
Arang and the Magistrate Episode 1 Recap — 29 Comments

  1. That was wonderful. Thank you for the recap.
    I enjoyed this show immensely and read recaps to see what other people thought about it. I’m glad it was as awesome an episode for you as it was for me. See ya next episode.

  2. Hi Koala Unnie this it’s the first time i leave a comment but i follow you since your My princess recaps. I agree with you I LOVE the 1st episode of Arang funny, cute, magic, interesting. I was waiting for ur recap ’cause i saw without subs.

  3. I don’t think Arang is getting full attention…
    I really liked ep 1.., never had doubt about their acting skills, but chemistry is another thing. What I saw last night looks promising and enough to push and trip SMinah couple of times. I’m huge fan of slomos it spices a little bit, but directing and shoting aren’t there sometimes.
    As for me Arang has chance to rise, but it’s goes against Idol drama…let’s see.

  4. I love Arang so far! :3 Agree with you on Faith.

    Small correction: it’s “yangban” not “yanban”. 🙂 I know I’m nitpicker! xD

  5. Thanks for this – so fast!

    I love this pairing. Now that they are acting opposite each other, I wonder why haven’t we seen them together sooner? But LJK hasn’t been in that many shows or films yet.

    LJK is playing this wryly. I love wry. Eun So has resigned himself to seeing dead people, and seems to have worked through all the possible reactions and ramifications, and come up with an acceptable strategy: Ignore them and they’ll go away. Only it’s not working. I love that.
    I am looking forward to hearing how he discovered he could see ghosts, and how he got to the point he is at with them.

    I also want to find out more about Joo Wol and his father. Usually I check out at any bad guy conversations, but I like them.

    What I hope to see less of is the three stooges. Luckily, I think these actors will rise above what will be written for them; they are funny even if their parts are filler.

    Love and hugs to the subbers! I’d be nowhere without your work. Thanks!

  6. Hey, you came out of vaca mode to our good fortune. Thanks for the recap!

    Hands down one of the best offerings of the recent kdramas this second half. These two make me giddy and the storytelling makes me warm all over. Every cast member is spot on.

    I think there is hope for her to return to being “human” since they are in this in-between world created for us.


  7. Im so excited for the second episode but really I can’t find a website where I can watch an episode with english subs, help me please.

  8. When Junki gets mad he becomes so damn hot. I wonder if he’ll ever wear his hair lose. Doubt it tho V_V. Shin Minah is so cute! Her character as of the first episode, still reminds me of Gumiho. But I’ll shall stick by this one to see her through. Haha mini So jisub got his smolder down~

    Two people from opposite worlds never get together at the end. It’s too early to prepare my heart, but with this I’m just gonna let lose, and come what may~ it really is a fun drama.

    Takes too long to be subbed tho. ~___~. I swear all viki subbers went on to work on Hana Kimi. Even my Gaksital is taking longer than usual. D= . Not that I don’t like Hana Kimi, but still. T_T.

  9. Thank you for the recap :). For now I’ll go with “Go Arang Go” I just feel like cheering for this drama till the end because it makes me feel good. It has been a while since I watch a drama that made me smile and laugh like a stupid idiot. I know its not without flaws but I’m digging it.
    I’m loving our main OTP both LJK/SM and also our twin Gods, nooner killer YSH/PJG. The chemistry is so natural and the world is so dreamy. I dont think I dislike anyone yet even the potential bad guys.

  10. I am loving it so far. LJK is hilarious!! I can’t say that I’ve gotten to into his modern dramas but absolutely love him in sageuks. He’s just too adorable. Looks still quite young in sageuk garb. SM is super cute as always. But I agree that she does have a twinge of modern feel to her. Maybe it’s cause she’s so peppy in that modern kind of way. I’m not too sure. I can’t tell the difference easily in language either. But still – I am totally enjoying it for now. It’s so breezy but good as well.

    Thanks for the recap. So happy that LJK is back and in a drama! 🙂 I personally think that the OTP has good chemistry.

  11. Thanks for the recap, Koala…I’m definetely a follower on this one. Can’t wait to see your recap on episode 2, I’ve just finished watching it (despite not understanding korean) and the ending was beyond GREAT!

    What a better way to come back than in an AWESOME drama. Way to go Lee Jun Ki!!

  12. I ♥ this drama. Even with its flaws, watching it was a delight. one indication for me that i love a kdrama is when the ending comes and i think “already?”. being able to hook me and go looking forward for the next episode is a feat that kdramas have not done for me this year since King 2 Hearts. I have mixed feelings about Faith. I also think that there isn’t much chemistry between the two leads (vs. Shin Min Ah and Lee Jun Ki). She is too shrilly, indeed. Why is she calling Min Ho “Ahjussi” anyway when she clearly looks older than he is?

  13. Thanks, Ms Koala. Definitely love at first sight and hoping not to fall out of it. Yes, this fantasy world feels real. Kudos to cast and crew.

  14. wawa, thankyou! i know that this drama wont dissapoint us. such an impressive start i hope it continues like this or even better. even more such a good rating from the start 🙂

  15. Thank you Koala for doing a recap while on vacation do enjoy the rest of your holiday!

    I watched the first episode and it was love at first sight.
    I love this drama warts and all consider me sold to the new magistrate that can see ghosts but pretends he can’t see them.

    This drama had me laughing while the God of Heaven outplayed his brother in a game of Go, cheering for Arang when she escaped the grim reaper and shaking my head when Arang told her side with the deaths of the previous magistrates.

    The chemistry between the leads are off the charts and I can’t wait to see them fall in love.

    I got my new crack drama for August and it’s Arang!

  16. I’m SO done with fantasy sageuk (as a poor excuse for bad research and incoherence) so this was a surprise win. It passed my Multi-Task Test, i.e., even though I had other stuff opened on my screens (work (sorta), news websites, facebook) I couldn’t take my eyes off the show. It made me laugh, it charmed me, it held my attention, it didn’t make me want to strangle anyone. YSH’s bad wig annoyed me much more than his nearly-not-there acting – let’s hope he’s not required to do anything very much more demanding. SMA is bringing on the adorable, and LJK is convincing while being more gorgeous than any mortal has any right to be.

  17. “But then again, aren’t the best stories filled with seemingly unsurmountable odds that make us love every moment of it.”

    ^…That is if the writer doesn’t leave us hanging. Yep, I am looking at you “Big”. You had the insurmountable odds thing going on until you didn’t resolve it satisfactorily. Hope “Arang” lives up to our expectations! Meanwhile, I’m gonna enjoy the ride. :))

  18. OH my sweet jeezy creezy, I ADORE this show. It hits all of my buttons. All of them. LOVE LOVE LOVE. And the chemistry between the leads? Out of this freaking world.

  19. thanks Ms Koala. I like this drama better than Faith. this is the first time that i want the male lead to die in the end, so my OTP can be together with the Gods.

  20. Miss K Unnie:

    This is a wonderful drama! I fell in love in the first 2 minutes!! It is awesome! The story, the characters, the “impossible” love story and all the possible twist and angst that this drama can bring are pretty amazing!!

    If I could change its name, it would be The Ghost and I! Why? Because, the story is about the ghost and how she change the lifestyle of Eun Oh!! She even makes him a Magistrate! He didn’t care for anything except, finding the truth about his mother…but suddenly, this ghost-girl; enter to his life like a storm, turning him in a hurricane of emotion…

    Arang: I wonder how she becomes the girl-ghost she is (I don’t mean the murder) what I mean is her attitude.

    Eun Oh: He was cold, selfish, self-absorb, ice-prince, platinum jacka**, who only care for himself and no one else…until Arang melt the ice…*sizzling*

    Reaper Moo Young: He seems sad, and he is freaking amazing…I wonder what is his story, why his heartbroken sadness in his face?

    Dol Seo and Shaman: make me laugh like a maniac!!

    Jade Hottie and Dr. Doom (hell emperor): make my day with their cute yet deadly bickering!

    Yoo Wol: He seems evil, cold and distant… he give me the creeps…he have this …I don’t know how to say it, “black aura” around him, that it doesn’t feel right!

    Evil Daddy: is the typical twisted evil man, who wants everything for himself, without worrying who dies in the process to victory

    Cast: 10. I can’t imagine anyone better for the characters.
    Music: 8. That Baroque music in the heaven’s scenes, is a little “off”, they can do better.
    Story: 10. It make me laugh, it make me feel intrigued and sad at the same time.

    Btw I LOVE THIS DRAMA!! And to continue with the tradition; the song says:

    “You changed my life in a moment
    And I’ll never be the same again
    You changed my life in a moment
    And it’s hard for me to understand
    With the touch of your hand in a moment in time
    All my sorrow is gone”

    Song: You Change My Life in a Moment

    Artist: Sarah Geronimo



    This song is from Eun Oh to Arang!! Mhahahha he don’t know what lies ahead…

  21. I have seen this drama back from 2010. It is very good. I could not kept my tears from flowing… Imagine how the ghost refuse to go to heaven and be reincarnated without knowing what actually happened and why she was murdered?

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