
In A Good Way Episode 11 Recap — 28 Comments

  1. Ah the recap helps clarify a few things I didn’t understand. Thank you. I like the varying viewpoints but also that Xiao Wei realized she needs agency in her own life.

    Lin Jia En…Liu Chuan…Zhang Ren Wei…you guys are awesome

    • I liked that the friends gave Xiao Wei time and allowed her to make her own choice. I was proud she chose to fight with her friends, but either way she’s lucky to have friends like those.

  2. Just got out from class and the first thing I did was veer straight towards my computer to KP. I love Koala’s Playground, did I say that already? Hehe, thanks Ms. Koala, for another splendid recap. IAGW is such a treat that I’m salivating to savor every Friday. Ok, off to watch. LC-JE FTW!

      • I’m so addicted to this show, my family thinks I’m crazy for being so involved with a show that I don’t understand without the help of English subs LOL. I’m with you on being so, so sad after it ends. And it’s just so hard for me to like a drama, so I’ll have to go searching again after this one ends.

  3. Even though Tracy didnt participate I like how her words woke xiao wai up. U can’t go through life hiding and hoping for the best and then expect change. If U are not proactive about changing Ur life don’t expect other to do it for u. Xiao wai is truly lucky to have friends like jE who was willing to go the extra mile

  4. I am so glad Xiao Wei came around. Again, Tracy prove to be much more lovable character than expected, yay her.
    When Xiao Wei showed up, I just about cried. It’s just touching to know she has all this support and that she finally found courage because of this. Such precious friendships that I can relate to. Every girl should have a friend like Jia En.

    • I knoooow! OMG, I thought I was the only one who is totally gaga for Momo. He’s so fluffy and hyper, I love his scenes with Liu Chan. Especially because I feel like he shows a side of himself to Momo that he guards with everyone else. Plus I get this feeling that Momo ships our OTP every bit as much as we do 😉

      • Momo bit Kirsten in the BTS of this episode. Poor Kirsten, aha running to Lego and complained to him (according to her she gets Momo to bite her so tht she can sorta claim smth from Lego the papa)but Lego seems disinterested and Kirsten runs off to other male co-stars informing that Momo has bitten her.

  5. thank you so much Ms. Koala for the fast recap! you make my wait for the eng subs bearable. i love this gang so much that i wish i had my own when i was in college

  6. What a heartwarming ending, I hope that justice will come for them!

    Tracy’s words hit me. If you don’t want to fight for yourself, why would others want to help you? I don’t have friends like JiaEn and am sort of like a Xiao Wei, and that made me really think about certain situations in my life and my lack of fighting spirit. I really appreciate her character in the story. It’s sort of like the motto of learning to love yourself first, before others can love you/you can love others.

  7. Indeed, when XW showed up, I was all teary. The pivotal moment was when she heard that her brother wanted to enter Cheng Dong University, to become a better person everyday “一天比一天好的人” I guess that’s when she realized that university really wasn’t an end to itself, but a process to becoming a better and better person.

    In this episode, we see JE growing up. We see XW growing up. We see BX facing up to her difficulties without compromising on her beliefs. And the team gets stronger.

    Love the realism in this show, and already can’t wait for EP 12. All these building up will really pay off handsomely. One question though, where is the school administration??? Is there no students council in 1990s Taiwan?

  8. Thanks so much for the recap!

    I am loving this drama more and more and more! I was all teary at the scene of the Treasure Hunt gang protesting under the rain, arms-linked. This kind of friendship is what builds character and the kind of friendship that will last a life time.

    Am so happy that XW finally turned around and plucked up the courage to fight for herself. I can understand why she was avoiding trouble earlier but if she has continued on like this, she would be bullied all her life. With this big step change, she is on to discovering her own identity in life. 😀

    As for Tracy, I can’t believe how much I am loving this girl! She stood by XW in a different way vs JE, but has proven to be a voice of hard truth and wisdom and got XW to ponder what is it that she wants.

    Loving all the friendship and character building storyline, beyond the romance (which is also so heart-tingling, of course). Big applause the writers, cast and director!

    • Super awesome episode! Am glad Xiao Wei finally woke up and realized that she needed to stand up for herself! Even if the team succeeded in getting her script reviewed, she would never grow as a person if she refused to stand up and fight for herself!

      Can’t wait for episode 12!

  9. Finally sat down and watched the whole thing subbed.
    I laugh at myself saying this, but it is so much better when you understand what they are saying.

    At first I didn’t see how they could win the rest of the campus over to their side, but I like the “this could happen to you” pitch. And let’s face it, it prolly had happened or at least similarly unfair treatment.

    I cried a lot more this time watching XW walk up with her sign. YOU ARE SO BRAVE, and lucky to have all the support from her relatively new set of friends. The Treasure Hunting Club has become the best Treasure anyone could find out there off campus.

    I appreciated the little moments of adoration between LC and JE. The bond is growing stronger, and as JE gains confidence, she will not be thinking LC’s attention are unearned. As you said, they will become the power couple of the campus, with JE most likely heading into the public service sector as a career. Defense attorney maybe?

    (My heart breaks that they will be forced separate after LC’s graduation. Imagining him back in his father’s cold, lonely life hurts my heart, but with LC telling Momo he wants to spend all of JE’s days with her, they will reunite, right?)

    • I noticed that there’s an increase awareness on JE’s part when she looks at LC now. My little heart just squee whenever I see them onscreen.

  10. Thanks for the recap, as always! I always read but I don’t comment every week – I wanted to thank you for your wonderful recaps. I feel like if I comment I’ll basically be saying “I agree with everything you said” so I tend not to comment due to that sometimes.

    I also feel like we need a bit of a break from the romance so that Bai Xue can have a chance to heal and move on from Liu Chan. I love her friendship with Jia En and I would hate to see her lose it, especially since she is so lonely and has so few female friends to begin with. But Ren Wei’s looking at Jia En with new eyes is making me nervous… I would hate for BX to finally start liking him back only to realize he has feelings for JE now. That would be too horrible for poor BX.

    I think even more than the romance it’s the friendship that really gets me in this drama. What a great group of friends. I was tearing up when Xiao Wei showed up with the sign at the end.

  11. I loved the resolution of Xiao Wei’s problem – not with Professor douchebag, but with her friends. It was just so perfectly handled, and I especially liked that no one involved apologised to anyone else. In that regard Xiao Wei’s comment to Tracy summed it up – they had different perspectives, not wrong or right ones. Thanks so much for your insightful, enthusiastic recaps, all your hard work in recapping and translating the BTS’s and prviews has added so much to my love of the show. Like you, I am not looking forward to its end!

  12. As much as I love all the characters in this beautifully written drama, Tracy is still my favorite character. I don’t mind she’s not one of leading OTP or not even the second to count, but for me, she’s like Combat veteran, who’s from the beginning knows very well herself and how to deal with people and situations without making a fuss. Yes, it’s easy to ship characters that make hugh growth in front of our eyes, but for me, a female in her age, with so much confidence and wisdom is so rare that I can’t help myself other than to love her to bits.

  13. Liu Chuan is always so cool headed except when he is “talking” (well barely talking…) to his father…. He gets so emotional then. Even if his father doesn’t want to hurt LC and thinks he is doing right, he must be such an abusive father that LC would jump on every wagon of rebelion that he can find.

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