
Heirs/The Inheritors Episode 17 Recap — 23 Comments

  1. This episode was kind of boring. There was nothing much to it, except for the fact of Kim Tan hurting himself. Hopefully Thursday’s episode will bring more life to the drama!

  2. I don’t get the chairman. Tan was in US for years and he did not have a girlfriend. doubt it. School even had a korean club if that was a problem

  3. Everyone just need to team up and then they can backfire the chairman. There u go happy ending . I no , that’s so not gonna happen.

  4. OK, the only thing I liked in this episode were the YD x ES scenes. YD is the most amazing character in this drama. KT can just cry all he wants and he doesnt move me. I still dont buy the love he has for ES is so deep and painful, it seems so forced. ES and KT just have zero chemistry, but whenever she is with YD the screen melts and my heart beats faster 😛

    I hope she will chose YD over KT, that would be like AWESOME!!!

    • Second that. I had to fast forward the scenes Kim Tan cries. It’s too forced. And yes, Young Do is still the most interesting character in this drama (or is it because almost everyone else sucks, he appears much better in comparison?)

      • Young do is just WOW. He is the most sizzling actor on screen in this drama. I truly hope he and ES will be the ENDGAME.

        LMH as KT looks just like an old grandpa who has PMS.

      • @Marie – face it, the YD/ES endgame won’t happen. The lead of this drama is Lee Min-ho, and come what may, by episode 20 he’ll get the girl.

        (Young-do is in fact the more interesting character, though. And KWB has better chemistry with PSH, no matter how much LMH does the emo staring)

    • Will KT really get the girl? Not unless the writer kills off Evil Daddy first IMHO. Just look at Won and HJ, they still cannot be together after all these years, HJ is still suffering like hell. Another thought is for KT to get ES pregnant quickly to produce another Heir, then ES can be kept secretly in a big mansion just like Ki Ae… LOL… 🙂

  5. Thanks for the recap…guess all writers sooner or later lose it. I’m so disappointed and feel I’m just going along for the ride since I’ve come this far.

  6. I don’t know what to say but it was an awesome episode… maybe because I am just enjoying watching it… I can really feel KT… this is really I can say it was happened in real life… My cousin before went through more than KT did.. I don’t have the right to say what to do or what to write to the writer because since day 1 I am enjoying it… so depressing when I watching it… 🙁

  7. This is the first time l’ve so anxious to wait for Heirs’s another eps only to be disappointed by it. With just 4 eps left to cover every mess, this eps is a waste. It can be a nice eps if there is more eps still to go, but with another 3, how can everything be packed and wrapped up?

    Should the remaining eps show us something happen to chairman which involve JS and make Ki Ae give them an ass. Esther and YD’s dad matter settled, but what about her and Yoon? Bo Na and Chan Young, nice cute couple always, settled. Hyon SHin and Rachel, we can assume there’s feelings there, so settled. HJ and Won, it takes years for them, can just happy ending for both of them? Doesn’t look good about their relation, no passion like ‘l really am wanting u in my life’ sorta, not settled.

    Of course, of all, the main leads still the focus. But this ep really focus on Kim Tan’s affect and realization (shouldn’t be), the playback, the kinda of ‘l can’t live without u’ sign and hope cruel daddy understand? So childish. No chemistry written on both leads’s face. PD and writer are all wrong with their expression. It makes them need hepl from others and back. Where is the sword? Use it till the end and fight dad and get the girl. And girl, don’t just sleep when people give u pillow. Its just boring this way.

    l like YD from ep 1 for it gangster manner. l know he will turn nice, but not till this nice and make everybody want him and ES together. They just have more chemistry and with Kim Won Bin embraced her, wow, just happening. Sori KT, this ep is YD’s. Hope 3 eps to go will nicely wrap up, don’t suck like the first 10 eps, please Heirs.

    And last, ‘u can have her’, is she a toy or something? Bad written phrase!

  8. Yes…please just shove Rachel to HS’s side, and let HS forget HJ, finally.
    Pretty please? I wanted much more Won-Hyun Joo, but I will settle for a happy ending anyhow.
    At least this last stretch of Heirs is still watchable, not like the finale of “that horrible drama, which isn’t even worthy to be named.”

  9. Thanks Mz.Koala for the recap. I think I can just watch YD’s part and fast forward the rest for this episode. KWB is such an amazing actor and I hope he will take over the last three episodes along with more Bona and CY. KT can continue to be sad…. Please stay strong and independent ES – you can live a good life with your mom, you will always have YD as your black knight, CY as your best friend, and you will meet an amazing guy in the future who can make you happy.

  10. I feel bad for Lee Min Ho. I think that he’s doing a great job with what he’s got to work with but he’s written so blah with all his changes happening off screen. He is the star of Heirs but KWB is stealing all the limelight with his more charismatic character.

  11. Wow you are super speedy! Thanks just finished watching. A tad slow but still enjoying it! C’mon no more mopping around! Lets move the story forward.

  12. Who is going to save Tan and EunSeung?

    1. Won- is finally going to stand up for his brother and protect him from Monster Daddy.
    2. KiAe- cause it’d be cool if she finally tell that A-hole off and leave him in the dirt.
    3. YoungDo- if he turns out to be her brother then she is an heir and has money to make Monster Daddy happy.

  13. Thanks Miss Koala…..

    Why is all the chebol vs poor girl drama end up with the cheabol give up the girl. I thought Tan will be different, I thought he will fight for her. But just samo… samo… just like boys over flower…..

  14. Nothing ever happens.
    We learned one thing new – that HS had no idea he had a rival for HJ with Won.
    That hurt.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Most of them mirror mine, except I haven’t been enjoying it as much as you because I just keep saying, “Well that’s dumb.”LOL

    What about that WHITE coat of DESTRUCTION? It possessed Tan and made him do bad things.
    Did you notice that even after Tan trashed his room, The White Coat was still spotless even though there was blood on his hand?

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