around being sad.


  31. Gah, what has she done to my Yoo Kyung. For sure, she is my favorite second female lead character ever and I became a fan of Han Chae Ah. She is too flawless.
    I gave up on the drama. Next time, I should remember not to have my hope too high or any hopes at all …

  32. Hahahaha oh, unnie ๐Ÿ™‚ I tried to look back to the beginning of this drama in hopes I could figure out what the story was going to be about, but it all seems just so convoluted, tiresome and lacking of any sense. I decided to create a plot-start of my own and go with it–the fuck with expectations! And so I ran away from that mess of past hours and quickly returned to the present episodes. Hey, at least I learned not to fuck with my own past and its awful mistakes. The trouble and precious minutes that saved me! Ironies.

    Thanks for the recap;)

  33. I agree that the character is much cliche. But i get that the thing the writer try to serve are the premis. Since i like the idea about tme machine because of problems husband i think the characters issues are not very mportant. I like the storyline, and specially Mirae’s oppa. Btw thanks for the recap ๐Ÿ™‚

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